Explore the Benefits of Visceral Manipulation
Serving the Columbus, Ohio Area. 703 509-1792
Trained in Visceral Manipulation at the Barral Institute
Visceral Manipulation
Welcome to Lighten Up Therapies, where I specialize in combining Craniosacral therapy with Visceral Manipulation. The gentle and effective manual bodywork techniques, taught by the renowned Barral Institute, focuses on restoring mobility, tone, and motion to your organs and connective tissues.
Visceral Manipulation begins by assessing the greatest tension in the body through manual listening. We begin the session by placing a hand on the head as we gravitate through the body patterns toward the most important tension area. The biggest impact of Visceral bodywork is discovered through the information that our hands gather. We can become very precise through general and specific listening.
By recognizing that motion is a vital sign of life, the Barral Work facilitates healing and revitalizes your organs and surrounding tissues with specialized techniques. With a deep understanding of the body, I will help provide support for the viscera in key areas like the abdomen, pelvis, thoracic, and cranium, encompassing your core body. The approach is detailed, yet mindful and in tune with your body’s needs, using light touch and gentle techniques whenever possible.
While Visceral Manipulation offers numerous benefits, it’s important to note certain contraindications, such as acute flare-ups, abdominal aneurysm, bleeding ulcers, thrombosis, hemorrhage, and fractures. We also take precautions for individuals with diabetes, certain medications, vein dilation issues, and implanted medical devices. Rest assured, I always listen and work in harmony with your body’s intelligence to facilitate self-correction. Your health is our primary concern.
Visceral Manipulation Can Benefit:
Lower Back Pain & Sciatica
Headaches and Migraines
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Joint Pain
Digestive Disorders
Post-Surgical Dysfunction
Swallowing Dysfunctions
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Neck Pain and Whiplash
Birth Injuries
Neuralgia & Neuritis
Sprains & Traumatic Lesions
Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injuries
Find Lasting Relief and Enhance Your Body’s Healing with Visceral Manipulation
– Book Your Consultation Today!
Sharon Hartnett CST-D focuses on a foundation of Craniosacral Therapy, and includes Visceral Manipulation to bring the body back into Wellness.
Contact Sharon Hartnett, CST-D at 703-509-1792 or visit our website at:
www.craniosacraltherapistcolumbus.com for more information.
You can also learn more about Visceral Manipulation at the Barral Institute (www.barralinstitute.com) and Upledger Institute (www.upledger.com).