Usually I write about all the Great REASONS why Massage can benefit you.

Lighten Up Therapies:  Massage Columbus Ohio      740 966-5153


Massage Therapy

Today,  I am going down the other lane to explain that there are some contraindications that are useful to know regarding massage, especially if you have any type of cardiovascular disease.  While Massage Therapy is great to add into almost any healing protocol, the AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)  recommends talking with a physician first before any type of treatment with the following conditions:

  1. Heart Failure
  2. Recent Heart Surgery
  3. Thromobosis
  4. Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  5. Peripheral artery disease
  6. Severe atherosclerosis

But don’t be afraid to ask your doctor- because in most cases, massage has been known to be quite helpful after surgery, especially in lowering stress, pain reduction and anxiety.

Other contraindications to be aware of are:

  1. Fever
  2. Infections
  3. Broken bones
  4. Heavy bruising
  5. Herniation
  6. Tumors
  7. Bleeding disorders

In some cases,  I like to recommend Craniosacral Therapy as taught by the Upledger Institute, because of its more gentle approach.  These conditions might to better with light touch:

  1. Osteoporoasis
  2. Arthritis
  3. Rheumatism
  4. New scar tissue
  5. Arteriosclerosis
  6. Some autoimmune diseases
  7. Infectious disease
  8. Varicose veins
  9. Diabetes

Remember, there are different types of massage, and if you ask the right questions and have some knowledge about contraindications- you will have the knowledge to find the best work for you.   But play it safe and contacted your doctor in advance if you have any concerns.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Massage Columbus Ohio



