Back Pain Relief

Are You looking to find some Back Pain Relief?

Lumbar strain and injury can result from accidents, overuse and certain traumas.

The severity of your pain can range from mild to severe, from discomfort to muscles spasms.  Wherever you are in your process of healing, Structural Integration can help you to find longer lasting pain relief.

Back Pain Relief

Structural IntegrationRelieving Back Pain


Want to find more freedom and grace in your step? It’s smart to investigate finding a way to correct your posture in order to live in more ease in movement.  A healthy spine and relaxed surrounding soft tissues will help you to feel happier and healthier all the way round.  

Structural Integration in particular is a method of bodywork that aims to restore balance, increase energy,  and improve flexibility.  If you are experiencing  extreme pain, usually the fascia, musculature and ligaments are overly short or overly-extended. Structural Integration is comprised of a ten series of treatments that work on the fascial web that spans the whole body from superficial layers to the deeper containers holding the viscera, skeletal systems and other internal structures.  Through the touch and treatment by the practitioner, neurologic receptors fire and the fascia shifts into a gel-sol transformation.  What this means to clients is better and softer functional movement.  The connection and release of fascial adhesions also relieves the musculature to relax back into its natural form. Fibroblast repair allows for better circulation and fluid exchange. 


If your back is in severe pain now,  speaking to your physicians office would be helpful to see if you need to go in for a visit.  If they advise you to stay home, it is helpful to ice your back immediately after an incident, apply some compression and get some rest.  Massage therapy can be very helpful if  it is a soft tissue injury.

If your back issues feel more chronically uncomfortable, finding a healing plan would be the best bet.  Usually chronic softer pain is an indicator that muscles and approximate tissues are overly short, tense and overstretched.   From a holistic perspective, rotations and twists in one part of the body could be causing misalignments throughout the rest of the body.  Finding a massage therapist who knows how to work with fascia would be a great bet to helping you to find your line and more comfort in day to day movement.  For each session of Structural Integration, a certain recipe of techniques is applied with a uniquely tailored experience to bring you back to center.  When the whole body is addressed holistically each week, the body begins to relate to itself in a more healthy way.   Each session is built on the foundational ones behind it to help you to find the freedom and movement you long to feel.  Look up Structural Integration Therapists in you area.   Write down your questions and make sure they are addressed in a phone interview.  If there are no SI therapist near you, research myofascial and Craniosacral Therapists (upledger).  They can also focus on unwinding painful patterns and restoring health and wellness in your tissues.  If your skeletal structure feels out, you may want to find a reputable chiropractor to make adjustments after the soft tissue restoration.


For more information, call Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio


Does Massage Alleviate Depression Symptoms?

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn’t worth living.

More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn’t a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply “snap out” of. Depression may require long-term treatment. But don’t get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychological counseling or both. Other treatments also may help.

This is how it is defined by the Mayo Clinic with the Link right here:     Mayo Clinic


massage helps create positive change.

So what are some of the “other” treatments that may support wellness?

Here is a link to the position held by the American Massage Therapy Association:

AMTA Consumer Survey Facts

More Americans are incorporating massage therapy into their regular health and wellness regimens to assist with medical conditions:
• 88% of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness

• 88% of individuals believe that massage can be effective in reducing pain
• 75% of consumers surveyed claim that their primary reason for receiving a massage was medical (43%) or stress (32%) related

• 53% of people say their doctor has recommended they get a massage

In recent studies, Massage, which includes touching and working with the soft tissues of the body, has been shown to reduce stress and also take the edge off of depression.  These effects are due primarily to the parasympathetic and hormonal levels shifting to reduce stress and anxiety.   While massage and bodywork does not cure depression, these changes do help clients to better cope in day to day life. 
For people who are feeling alone and disconnected from life,  reaching out and finding the right type of therapy may be helpful for you.  Intimate  massage touch and skill can help you feel rejuvenated and more open to life.  
Clients often leave their massage sessions feeling happier and more relaxed.
At Lighten Up Therapies in Columbus, Ohio,  we offer three main modalities of bodywork:
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Structural Integration
  • Reiki and Brennan Healing Science

Each of these techniques holds the client in confidentiality, sacred listening, and with an intention to help you to reconnect to your health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions,

please contact:  Sharon Hartnett LMT 740 966-5153

Cranial Massage, Craniosacral Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, What is is Called?

How do you find a Craniosacral Therapist in Ohio?

Well first you might have to try and figure out how to spell it correctly.  Craniosacral Therapy is now becoming more well known and widespread, but many people haven’t used this term much until recently with the growing education during the last few years.  So if you don’t know how to spell it, just do your best, and most likely, you’ll find a practitioner near you! Maybe that is how you found this page.

Who might benefit from working with a Craniosacral Therapist?

  • Looking for a a relief from tension, pain and compression?
  • If you are longing for a holistic approach to healing through the mind, body and spirit connection.
  • A desire to strengthen your alignment and create a healthier lifestyle full of balance and vitality

Craniosacral Therapy provides benefits for the following conditions:

  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Chronic Neck and Back Pain
  • Autism
  • Stress and Tension-Related Disorders
  • Motor-Coordination Impairments
  • Infant and Childhood Disorders
  • Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • TMJ Syndrome
  • Scoliosis
  • Central Nervous System Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Orthopedic Problems
  • And Many Other Conditions
Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Massage?

Because Craniosacral is a light touch massage therapy, it’s gentleness can be used to help almost every person from babies… to seniors.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(740) 966-5153

Craniosacral for Migraines? By Sharon Hartnett

Over 25 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches.

How do these people function in their daily lives with debilitating pain?  What happens in their jobs, their home lives and their social lives?

It’s a Challenge!

Migraines can feel like throbbing pain.  People often express a sensitivity to light, sounds and other stimuli. They can experience auras and feel numbness in the body.  They can become nauseous and unable to do much of anything.

So what can help relieve Migraine Headaches?

Current research has found that dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the brain is the main culprit in causing migraine headaches and reactions.  Also, women can experience migraines after the onset of her first menstruation with its fluctuations of hormones.  Doctors have not been able to find a sure cure for migraines, but they have come up with an integrative approach to treat and diminish symptoms.  Some of the things you can do:

  • Keep a journal of foods and other triggers when the migraine comes on.

  • Share information with your physician.

  • Medications may helpful before and after.

  • Preventative herbs have been found to reduce occurrences.  Speak with a professional.

  • Complementary service such as Craniosacral Therapy, Acupuncture or hypnotherapy.

  • Aromatherapy

  • Lifestyle Changes

  • Finding ways to quiet stress such as mediation.

Craniosacral Migraine Columbus

migraine relief

A Craniosacral Approach to Migraines

While migraines are still somewhat puzzling to the medical community, the Craniosacral approach has found some success, especially when used in combination with the above.  The reason why Craniosacral can be helpful is because it is focused on the brain, spine  and surrounding membranes.  The intention is to reduce stress and to relieve any nerve compression or break in nerve conductivity found along the spine and the brain.  The Craniosacral Therapist monitors the cerebrospinal fluid movements and takes corrective measure to help the body to self- adjust in a gentle and balanced manner.  While there are no boney adjustments, when symmetry and amplitude are improved in movement occurs, it is possible too that nerves and blood vessels can be released from restrictive patterns. Flow and internal dialogue can shift things dramatically.

Because there is no sure cure for migraines,  it is best to go on a journey of self-discovery of what works best for you.  With the Craniosacral work, it could take one to ten sessions to find if this is the treatment for you.  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus, Ohio

(614) 372-6598

or read the following link from the Mayo Clinic:

Mayo Clinic

Suffering? Change Your Belief. Sharon Hartnett

In the dictionary: Suffering noun

hardship, distress, misery, wretchedness, adversity, tribulation; pain, agony, anguish, trauma, torment, torture, hurt, affliction, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow, grief, woe, angst, heartache, heartbreak, stress; literary dolor.

Does suffering have to be part of the human experience?

Suffering? So Stop!

Relieve Your Suffering

Yes,  you can stop suffering by taking charge of your life.

Depending how identified you are with your belief system will determine how you unravel from the dream of “oughts, shoulds, woulds” and anything that takes you out of the moment.

Suffering is a condition.  It is a learned habit.  It is a thought that things should not be as they are.  Once the present moment is denied, the energy of feelings and sensations follow and support the untrue images that cause misery.

For people who are suffering, it is not always a very clear vision on how to exit the dream of anguish.

If they could erase their stressful thinking, they would awaken to reality which is quite a different thing.  The question is how does one stop believing what the brain tells us is true?

One of the best ways to face and challenge your beliefs is to do “The Work” by Byron Katie.  She invites people to inquire in a very clear and direct way when caught in any type of suffering.  Her work can be found on, .   The four questions that make a real difference are: 

The Four Questions

  1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)

  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true? (Yes or no.)

  3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

  4. Who would you be without the thought?

Then one turns the questions around.  You can find worksheets, and all different type of information to get you going on the path to freedom for free by check out her site.

We live moment to moment here as human beings.  Making a commitment can make it easier to make “inquiry” a daily practice.  Start writing down the thoughts that are bringing you stress.  Ask the questions.  Sit with your experience.  Observe the moment.  Bring these intentions into unity and see what happens.

There are other ways to awaken out of suffering.  Check into Eckhart Tolle at:

or Adyashanti:

You are not alone.  There are teachers and friends who are finding ways to relieve the suffering that exists in this world.  


Sharon Hartnett LMT 

Healing in Columbus, Ohio

740 966-5153