Massage Johnstown Ohio

Looking for:  Massage Johnstown, Ohio?  

Call: Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST  740 966-5153

I have been living in Johnstown, Ohio for about two and a half years.  In this time,  I haven’t seen too many other massage therapists working nearby.  So about a year ago, I decided to open my practice up to my community where I live.  I am really enjoying connecting with my neighbors and being able to help out!

My background is in Deep Tissue Massage, Structural Integration Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Essential Oils, and working with people with trauma.   Most of the clients that come to my office complain of chronic back pain, and neck pain, TMJ, Fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and arthritis.  I also like to work with athletes to help enhance their sports performance.

sports massage johnstown

massage johnstown ohio


At Lighten Up Therapies, my goal is to help you to relieve stress and pain, increase circulation and lymph flow, and to help you find better ease in rest and movement.  It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself!

I also like to stay current with other integrative therapists nearby.  My favorites at the moment are:

Dr. Matt Sutton   Local Chiropractor


Dr. Doug Maxeiner New Albany Chiropractor

Both have very unique styles but are very professional and are successful with great results!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST

Massage Johnstown Ohio

740 966-5153



Fibromyalgia Helped by Sleep

One of the most difficult symptoms of fibromyalgia is lack of sleep.  Clients I see often share complaints of insomnia and not feeling rested in the morning.

Are you one of these people disturbed by pain during the night?


insomnia with fibromyalgia

Often frequent brain arousal interrupts the restorative properties of sleep with Fibromyalgia. So the best thing you can do is make yourself comfortable and as stress free as possible before going to sleep.

Some of the things you can do to set up an easier night are:

  • Meditation
  • Take a Warm Bath
  • Stop Using Electronics a few hours before bedtime.
  • Keep the Room Dark
  • Make Sure Your Room is Quiet
  • Keep the room on the cooler side, but the temperature should be comfortable.

One of the things that I like to introduce is Craniosacral Therapy (CST) to people who experience the challenges of Fibromyalgia symptoms.  Often when I have clients on the table, they find themselves so relaxed that I often hear a bit of snoring.  The Central Nervous System is able to come into better balanced as the tissues surrounding the brain and the spinal cord relax. Clients who experience CST have also told me that they tend to sleep better at night.  Their bodies recuperate and they feel fresher for the next day.  If you are suffering from fibromyalgia and hoping to find a deeper night’s rest, why not try a few sessions of Craniosacral Therapy to see if it can help you?

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, BHSP

740 966-5153

Lighten Up Therapies in Columbus, Ohio