It’s time to shine Your Inner Light

There are Inner Light  moments in every person’s life that bring an “Ah ha” experience.  Personal Transformation is a gift that is brought to each of us whether we feel ready or not.  Inner Light is always present, waiting until we can accept our True Selves.

When these new awarenesses come to us, we have a choice.  Do we like the familiarity of where we are now in our lives, or are we ready to expand and grow in wisdom and in heart?  If you feel ready to embark into fulfilling your real potential, read on.  These are 7 ideas which can help you navigate your journey:

  • The Hero’s Journey is not for the feint of heart.  Yet it is available for you by committing to know your Authentic Self, and your purpose to be here.  Usually something spurs you into change.  It is often a deep life challenge. In any case, it will take courage and an intention to be self-aware and self-accountable for what you believe, how you feel, and how you act.  Acknowledging this is the beginning.
  • Fear may be waiting at your door.  The sooner that you realize that fear is not the enemy, the doubts will melt away. Fear is a physiological experience in the body.  It is set for survival.  When you start down this path, you will be breaking through old boundaries to move deeper and farther. Allow your fear to guide you into trusting your Higher Self.
  • Teachers will appear.  A teacher can be anything really. It can be a person, a tree, your dog, or even spiritual beings.  Life is full of teachers.  However, there will be guidance that will light the path ahead if you pay attention.
  • Where I went to school and eventually taught, at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing  the next step which was taught was dropping down into the belly of the beast.  What this meant to me was discovering my shadows and my deepest fears and regrets.  Often it is a serious event in your life that feels difficult.  For people, this is natural time to build strength and spiritual context to help us navigate in life and live through positive intention. You and all human beings must face things that we don’t want to face in order to grow.  Can you see this as an opportunity?
  • When you connect to your Core Essence, everything you need will appear.  This doesn’t mean to make life easier, but it does give you the internal resources to transform and become more deeply enlightened.
  • Next, the wave of integration comes and enlivens your cells and your sense of Being.  Your Inner Light shines brighter.
  • Finally you will feel full and connected in ways you never imagined.  Life will become more easy to navigate as you feel more embodied and anchored into your Being.

Right now the earth and all human beings are being called to raise to the next level of enlightenment.  Each of us is unique, but the journey is similar in its construction.  I write this so that you realize that you are not alone when the mystery knocks on your door.  I want to remind your journey is your own, yet will make a huge impact on the rest of us as you strengthen the lines of interconnection of life.

Prayers to all of us and those who who do not choose to move toward the Inner Light. But what a great opportunity for us as people to experience life with transformation and transcendence.  Peace be with you.

Book Recommendation for your journey:  Hands of Light

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

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