Healing is All about the Potential


Experience Potential from A Craniosacral Therapist Perspective.

Our bodies are individual physical containers.  They are also miraculous living skins with dynamic occurences happening inside of us all the time.

What we are made out of is beyond comprehension really.When we look at the human body, quite often we look from an antiquated view, believing that we are a body of individual parts. In fact, we are living organisms where everything is interconnected and alive with the processes of life. All of our cells, tissues and organs and fluids are inter-dependent for our well being.

Sometimes people come into a Craniosacral Session wanting to know why something happened, or explain their histories, hoping to find the answer. The problem is that the answer is not something we “know” or else it would be done. Because we would all naturally want to be healthy. Right?

Instead the whole is really not completely understood. In fact it is changing from moment to moment. The “parts” are shifting and the container is too. There is a certain mystery which plays its part within all of us. When we can mindfully touch into our core potential though, all kinds of miracles can happen. Everything is touched and changed in an instant.

This potential for healing is found by mutually waking up to awareness.  The sense of “I” and the Unknown make acquaintence and swim through the currents together until they reach shore.  This really isn’t something we can make happen.  It’s instead a question of all the possibilities in life.  Life brings you back into Wholeness.

I have found, that when people come to see me in a vulnerable position, they are often willing to open up to their Inner Potential to see what else is avialable. An open mind is a great place to live in.  This Potential can be physical, emotional, a belief system, heart connection, or spiritual.  

As systems meld and blend, they come together in mutual satisfaction and unity.  When inner resources find each other, something wakes up deep inside.   The little nudge can initiate great change in a person’s inner environment. One of my main hopes in life is that we all self-realize that we are meant to come together on so many levels of living.

This may sound abstract, maybe it is.  But from what I have witnessed, healing comes from two places really:

1.  Grace

2. The ability to enfold into the dynamic change potential of who we are. The more we discover our authentic self through curiosity, witnessing and our experience, the more empowered and wise become.  Throw in a little compassion, and the path becomes more clear, and more easy.

I have also noticed that when we begin to listen.  Truly listen to the early signs, the easier it is to move through our challenges.

The question of “Why” Doesn’t really move us anywhere. Instead, when we fall down in life, dive  it’s helpful to dive into our own potential.  You may need others to help you.  Most likely you will at times, but the “light” , whatever you need on a soul level, is right there, a living potential.  Waiting.  Reconnection is so vital.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333. Worthington, Ohio 43031



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