
Human Mutual Connection

Connection is so important. You know that you were never meant to be alone, right?  Not in your life. With close to 8 billion people on the planet, there are too many of us to ignore or to be totally isolated unless very difficult circumstances lock you up.

Isolation though can feel brutal.  When you feel cut off from resources,  that can feel painful.  Right?

There are an estimated 4 million teenagers who are depressed. 280 million people across the globe. People who feel this way don’t usually feel supported and nurtured in their relationships. We have to start considering how this can be when we are surrounded by so many beautiful humans and such a grand planet.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Energy Healer for close to 30 years, I have seen many people who are full of anxiety, depressed and really struggling.  As a manual bodyworker, it’s not my job to be a psychotherapist. Although I have a 2 year Hakomi Training background (body centered psychotherapy), Somato Emotional Release training and Trauma Training.  With all the people I have met, my education and experience has taught me how to listen and support a person when feelings come into a session.  It’s clear to me that we have to make more of an effort to help each other feel, “in connection”.

It is vital that we feel connected to ourselves first, and then also to others.  We are part of an interconnected web of life.  Nothing escapes us, and we don’t escape life- even when we try.

So to feel connected, we have to bring our awareness to ourselves. It behooves us to question and discover,  “Who Am I”?.  Next we have to ask how to connect to our deeper resources and qualities.  Breathe into our cells and wake up the Inner Wisdom.  Thereafter, as we discover what’s inside, we can begin to take new actions to build connections that are meaninful.  Facilitaton with an experienced guide is very helpful.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I do this by helping people connect most often internally through the Craniosacral System. This is so nourishing to the nervous system.  Quite often people deeply relax and feel more whole and full.

Usually people tell me that this therapy helps them. Whether they are quiet during a session or when they talk- this works help them to form healthier relatioships in many areas of their lives.  When they find and anchor into their deepest calm and they feel free to process through manual bodywork, great shifts can happen.

I love doing Craniosacral Therapy Work.  It’s the way I help in the world. Also, I want to encourage others to make fresh efforts to make a connection with someone new.  Especially if that person is always alone or needs help.  We all need each other really.  What a great difference we can make on this planet if we cared a little bit more and made a postitive heart centered effort.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43031


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