Feeling Better with Craniosacral Therapy

Feeling Better with Craniosacral Therapy

A question that invariably comes up at the end of each session is, “How long will it be until I am feeling better?”

That is a fair question.  People want to be feeling better.  They want to know what kind of investment they need to make in themselves in regard to time and money.  I have been a Massage Therapist for about 20 years, and have been doing Craniosacral Therapy (CST) for about 15 years.  And to be honest,  I have to say, that if you have been in pain or suffering for years, it is possible to have a miracle with CST.  I have seen huge changes in people, especially after multi-hand intensives.  I have seen people in extreme pain get up off the table even after one session, so happy to be feeling better.  But in actuality, it usually took years to fall into unhealthy stress patterns, and it usually takes multiple sessions to get better.

Feeling Better

Feeling Better

An honest Craniosacral Therapist, or any good therapist for that manner- will never make you promises about your health.  Why?  Because thee is an Inner Intelligence in Your Body Mind that knows how to heal.  And that is the way back to health.  The rest of us therapists, are facilitators with tools in our bag, that can help with the process.  But ultimately- it is up to you whether you heal or not.

Where does healing come from? Sometimes, we just heal by the grace of God.  Our bodies, when healthy, can repair quite easily.  So f we have enough internal resources, our body takes care of us really well. However, if we have chronically ignored our body signals, or have deep stress or have been in an accident-  plan to make a commitment to your health and receiving the care that you need.  Only you can make this decision to do whatever is needed to find yourself back in health.

With Craniosacral Therapy, our focus is to listen to that intelligence that is running through your body systems, especially the Central Nervous System.  This includes the brain, the spinal cord and nerves throughout the body..  The Craniosacral Rhythm which results by the creation and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid shows us where there is health and where there are restrictions in the body that keep us from optimal wellbeing.  With a very light touch, a cranosacral therapist can help the body to self-correct.   Because the touch is so gentle, the body does not defend against the support and nourishment.

Every person deserves to feel good in his/her body, the heart, and in spirit.  And there is an innate wisdom that we each have been blessed with that can help.  But it does often take time and numerous sessions if you are not well.   I am being honest and promising nothing.  But what I can say, is that the body is a doorway to healing on so many levels.  And Craniosacral Therapy can be a wonderful way to set sail.  You can benefit best by making the decision to commit to your healing journey with a Professional.

If you have any questions, please look up:  www.upledger.com

Here is to You ” Feeling Better”.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Practitioner



703 509-1792

Serving the Columbus Area

Craniosacral Therapy Upledger

Craniosacral Therapy Upledger

What is Craniosacral Therapy Upledger Style?

Massage Therapy is beneficial to overall health and wellbeing.  In fact, the AMTA says that most clients come in due to medical reasons.  Some of the advantages of typical massage are: it generally reduces many different types of pain, increases circulation, reduces muscle tension just to name a few ways it can help.  Craniosacral Therapy Upledger Style is a specific type of massage therapy that is quite different than what you are probably used to.  The techniques and intention are not so much a flowing type of effleurage motion that glides over the skin, but rather, a listening type of interaction between therapist and client.

Dr. John Upledger, Co-Founder of the Upledger Institute based his Craniosacral Therapy on working with the “Inner Physician”.  He believed and experienced over and over again, the body’s own ability to heal through self-discovery and with Craniosacral techniques. Having a career as an osteopathic physician, he decided to teach as many people as possible the fine art of Craniosacral Therapy with its gentle and profound touch.  Through his research and Intensive Therapy Programs, he found great positive healing changes of many patients who could not find the same help elsewhere.  As a result, the Upledger Institute has grown and reached its arms across the world.

Craniosacral Therapy Upledger

Dr. John Upledger


Being a student and a Diplomate level Craniosacral Therapist under the Upledger teachings, I can say, that many of my clients have also experienced deep healing on many levels.   The best successes I have seen are in reducing pain, correcting postural imbalances, healing concussions, fibromyalgia, and with decreasing stress.  In most cases, my clients have become more self aware, and more stable emotionally too, especially with the SomatoEmotional Release Work.  The reason why this is so  is that the Central Nervous system is addressed in such a way that people can find more of their center.  For example, if some one is highly stressed, often they will calm down.  If someone is lethargic, their energy can pick up, especially when pain restrictions in the fascia are relieved.  After all, it takes energy to keep pain going!  And when the brain and the spine have clearer and easier communication, one finds better functioning.

Craniosacral Therapy Upledger focuses on working with the craniosacral rhythm.  You might wonder, how we therapists do this in a session?  Well, basically the cerebrospinal fluid is created in the brain, and it flows through mostly the subarachnoid space around the brain and the spine.  It creates a flexion and extension movement that can be felt anywhere on the body.  We lightly place our hands at certain listen stations to get an idea where there is optimal functioning or where there are restrictions.  As we continue to follow what the rhythm and tissues show us, the body starts to let go with the techniques that are being used.  Dysfunctional patterns release, allowing each cell, tissue, organ and such to work most efficiently.  What is really cool about this, is that the body has its own inner wisdom.  It can lead the therapist to support it to find what most needs to be healed, exactly as it needs to heal.

Most sessions are about one hour long.  But Intensive Therapy Sessions can be extremely helpful when possible.  I have been at 5 day intensives and seen miraculous results.  Especially with multi-hand work.  The sessions are done with clients fully clothed. The therapist may be quiet, but if something significant shows up, there may be a conversation.  This type of conversation is not like psychotherapy, but rather a session where the Craniosacral Therapist helps you to find your own answers, whether physically, emotionally or at different levels of consciousness.

Craniosacral Therapy Upledger Style can help just about anyone feel better.  But it can truly help many people who have not found help in the traditional way, especially around head traumas, postural balance, and for pain relief..  If clients have long-standing issues, it does take time to heal.  The body likes to heal. And it is quite possible it will if given the change to self-correct.   Often people will feel some really good results after about three session.  What I like to tell my clients, is that I will give you a brief explanation of what I found.   However, the Inner Intelligence within is what does the job you are looking for.

If you want to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy Upledger Style, check out the Upledger Page!

703 509-1792


Serving the Columbus, Ohio Area.



Craniosacral Therapy Session

Craniosacral Therapy Session

What will you feel during a Craniosacral Therapy Session?

Well, that really depends on the person.   Because each person has a different sense of awareness of his or her body.  In most cases, where people do mindfulness practice, yoga, some athletes, or massage often,  they tend to have more of an idea of the subtle movements and structure of their bodies.  But many people, don’t think to listen to their bodies honestly.  This is probably  just a cultural thing.  In the US, it has not been a common practice to meditate and close our eyes with awareness to what is happening to us in a sensory proactive way.  That is just the way it has been until more recently.

Craniosacral Therapy Session

Craniosacral Therapy Session

In the last few decades, there  have been more Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine training, and teaching lay people and other healthcare practitioners gentle ways to approach and listen to the body’s own inner healing abilities.  Fortunately, one of them, a Dr. John Upledger  decided that he wanted to get the very helpful and healing modality of Craniosacral Therapy (CST)  out to as many people as possible.  As such,  there has been a big influence in promoting massage therapists to use what I consider to be a more mindful CST approach.  Because when A Craniosacral Therapist listens to the body,  we attune to the body’s intelligence response with a very light touch.  With that, we also use intention and techniques that are able to bypass the body’s own defense system.   Thus allowing us to have a conversation with the fundamental wisdom of the body.  This is very different than effleurage, deep tissue, or swedish.  And believe it or not the effects go deep and create long term healing.  That is all because the body knows what to do, it just needs gentle support and encouragement.

In your Craniosacral Therapy Session, you will be fully clothed.  And you will most likely feel held. Most clients gradually notice quiet changes going on throughout the body.  Fascial restrictions will let go, and the energy flows better, circulation improves, and the Central Nervous System balances out.  Often people who are high strung will start to relax.  Many of my clients fall sleep.  On the flip side, people who are lethargic or low energy, do the opposite- and pick up energy. Initially, most people feel more when they get the work done closer to the neck and the head, mainly because that is where their awareness is often.  But it is also possible to feel the craniosacral rhythm in the feet as well. Over continual sessions, many people gain more insights into how their whole body works.  That sense of body amnesia disappears. With awareness comes self-empowerment and the ability to make healthy choices.   In the whole picture, clients feel more vital, alive, and pain free.

Sessions usually last between 45 -60 minutes on the table.  But there are also 5 day intensives with organizations like Integrative Intentions.   That group travels around the world and uses multiple hands on therapy with clients.  I have been a primary therapist at these and have seen miraculous changes and shifts occur.  Having a few therapists working on a client with others in a large room all day is quite transformational.

Craniosacral Therapy Sessions are for pretty much everyone.  There are a few patients with contraindications who should talk to their physicians if they have medical issues.

If you have any questions, please call for a free 10 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, LMT, SI

703 509-1792




What is Energy Healing?  Here are 5 tips to start learning.

What is Energy Healing? Here are 5 tips to start learning.

If you are reading this, you are probably curious about Energy Healing.

And what I’d ask you is,  “What is your own particular experience?”  Because Energy Healing is an Experiential that is unique to each person.

A subtle feeling of vibration in the air?  Or a touch that infused you with what feels like energy healing?  Have you seen auras that are colors or fields of energy?  Or perhaps felt an energy in the room without seeing anyone or anything?

Energy Healing

Energy Healing


Most of us have experience these things, especially as children.  After all, the world is made of energy.  In Quantum Physics it is known that nothing is actually solid, but rather energy.  Physical atoms are made of of vortices of energy that are spinning.  We are each made with our own unique blueprint that contains structure but also flow.   When we are young, our senses are open, and we perceive all types of things.  Including living energy for many.  But as we get older, we are told how to think and identify things.  Our brains become wired to live in a world where we can feel most connected, and where we speak the same language.  But there is a Universal language that goes beyond the words we use.  And in that-everything is interconnected and alive.

Anyone who is interested can bring awareness to Energy Healing.  But it takes an open mind.  The most important skill for this is to listen with a curious mind, to feel with mindfulness something new.   A few things one might try are:

  1. Look around trees.  They have so much light that emanate from them.  Soften your gaze.  Listen.  Or if you are more of the type of person who senses things physically- feel the tree.  Trees always share their energy.  Maybe that’s why there are so many tree huggers!
  2. If you have a friend who is open, have them stand in one place.  Put your hands in front of you, and while you walk toward him/her, just feel.  Stay open, and bring awareness to your internal process.  There are different levels of energy consciousness in the human energy field.  You will learn to feel different things the closer or farther you go.
  3. Ask you guardian angel or spirit guides to dialogue with you.  When your Higher Self is ready to ask from the heart, these beings of Light are always at hand.
  4. Study Quantum Science.  If you are an intellect, read and explore.
  5. Take Classes.  There are schools like, “The Barbara Brennan School of Healing“, classes in Reiki, Seraphim Blueprint etc… that will teach you the tools you need to become more self-aware.

Working with Energy is amazing.  When one is ready to meet and adventure in new consciousness, they can’t help but to be changed by new experience.  Most people I know who have a taste of spirituality this way, follow the path. Why? The mind is freer and the heart more joyful when it opens up to the Divine. Because there is truth in opening up to God and the openness of Unity, Love, and Peace. Once we know this, we feel renewed.

If you have any questions,  please look at Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light”.

Or call if you are interested in a Energy Healing.

Sharon Hartnett  703 509-1792




Upledger Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

Upledger Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

Looking for an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist in Columbus Ohio?

Well, you have come to the best place.  I love Craniosacral Therapy.  And I love to talk about it.

To begin with, education is key when you are looking for a manual therapist to support you.  Why?  Because your time is important, and so is how you spend your money.  And my hope is that you find the best Upledger Craniosacral Therapist to take you on a journey of healing into wellbeing.

Upledger Craniosacral Therapist

Upledger Certified

I took my first class from the Upledger Institute in 2002.   Since then I have been drawn to learning everything I can in regards to Craniosacral Therapy.  And I am so grateful that Dr. John Upledger moved from Michigan to Florida one day many years ago to open up the Upledger Institute.  At that time, he decided to take his medical background and shared an innovate approach for hands on work that could be used by Massage Therapists, physicians, dentists,  bodyworkers of all types of people, including lay people.  The amount of therapists who attend classes at the school continues to grow, and expand around the globe.  My opinion of why this so is the quality found in the integrity of the work, and the profound results that often occur.  When a therapist is well trained through the Upledger Institute, and has much experience, they will tell you that they have seen incredible things happen.  People who could once not find any helpful treatment heal.  They grow and begin to look forward to life in a whole new way.

The techniques are also very gentle.  Sometimes clients wonder at first if such a soft touch can do anything.  Sometimes, with new clients, they don’t feel very much at the beginning.  Because they are not tuned in to listening and feeling the subtle changes that occur.  But the more time they give to receiving treatment, they always notice that they are feeling better.  They may not be able to say that one stroke which may be found in a deep tissue massage was the shift, but they know that when they wake up everyday that their body feels better, and that their outlook is clearer and more upbeat.   I can tell you why I think gentle work generates so much great change:

  1. The touch is light, so that the body does not fight against the touch.
  2. The Upledger Craniosacral Therapist is trained to listen to your Inner Wisdom, and allow that to run the session.
  3. Trust-  while Craniosacral Therapy can support SomatoEmotional Work, an experienced Therapist will never tell you what to do, what to think or how to feel.  We are trained to support your process to be organic and heard from a neutral place.
  4. For those of us who train up to the Diplomate Level, we are tested thoroughly on our knowledge and our practice.  We have learned our anatomy, how to deepen our presence, and how to be available with techniques for our clients.  Our tool box is at your disposal.
  5. There is something magical on so many levels between the gentle interchange between an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist and client.  There are no words, just a loving and healing conversation that expands and heals.

I could go on an on.  But if you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, and would like to find out more, please call me for a free 10 minute phone consultation.  I would love to hear from you and see if we are a good match.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, LMT, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Graduate, SPI Level 1

703 509 1792



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