Getting Ready for my Fourth Training in Coaching with Equine Therapy
It’s been an exciting journey learning how to work as a Coach for people interested in learning leadership skills by sharing space with horses. At the Spirit of Leadership program, I have had the opportunity to find new ways to help shape my program that will be starting in Columbus Ohio in the summer of 2014 to support people wanting to move in the direction of self-discovery, deepening into healthier relationships, walking a spiritual path and wanting to integrate all of this into their daily lives. By experiencing and observing the “way of the horse”, we can be taught so much on how to embody our strengths and live by our values in a meaningful way.
In our last module we set up an obstacle course with the intention of finding a way to move through our own personal and group blocks in order to release whatever stood in our way. Each group set up their unique configuration and we all worked together to find a way to creatively use all of our qualities and efforts to transverse what was set in front of us. It was fun, spontaneous, and effortless when we dropped our judgments and learned to move together as a cohesive unit. Not only did we grow in our human relationships, but the wisdom of the horses mirrored back to us where we needed to go to make our objectives become real. We were able to gain insight in our minds, as well as with a full body inter-related sense of the movement.
As a licensed Massage Therapist, a dedicated healer facilitator and educator, and a Hakomi Practitioner, it has been wonderful to bring the aspect of Nature and Horses into the Healership. I have found that by working with either one horse or many, that a certain magic takes place in how healing information is brought into our full bodied consciousness. Nothing brings me more pleasure than to be in service to the evolution of each person, sentient being and every aspect of Nature. It is with the Sacred movement between earth and spirit that we find truth and meaning in our lives.
I am looking forward to the next summer to coach with some of the Tellington Touch work I have learned, and in helping individuals, and groups to trust and grow from the deeper intelligence of life through contact with the horses and their herd.
Judgement often keeps us from opening our hearts fully and compassionately.
How can we rediscover our inner joy and happiness?
Resourcing the wisdom of horses can reflect back the pure essence of “allowing”. Working with our equine friends gives us an opportunity to think more freely and reflect on our habitual thinking patterns and behaviors with more clarity and compassion. Moving beyond words, and tasting life from an equine perspective often gives us insight into the constant flow of life. When we interact with horses and nature, it is much easier to trust what is real and to allow the way of the Sacred.
Open the doorway to Nature. Let the horses lead the way, if only for a day.
Horses… Equine Therapy is becoming more popular in Columbus, Ohio
Following a Dream for a Grassroots movement toward personal and community growth and healing…
Opening Your heart and minds through inter-species communications.
For many years, I had a dream to move somewhere where there was land, open sky, green grass and a change of seasons. My husband and I looked up and down the east coast from Florida to Maine, and then considered going westward to our old stomping grounds near Denver. So we were very surprised when we discovered a nice little farm right outside of Columbus, Ohio that called to our hearts. This farm was very close to where I attended the Ohio State University, and only a few hours away from where we were born. As soon as we situated ourselves, and with horses already on the land, I started to realize how happy I felt in their presence. Whether with one horse at a time or walking within the herd, my heart began to open and I felt great. My appreciate for nature and all that it has been teaching me here on the farm is constantly bringing me more depth and growth on so many different levels.
So here I am, enjoying the early morning light pouring in and feeling at home with the tractor out in the fields and the gorgeous maple and walnut trees outside my windows. I am excited to spend part of this Sunday focusing on creating my new Integrative Equine Therapy Business that is being developed one step at a time. For the last 6 months, I have been researching Equine Therapy and have been thrilled to see that there has been some great success with these programs in the Columbus area. I have found that that there are programs lent towards personal discovery, mental and behavior issues, job skills, social team building, sensory impairment, terminal illness and so much more. Most of them are non-profit and based on utilizing the community resources for the betterment of individuals and groups. My hope is to add this farm to the list of successful businesses interested in making their homes, stables and communities a place where we can contribute and make this world a better place to live. My hope is to bring meaning into a world where so much is Unknown and Unexperienced.
With this new Equine Therapy Program, my dream is to create a grassroots program where local people get involved and use their talents to produce an experiential approach to health and wellbeing. We will hold an intention to learn about ourselves through interactions with our equine friends, the horses here on the property and with those that visit. My vision may be a little different than others. While I admire what is already in existence, I’d like to take a more holistic apporach. From a bodyworker perspective, I find that dialoguing with horses in a therapeutic setting can have a dramatic effect on how we feel in our bodies, as well as emotionally, in our thinking…hearts, and with our spirituality. So this program will be a Holistic model meant to enhance all those aspects of our lives for who participate. Included, we will offer integrative services such as education, bodywork, acupuncture, energy healing, psychotherapy, meditation, women’s groups, corporate leadership programs, 1:1 therapy work as we grow. These modalities will be part of the program to strengthen and educate people about the connection between humans and our equine friends. Indeed, with mutuality with animals and nature, we learn to live more consciously in harmony and unity.
In the last couple months, I have been studying with a very wonderful and insightful woman named Jackie Stevenson, the founder and CEO of “Spirit of Leadership LLC” about how to lead companies and individuals to coach and educate equine participants in individual and group dynamics”. It has been an enlightening experience and I am highly anticipating my future in sharing her work along with my other skills in the near future. I remember the first day I went there and she asked us to go out into the field and spend time with the herd. I thought to myself after standing there for an hour, “what the heck am I doing standing out here with these horses”. But then the land and the trees began to swallow me up and I felt myself grounding down and opening to so much more than my usual daily life. Ever since that first day, I have looked forward to the next class. My relationship with each horse and the group is awakening me to so many new possibilities and intimacies. I feel met in a comprehensive way. In the meantime, I have been questioning and implementing some of Jackie’s ideas and techniques into my already strong foundation in the field of Healing Education. For sure, the herd is based on inclusivity. However, in order for people to come together in an order that work, a learning process takes place. It often takes patience and observation to find out how to fit in and make something work successfully.
I am thrilled to be part of the Cleveland Community, and furthering the process of bringing something similar to the Columbus, Ohio area. Our equine friends, and also all other aspects of nature and inhabitants on this planet have something to offer. We live on a planet where mutual compassion and understanding can help us to find confidence and thrive in a land that is meant to be heaven. Earth is our home, and we all have each other.
I am planting seeds wherever I go with my ideas and enthusiasm. I am reaching out and asking for help and participation for whoever has a gift or a challenge that they would like to offer.
If this sounds good to you, give me a call upon this invitation, and let me know your interests and how you might want to participate.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
740 966-5153
Craniosacral Therapist
Structural Integration Therapist
Hakomi Practitioner
Former Faculty at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing
TTouch® Massage and Bodywork for your Dogs, Cats and Birds
Last night I just arrived home from my first training class in Tellington TTouch®. It was a wonderful experience and I am very grateful for the learning that I found there. Being a Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for human beings, I had decided to expand into working with animals because I have continually realized in a deeper way the integral role animals play in our daily lives. With the mutual evolving relationship we have with dogs, cats and other caring pets, these beautiful creatures have integrated themselves into so many homes and hearts that many have become a valued member of many families. The birth of puppies or a new colt can awakening the joy of life in a manner like no other, except with our own children. On a daily basis, we learn so much from our pets because they tend to hold such a strong loyalty and love for us when we care for them well. Personally, I find that when I don’t listen to the wisdom voice in my own head, my dog Tanner often reminds me in a very sensory and kind way how to live in a more centered and grounded heart connection. And when our pets begin their dying process, they teach us about grace and the places where we grieve inside and find it difficult to let go and move forward. What we learn from pets touches many of the qualities that we may or may not find in our relationship with other humans. What I mean by this is that when the world may seem harsh or difficult at times, our dogs often wag their tails and stay present with us in the moment with unconditional love and acceptance. They help us to remain grounded, strong, and clear with more compassion and intelligence. They are wonderful teachers in that they do not judge us or criticize us, but rather listen and be with us from a place separate than the thinking mind. It is easier to be in the presence of empty space and care than thinking that “puts down” or “is in conflict”. In the past few years, I have found myself wandering to a dog, or a horse, wanting to place my hands in a certain place, to help be in service or to reciprocate the great learning we have to offer each other. I have studied with the Upledger Institute to work with Dolphins in a healing and reciprocal approach. A few months ago, I found myself exploring working at a Big Cat Sanctuary the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in an environment where lions, tigers and bears are being rescued. I have traveled to Africa and one of my biggest joys in life was doing Safari. All this has been changing the focus of my practice, and I have found some clients asking me to work energetically or to do aromatherapy with their pets. Our pets run into behavior or health issues often based on their environment and unhealthy situations they encounter. When they are afraid, they often react more than respond from their natural organic sense of life. Tellington TTouch® has now given me an opportunity to view the interconnection between us and our animal friends in a more profound and expansive view. My hope is to support the unwinding of tension and fear between pets and their human friends.
What is Tellington TTouch®?
Massage and Bodywork for Animals
From my perspective Tellington TTouch® is a form of bodywork, animal dialogue and heart connection that helps influence a dog’s behavior, and brings a sense of calm where there once was anxiety or fear. It allows people to alleviate tensions and pain in the body as well as bring focus to jobs that need to be done. Once the cellular movement is shifted through TTouch® and care, more functionality and a sense of wellbeing can often be seen.
I am still a novice at this particular work as it takes 4-6 classes before one may go out and do TTouch as a business. However, I have worked with some pets and am happy to bring them into my already existing practice at the farm. I have done this before the training, and am happy to provide an extra 15 minutes at no cost to develop to work with you and your animal friends.
Some of the things I will be setting up on our property is a labyrinth to promote structure, bandage wrapping to calm the nerves, and basic TTouch® strokes. I am glad to share what I have learned so that we can better the lives of us and are pets. When One relationship changes in this way, I believe it affects the whole. We can start with ourselves and let that make the difference.
Working with our pets can reveal the way that we view life with more clarity. It can help us to release old patterns that no longer serve us and to reconnect with our heart space more openly. It is in waking up to our own essence and wellness that we find truth and openness in our mind, body & spirit connection.
For a session, please call Sharon Hartnett LMT at: (740) 966-5153®