Post-Op Pain Relief

Post-Op Pain Relief

In my experience of close to 30 years in bodywork, I have noticed how my clients often experience significant decreases in anxiety, pain and tension after surgery. Controlled Trials have also found the same effectiveness with Hands On Therapies, from what I read in my Massage Therapy Journal.

Remove the stresses in the body which limits the healing process. Gentle listening and addressing the Nervous system to calm and work more easily can do wonders in Post-Op people in getting back to their lives. Craniosacral Therapy in particular is very gentle and supports the body to find its own intelligence to get well again.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me for a no cost 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

Taking Care of Feet with Plantar Fasciitis

Taking Care of Feet with Plantar Fasciitis

Planter Fasciitis involves chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia. If you want to find improved function, Myofascial Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy along with stretching and better shoes can help reduce the pain. Because this condition is caused by repetitive tension, the sooner you address the issue, the better.

Manual therapy can help, especially if addressed earlier rather than later, by increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to the area, softening the tissues and helping to restore structural integrity. This is done by working with the back of the legs and specifically on the foot.

Many clients feel immediate relief, but the more severe the case, this may take months. Yet a high percentage of clients feel more ground and at ease in their feet after manual treatment.

If you re interested in having a session, contact: Sharon Hartnett CST-D at 703 509-1792

Growing Older Feeling Good

Growing Older Feeling Good

Feeling Better In Your Body As You Grow Older

As children, it would be really great if education taught us how to have healthy posture and stay in it with mindfulness, while feeling relaxed and balanced in our bodies.  Sitting and standing in alignment is very important to keeping the body working efficiently, but also in keeping strain out of all the body systems.  Believe it or not, this includes not only the muscles, but the organs, the fascia, the central nervous system and everything else.

As Americans, I have noticed that we tend to lose our posture unless we are engaged in some type of specific exercise regiment.  In other countries, there are people who live out in the woods or forest  with a simply life who walk and squat and keep things naturally balanced.  But most of us here in the USA don’t.  We have chairs that we sit in all day, computers that we bend toward, and we tend to do repetitive movement that excludes the multi-dimensionality of how fluid we can actually be.

As I have aged, I have noticed so many limitations of how I move.  This has not just been something that happened over night.  It is a culmination of years of habit and accident traumas with compensations. At some point, our bodies give way to working less optimally.   Also, on many levels we run on autopilot and forget what doesn’t feel good anymore..  If we are not conscious though, we begin to progressively lose our posture , and people often end up with imbalances and pain.  But I am here to say, that no matter how out of shape or how much chronic stress you are feeling, there are things that you can do to feel better.  Don’t give up just because you are growing older.  After all,  we are living, the better choice compared to the alternative.  Why not make our quality of life better rather than worst?

With our bodies changing over time, the first thing that I find to be important is to take a sensation gauge through our bodies.  Check in with ourselves to notice what is going on with our inner landscape of our bodies.  Do we feel pleasure, pain, warmth, coolness, fluidity or stiffness in our bodies?  The thing is, the body often does communication when something is out of dynamic health.  But first we have to acquaint ourselves with these signals that are constantly being sent to the brain.  Too many of us tend to ignore them.  Once this is done, the following our some of the things that can help bring more youth back into the body:

1. Breathe.  I know this sounds corny.  But most of us don’t breath using our diaphragm correctly.   Bringing mindfulness to your breath and body will begin to bring awareness to your inner sensations, where you feel present or not, and what feels fluid or stiff.   Bringing in oxygen and allowing the waste of carbon dioxide gas to leave is vital to the healthy of your body.  It also brings down stress levels when done properly and keeps our blood circulation in better condition.  No matter how much one exercises and stretches, without breathing well, the tissues don’t function as well.  So breathe.  And if you don’t know how to work with your diaphragm and your breathing is shallow, there are all kinds of breathing classes available to learn.

2. Stretch.  I went and took a Yoga Teacher Training about two-three years ago.  One of the best things I found out was how out of shape I was.  I knew I was overweight.  But the years, and the accidents had taken their toll, and my youth was no longer available to bounce me back quickly.  But I did learn how to stretch, do certain poses and how to relax more deeply into my body.  Gentle yoga if you are new to it can bring a lot of Awareness to how you use your body or not.  Other really great classes to take are Feldenkrais, Continuum, Pilates or Gyrotonics. They all are mindful and bring motion to the body, and motion is a great thing, especially when done in a relaxed way.  One key though, is that whichever type of movement you choose, do something that helps you with spinal twists.  Most people need to go outside of their normal movement patterns with gentleness and slowness-sometimes with micro-movements- to find more freedom inside.

3. Doing something for the cardiovascular system like walking, swimming, or the elliptical. Moving and breathing at a faster pace, while challenging yourself is great for you.  If you have a medical condition though, check with your physician to see what is best for you this way.

4. Bodywork.  In this I include Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Structural Integration, Chiropractic and of course there are more.  Sometimes, when we have waiting too long or we have been in some type of physical dysfunctional place due to an accident or such, we need help.  With bodywork there are many difference specialties, and each practitioners usually offers a unique blend of how he/she can help you.  Some of the questions you need to ask your body is:  A.  Does light or deep touch seems to help you the most?  If you don’t know, go on an exploration with different therapists and notice what helps you the most long-term.  Personally, I find that any work that touches into the fascia is most effective.  B.  Ask, does your therapist help you feel relaxed and safe.  After all, one doesn’t want to go see someone who adds more stress, right?  The body always feels better when it is at peace… even while in motion.  C. Set up a series of sessions.  Sometimes one session will help, but most often, especially with chronic pain, give yourself the gift of 10 so that the body can shift over time and release restrictive patterns, and also help you integrate the work.  You are worth it and will appreciate it in the long-run.  

5. Integrate all of this.  If you are not breathing correctly, the exercise won’t be optimal, nor will the stretches.  If you go get massages but are unwilling to stretch or exercise, you will feel better but may not maintain the benefits as well.  Anyway, you get the message.  It’s important to stay mindful of your body daily, especially as you get older. 

It doesn’t matter how big or small you are, or how young or old.  Bringing attention to your body with mindfulness and discovering new ways to be in it is actually exciting and can bring you immense pleasure.  Even if you only start to explore your breath,  you can notice how good it feels to massage your inner self through the gentle motion of that. 

I am close to 60 years old now, and my breath was the missing key for me. It was a big obstacle until recently.  Now, it is bringing all of the rest of this together.  I feel the tissues around my spine loosening up , and I am finding more motion internally. I  also notice that I am also wanting to eat healthier now, and have started with some intermittent fasting.  I am not sure why, but there are also psychological aspects about taking in good things to our lives and the body at play here as well.  Probably, some of this comes from our early life- nourishment and nurturing issues.  I will say though, that working with all of these things in the last few years has slowly helped me to feel better in my body.  And truly, if you want to have wellness, it is a daily practice.  You can go to a practitioner who will help you greatly with certain things.  They may open the doorway for you, but it is up to you, how you want to live your life, and it does take an intention to take the time to care for yourself.  What better form of love is there than to do this?

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


Stillpoint Columbus

When I am supporting my client’s system to come to a StillPoint… It is a wonderful feeling.    What it feels like is that the fluid patterns and fascial restrictions begin to flow and release.  Deep change is occuring, and you can feel the health of the brain returning.  A more natural freeer Craniosacral Rhythm comes into presence.

Did you know that when your cerebrospinal fluid is in healthy motion that your brain and spine can receive the nourishment they need more easily?  Not only that, but the brain can let go of toxins, and the brain and  spine are protected as well.

If you are interesting in finding more rest and peace inside, CST could be great for you.  Either in person or long distance!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D.  703 509-1792








CST and Energy Healing Blog

Navigating Through Life More Easily!

Navigating Through Life More Easily!

Have you heard of SomatoEmotional Release?

What’s wonderful about this healing modality is that it listens deeply to the Craniosacral Rhythm. When something goes awry, the therapist can dialogue with the body or directly with the experience. Sometimes this is buried emotion in the cellular memory. While this is not psychotherapy, it is a gentle path to Self-Discovery. It is built on trust and also pain syndromes.

If you have any questions- feel free to contact me.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

Your Voice

Your Voice

Sometimes in life, young people are not given the opportunity to speak or to feel deeply. They grow up staying silent, and allowing life to pass by. In fact, as time goes by their authentic voice drops deep into the shadows, well forgetten-non- existent.

This can feel like torture. We are all given gifts to bring into the world. And if pain is showing up in your life and you-it’s time to move to Self-Care. And how you do that is by being kind to yourself and asking for help. Especially if you don’t have the answers.

Find someone who will support you. Who will mirror your core qualities. Never settle for less than that. Take the time to sort through your thoughts and emotions. Feel into your body and question how to reconnect what your body is holding onto and what is true in the moment pleasure.

When you discover who you are, you will finally shine. You will Speak Your Voice and feel confident. Maybe for the first time.

You are a Masterpiece ready to happen. Never Forget that.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

5 Ways to Smile

5 Ways to Smile

Sometimes, life can get you down. Things don’t go your way. Your dreams fall apart.

When this happen, it’s easy to falls down the spiral. Almost familiar. Yet, our true power comes from lifting ourselves up out the dark and comfortable.

Feeling Good Power can take root again. It is found by choosing Joy and excitement again. Here are 5 ways to help you smile and change your life for the better:

1. Get Outside. Nature if very healing. Allow the sun to warm your brow. Let it energize you. Feel the breeze on your skin, or a cold snap wake you up on a gray chilling day. Pleasure is found everywhere when you open your mind to the outside world.

2. Gratitude- Acknowledge your challenges or your “failures” but don’t put much more energy on that once it is done. Refocus on what you have learned from your mistakes and make better choices moving forward. Find thanks for all the little things in the past opportunities that have reminded you of your own unique brilliance and genius. There is always something good in everything.

3. Be kind to others and yourself. It feels good to be in service and to uplift others. But just as important- meet your own needs in a kind way. Remind yourself to listen to your Higher Self Guidance, and let go of your doubt. Acknowledge your fears-and move right through them with compassion. Treat yourself to things that bring you authentic joy and a smile on your face. Practicing smiling wakes up the Inner Kindness.

4. Reach out to others. Often people who are depressed feel alone. There are billions of people on this planet. Make contact and put yourself out there again.

5. Follow your passion. It’s easy to believe less about ourselves than to see the wonderful qualities that make up our core. Ask others to reflect back our strengths and learn to accept praise. Take critical feedback as someone else’s view, but something you can work on or not to move forward.

We all deserve to smile. Joy is always here. May you find your smile today and share it with life!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

Building Self-Confidence

Building Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is not always easy to come by. Especially if the reflection of you from others has been bullying, putting down,dismissal, doubt, belittling, excluding and such. How does one get to know their authentic essential Self when this is the world in which they live?
These negative mirrors are a sense of abuse to the True Self. Especially for children who are so open and ready to absorb everything.  Babies are filled with such innocense and curiousity. They take what they are given as truth because they are simply born this way. So dependent and needing to be protected. Their tiny brains take in what is offered, and they organized based upon the reality that is presented.
As children grow, they look toward their parents, their friends, and community to teach them about love and kindness. But this is not always the case. We all know this. We turn on the news and violence is everywhere.
So what can a person do to overcome all the breaks in their trust formed from the world in which we live?
One of the keys to this is to begin to trust your own Inner Wisdom. You know, it is that voice in your head that says,  “this is the best way”. It may say to you,  “take a bath”.  Something as simple as this to relax your muscles and give you some time to empty your head.  As you begin to listen to this “Higer Voice” more often, it will get more inolved in more difficult scenerios more often too.  Our Inner Wisdom is always wanting to help us to grow and change, even when we resist the generosity of this Self-Love.
Often enough, when we have been betrayed or hurt, we decide, “oh- I will do this alone, on my own”.  We do this to try and stay safe.  It can make sense for a short time, but in the long-run, we begin to close ourselves in.  We miss out on the reality of inter-connected relatioships both within ourselves and with the outer world.
In our hopes to survive, we need to change our thinking.  We have been limiting ourselves and our potential severely.  You  and I were born to greatness.  We are walking miracles happening every moment.  The Spirit of God, of the Universe, of all of Existence is living inside of us, trying to give us guidance each day to live our best lives.
If you want the best for yourself.  If you want to be strong, creative and a true leader, you must begin to listen to your Own Inner Wisdom instead of leaking it away to Others.  You will know that the voice is truth when it if Kind, Compassionate, Honest, and Truth.  It will resonate in both your heart and your mind. Listen to this voice and notice how your life begins to change. Notice the new steps that you feel brave enough to take.  You have he resource inside of you to be a Powerful Presence for yourself and for others.  I want this for me, and I want this for all of you who read this.
If you have been drawn to read this, these words are writen from that Voice that comes to me.  I hope is uplifts your day to know that everything is possible when you begin to Listen and build your Self-Confidence.
Sharon Hartnett Cst-D
740 966-5153