5 Ways to Smile

5 Ways to Smile


Lift Yourself Up and Smile

Sometimes, life can get you down. Things don’t go your way. Your dreams fall apart.

When this happen, it’s easy to falls down the spiral. Almost familiar. Yet, our true power comes from lifting ourselves up out the dark and comfortable.

Feeling Good Power can take root again. It is found by choosing Joy and excitement again. Here are 5 ways to help you smile and change your life for the better:

1. Get Outside. Nature if very healing. Allow the sun to warm your brow. Let it energize you. Feel the breeze on your skin, or a cold snap wake you up on a gray chilling day. Pleasure is found everywhere when you open your mind to the outside world.

2. Gratitude- Acknowledge your challenges or your “failures” but don’t put much more energy on that once it is done. Refocus on what you have learned from your mistakes and make better choices moving forward. Find thanks for all the little things in the past opportunities that have reminded you of your own unique brilliance and genius. There is always something good in everything.

3. Be kind to others and yourself. It feels good to be in service and to uplift others. But just as important- meet your own needs in a kind way. Remind yourself to listen to your Higher Self Guidance, and let go of your doubt. Acknowledge your fears-and move right through them with compassion. Treat yourself to things that bring you authentic joy and a smile on your face. Practicing smiling wakes up the Inner Kindness.

4. Reach out to others. Often people who are depressed feel alone. There are billions of people on this planet. Make contact and put yourself out there again. 

5. Follow your passion. It’s easy to believe less about ourselves than to see the wonderful qualities that make up our core. Ask others to reflect back your strengths and learn to accept praise. Take critical feedback as someone else’s view-but not necessarily truth, and something you can work on or not to move forward.

We all deserve to smile. Joy is always here. May you find your smile today and share it with life!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792



Building Self-Confidence

Building Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is not always easy to come by. Especially if the reflection of you from others has been bullying, putting down,dismissal, doubt, belittling, excluding and such. How does one get to know their authentic essential Self when this is the world in which they live? These negative mirrors are a sense of abuse to the True Self. Especially for children who are so open and ready to absorb everything. Babies and children are filled with such innocence and curiousity. They take what they are given as truth because they are simply born this way. So dependent and needing to be protected. Their tiny brains take in what is offered, and they organize based upon the reality that is presented.  Yet, children grow, and they will become independent.  And the gift of life is that we can change to find our own Sense of Self,  with our own Inner Authority Clarity.

We each have our life challenges. Nobody is alone in this. As we grow, we look toward our parents, our friends, and community to teach us about love and kindness. But this is not always the case. Not in this day and age. We all know this. We turn on the news and violence is everywhere.  So I ask you.  Where do you want to put your life energy?  How do you want to live this life that has been given to you when life is at odds?  Is it in the darkness out there, or in the Light that lives Within You?So what can a person do to overcome all the breaks in trust formed in the world in which we live?  My friend, the answer lies within you, and you already know it.  You just need to start being more aware of what is already present in your life.  There are many people in the world now who are growing in their trust for the One Wisdom, the Divine Light of God.  They know how to do this by receiving “the key.”

The key is to begin to trust your own Inner Wisdom. You know, it is that voice in your head that says,  “this is the best way”. It may say to you,  “take a bath”.  Something as simple as this to relax your muscles and give you some time to empty your head.  As you begin to listen to this “Higer Voice” more often, it will get more involved in more difficult scenerios more often too.  Our Inner Wisdom is always wanting to help us to grow and change, even when we resist the generosity of this Self-Love.  It is an easy thing to do, following your Kind Inner Wisdom, but it takes commitment to break negative patterns of thinking based on earlier relationships.

Often enough, when we have been betrayed or hurt, we decide, “oh- I will do this alone, on my own”.   It’s a strategy. We do this to try and stay safe.  It can make sense for a short time, but in the long-run, we begin to close ourselves in.  We miss out on the reality of inter-connected relatioships both within ourselves and with the outer world.  But- my friends, we are not meant to do this alone.  We are meant to build ourselves up and be involved in creating a great life for ourselves and for others.

In our hopes to thrive, we need to change our thinking.  We have been limiting ourselves and our potential severely.  You  and I were born to greatness.  We are walking miracles happening every moment, starting with these bodies that we wake up in every day.  The Spirit of God, of the Universe, of all of Existence is living inside of us, trying to give us guidance each day to live our best lives.

If you want the best for yourself.  If you want to be strong, creative and a true leader, you must begin to listen to your Own Inner Wisdom instead of leaking it away to Others.  You will know that the voice is truth when it is Kind, Compassionate, Honest, and feels pleasurable.  It will resonate in both your heart and your mind.

Listen to this voice and notice how your life begins to change. Notice the new steps that you feel brave enough to take.  You have the resource inside of you to be a Powerful Presence for yourself and for others.  I want this for me, and I want this for all of you who read this.

If you have been drawn to read this, these words are writen from that Voice that comes to me.  I hope is uplifts your day to know that everything is possible when you begin to Listen and build your Self-Confidence.


Sharon Hartnett Cst-D

703 509-1792








Have you hit your Head?

Have you hit your Head?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury.  It’s something to take seriously.

If you have hurt your head playing football, have fallen or been in an accident, you may not show any external symptoms.  Perhaps you did not lose consciouness either.  But that doesn’t mean that you are fine.  Always check with your physician and do follow up if you hit your head.

Some of the symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Pressure in the head
  • Slurred speech
  • Tired
  • Dizziness
  • Temporary loss of consciousness
  • Vomiting
  • Problems sleeping
  • Confusion
  • Amnesia
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Nausea
  • Slurred speech
  • Delayed response to questions

If after time, you find yourself noticing sensitivity to light, loss of focus, change in sense of taste/smell, emotionally out of sync (depression), you may be experiencing the after effects.

Once you have checked in with your doctor, you may want to try Craniosacral Therapy.  The Upledger Intitute has been offering football players the opportunity to receive Craniosacral work and there has been a lot of success.  As a Diplomate Certified Craniosacral Therapist myself, I have worked with people who experienced Concussions, and have improved quite a bit.

You don’t have to just learn to cope.  There is help.

If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Hartnett CST-D at 703 509-1792 for a free 10 minute phone consultation with your questions.

It’s time to get better, don’t you think?



Let Love Lead

Let Love Lead



Do you ever feel lost?

Have you stopped listening?

If you pay attention, you will always find that strand of love that is dancing in the breeze, waiting to be held.

To feel truly happy, I think it is necessary to quiet down and notice how love is supporting you. It’s everywhere. And it shows up in every moment.

Listen to your heart, and make your best decisions there with clarity and grounding.

Real love is true. You’ll know that by the way you feel


Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792








Be Yourself

Be Yourself


Normal is Overrated.

We live in a world where “normal” is overrated. So much of what we learn is how to fit in with the thinking of others. Especially when we are younger, our parents, teachers and friends ask us to memorize, to repeat, to make habits that are part of the current paradigm. Somewhere in all of this though, is you- wanting to find your own way of Being. It’s a tricky tightrope act learning to walk in both worlds between the authentic you and what is expected. Ultimately though, as we mature and grow up, for those of us who weren’t given much opportunity to be heard, acknowledged or hear praise, we must learn how to discard the package we have been sold. How to do this? 1. Be curious always 2. Step outside your box and see things from a view that comes from within you. 3. bring your awareness to your own sense of self before relating to others 4. allow yourself to receive and regulate “what’s out there” at your own pace and in whatever quantity is easiest for you. 5. practice connecting with your whole self and don’t let anything get in the way! Good luck unlearning all the bullshit, and finding the real you.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


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