
You Can Change Your World

Are you willing to Change? In today’s world there seems to be a deep division.One of trying to go back and holding onto something from the past. Or perhaps a fear about a “different”  future. On the other side of the split,  people embrace change. Life is vital and dynamic. Which one feels healthier and more beneficial to you?

As a Craniosacral Therapist, most people who come see me are stuck either in the past or anxious about the future. Often I listen to their stories about “overwelm“.   I feel.  Simply because we all have a stories and attachments to things we care or fear about..  Mostly, what I notice as a therapist, is that the underlying anxiety or stres is not current.  It’s an attachment to something else in another timeframe.

My job is to listen and meld in the moment with my clients by connecting to their Craniosacral Rhythm.I primarily focus on the Craniosacral System’s nourishing qualities. There is something so precious about the exchange of experience by being in “the moment” with another. In the body, it’s easy to feel that in life, there is always blending and change. Blood and other fluids are flowing. The Nervous System is sending information. Dialgoue is ubiquitious in the internal workings of the.mind, body and spirit connection.

My constant observation is that if we want to heal, we do need to open up to change.  Letting go of all ideas, and blossoming into the New. Static holding in a compressed state is very limiting. The soul wants to grow and find joy in life when it discovers freedom.  Staying the same or caught in the net of the past only creates suffering.

What I feel in every person I touch is their Inner Light.  That light is always buzzing and alive. Human Beings are moving through time and space in a unique journey. In the moment, we can align with what is real and  current, or we can live in the past and get trapped in habits and stories. Fortunately,the Intelligence that lives inside all of us deepens as we step into change, embracing, rather than resisting.

Craniosacral Therapy is a body centered type of manual therapy which is gentle, and supportive. By tapping into the Inner Wisdom, of each individual, something stirs and awakens into the Greater Whole. The nervous system seems to balance, and most people say that they can better regulate and navigate more easily through life after doing Craniosacral Therapy.

I’d like to ask you, if you hold onto anything good or bad from the past- how does that serve you?

Being Present is where freedom and compassion live.  Change is inevitable.  Unfolding is natural and organic.  It’s your choice!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


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