An interesting article came out recently describing how our ancestors emotional lives determine how we play out certain personality experiences in our lives by the way our DNA is affected, even as adults.
In the past, science was not able to prove this but the newer neuroscience is able to now look at this phenomena of “epigenetic changes” more closely. So basically, if your grandfather was an ax murderer or you had a great great great grandmother who was a runaway slave, that cellular memory information can still be activated to alter how you would behave.
I am not sure how many people have heard of Bert Hellinger, but this new discovery reminds me of something that he already knew and has been teaching for a long time. Bert Hellinger has taken the family constellation approach to a new level through his work of self-discovery and healing the “family conscience”. When I have gone to his workshops, I have witnessed that when things are left unresolved within the lineage, that someone down the line picks up the thread as part of the family karma. It’s an interesting ideas to witness this the way that he presents it. He asks a “client” to choose different people to represent the issue that is causing conflict. Then without many words, he follows the energy of the movement of the soul. What this looks like is that representatives for each ancestor shift around, almost like unwinding an old paradigm. It feels and looks like the soul of the family member guides and directs toward a more positive outcome. It is quite beautiful to behold. As an observer, one can see incredible movements towards resolution when the time and conditions are able to facilitate change.
Releasing Family Trauma
From a Barbara Brennan Perspective, I have learned and have also used in healing sessions, clearing and re-energizing the cords between family members. Often people who have passed on come into a healing session and offer support. The veil between the two worlds is only what we imagine it to be when we think of separation. Ultimately though, on the level of relationship, I have experience that if the souls are still connected in an unhealthy way, people can not act as their true Self until freed.
When you find yourself out of balance, ill, or off-track in your life, I find that it is always important to stay in the present as much as possible. However, when certain patterns emerge that take you away from your equilibrium, consider releasing family traumas and negative behaviors from a spiritual level to find deeper piece. Sometimes what is necessary is to accept our place in the scheme of things and to allow support from the past by accepting their blessings and healing the relationships that feel distorted. This can be done through massage, emotional energy release, and of course, I have used some of Bert Hellinger’s work to help people find resolution.
I think that ultimately our lives are completely our own responsibility. Yet, sometimes in order for us to feel empowered and heartfully creative, it is necessary to make peace from our core with the family.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
703 509-1792
For more information on the article that sparked my interest, go to: Epigenetic Changes
I am interested in using this picture for our family tree. can the boxes that display the titles to be blank, so that we can fill in?
We would like do not want the bottom with the children written in, all just blank. also to fit a 8 by 11 page.
Thanks In Advance
Hi Deborah…. Not sure how to do that.