Brennan Healing Science® (BHS) is an Energy Therapy based on Healing Touch that brings us back to Source.

By working with the 4 Dimensions of the Physical, Auric Field, Hara, and Core Star©,  it is  possible to Awaken to the Essence of Life— Re-Connecting to the Deeper Potential of Human Purpose and Creativity.  By working with a trained Brennan Healing Science® practitioner, you can expect to find a compassionate presence who will hold you in the Light as you come into balance and re-alignment on many different levels. Disturbances in the energy field will release, often helping many to feel more clear and grounded. bringing new awarenesses that help one to feel empowered and free.

A Healing Touch Energy Session can be as easy as using healing touch through a chelation- clearing, balancing and recharging the Human Energy Field© .  From the Barbara Brennan School perspective,  with this technique, the clients lies on a massage type table, fully clothed and relaxed.  Starting at the feet and moving up toward the head, the healing touch is applied at certain points,  especially focusing on the chakras.  Once the basic field is addressed, more in depth techniques may be used to clear up historical, lineage, trauma types of energy that is hindering your life. Other healing applications might include chakra rebalancing, spine cleaning, hara strengthening, astral clearing just to name a few. The healer never knows what will show up, and the journey is often quite a transforming experience as the Divine reveals. This dynamic hands-on healing system is a wonderful opportunity to gain a deeper sense of self and facilitate the awakening of the mind, body & spirit connection.

Energy Healing

Barbara Brennan

Barbara Brennan Graduate

While each client has his or her own unique experience, below are some of the benefits you may experience during the course of or even after a BHS session.

• Increased sense of well-being or feeling lighter
• Deep states of relaxation
• Heightened clarity and focus
• Balancing of the body systems resulting in a feeling of being grounded in the physical body
• Increased energy and vitality
• A sense of safety to express feelings and thoughts
• Conscious awakening and mindfulness
• Renewed sense of self-acceptance and opening to personal power
• Reduced stress and increased pleasure
• Healing and transformation of relationships
• Healing of chronic conditions
• Deeper contact to creative movement and expression
• Personal evolution
• Ability to heal more quickly
• Recovery from trauma
• Sense of life purpose and alignment with life task
• Reversal of the dis-ease process

Brennan Healing Science® Practitioners respect your fundamental personal journey. As healers, we maintain a level of integrity that serves the Highest Good in each session. Our mission is to guide and support you in your sacred journey of transformation.

Healing Touch through the Energy Field is based on something as old as time- interconnection.  Yet the foundation of this work is on the edge, as more and more people are enjoying a more mindful way of living with the help of Brennan Healing Science®.

If you are living in Columbus, Ohio and are interested in a session,  please call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153 or check out the following website:  She is a graduate of the 4 year Professional Practice program as well as a previous faculty member.  With over 15 years of training and experience with energy healing touch,  she offers a free 15 minute one time consultation to answer questions.

For more information of Energy Healing,  check: