Organizing Optimal Posture
Structural Integration, with an emphasis on posture, is based on the principle that the body is organized and held together in a coordinated, balanced manner. Any distortions in that order and/or balance can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in this organization. When fascia becomes tight, scarred, or restricted due to poor posture, emotional stress, or injury, it can cause the body to lose its ability to move freely and efficiently.
Creating a healthier and more fluid Posture can be better facilitated by recognising the emotional aspect of Structure. At the core of Somato Emotional Release hands-on manual work, we consider holding the intention of using of physical touch to help a person to heal emotionally as well as physically. For many of us who have worked with clients for years, we recognize that the body stores emotional memories. The body often reflects our history and our choices. However, this can change with gentle and nourishing skillful touch.
Fortunately, some people are proactive and come in for help with their posture ahead of the game. These cases are often easier in terms of release and integration. Often though, discomfort or pain may be the leading reason someone seeks out help. Obviously, it’s always best to stay in front of the curve when possible. It’s the whole idea of treating simplity over complexity.
The Best situation for a client is when the therapist is Certified through their schooling. It ensures that they reach the top level of understanding of the anatomy, skills particular to a certain manual therapy, but also that they have learned how to support the emotional process. Because quite often people do have emotional releases when their posture is changing on a fascial level.
Emotions for some people can be a very vulnerable thing to express. Perhaps in their childhood or current relationships, there is judgment or lack of understanding. So it’s very helpful to find someone with specific training in dialoguing. Bodyworkers are not counselors, but they can and certainly do help their clients process, and find their own healing responses when trained.
Some things to look for in a Somato Emotional Release Therapist are:
- A trusting and Safe Space
- Neutrality
- Certification ie. Upledger
- Body Centered Emotional Training
- An Understanding of Posture
- An Ability to Listen and Work with Fascia
- The Ability to Meld with the Tissues
- Experience
If you are seeking out a Somato Emotional Release therapist to help free up and balance your posture, first call for an interview. It’s important to feel a bond of trust first and foremost. Then,as this type of manual therapy can help treat misalignment of the posture as well as letting go of stress and emotional baggage, ask questions upfront so that you can feel comfortable with your choice.
Processing unresolved emotional trauma can truly change how you feel in your body!
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792