Opening through curiosity

Possibilities Are Always Present.

Call in the Possibilities!

Remember a time that you felt stuck?  Perhaps right now it feels like some doors are shut  No options available?  No matter how much you try, you’re still in the same place.

When we look outside of ourselves for answers, the ultimate resolution never starts there. Rather, change is an inside job to self-realize possibilities in any given situation. The sooner we realize that we have no control over other people or events, the freerer we become internally. We learn that the power of possibilities can be born from within us.  It’s a mindset. Something that calls for us to practice so that we see new opportunities outside as well. We can be the intentional change we want to be.

True freedom to discover  comes from understanding that possibilities live in the Unknown. It can take courage to explore possibilities over the “norm”  It does take a quiet mind and a mindful intention to stay in curiositiy with the “Self”, and with our other relationships. When we question with an open mind, it gives us space for the mystery to unfold.  It allows time for the chess pieces to move, and new magical experiences to arise.  It’s in these gaps of silence and curiosity, that insights come from a place which hold eternal wisdom.

These days, so much of the time we invest in “knowing”.  I’d suggesty an alternative. Try instead to rest in the play of “not knowing” if you want to shift or transform into your most “Whole” feeling Self. Allow the mystery to fulfill you.

Life is about receiving meaning and understanding.  In order to allow the possibilties to move through us, it’s a choice to invite and partipate in all that we DON’T Know.

Being a Craniosacral Therapist, all my sessions move in this way. Magic happens. I live in the mystery of the Deeper Essential Wisdom that is always here, waiting to express its voice.  It helps my clients to free themselves when they remember and awaken to this Deeper Truth. Because I get to observe this experience, it reminds me every day of the possibilities that are always swimming around for me, for you, and for anyone if we are willing to leave the familiar and explore.

The Possibilities of Change. You may feel stuck at times, but you are not.  New possibilties are always less than a breath away.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

Certified Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute

703 509-1792


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