Do you want to live a happy life?

If you are not happy, what is stopping you?  Do you think it is due to your job, a lack of something, an argument, or finding yourself in a place where you don’t want to be?

Trying to find happiness can become a difficult task.  If you are chasing it, it will always elude you because you are ignoring what is right in front of you in exchange for a belief you hold closely.

Happiness is slippery and it can slide right through your fingers if you try too hard.

In my view, happiness is a taste of authentic joy.  It is a dessert that reminds us of the sweetness of eternal joy that is possible.

So what does one do if he or she finds himself unhappy?

On some level of awareness, I believe we all want to live an authentic life where we can be transparent, full of life and in healthy relationship.  Yet often our beliefs and the energy of the fears that live attached to those thoughts lead us to creating strategies from giving ourselves a real experience of life.  If you want to reconnect into genuine joy and love, investigating the thoughts that block you from your deepest seat of joy.  I am not suggested running after the negative, but rather softly exploring the places that feel stuck or non-supportive in your life.  Opening the mind to exploration can give you a whole new perspective on life.  It allows all that frozen energy to move and transform, releasing more energy to live a meaningful life.

Exploring your thoughts can be done either alone in meditation, walking outside connecting to nature, seeing a psychotherapist or a bodyworker who works with freeing any struggles in the mind body spirit connection.  But one thing is for sure- if something doesn’t feel right or you aren’t feeling happy, the truth will set you free. The silence of listening and unfolding will awaken your life to the real joy which is you. 

Open mind

Finding Your Joy


For transformational healing work,  check out:

Sharon Hartnett 740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio