Be Yourself

Be Yourself


Normal is Overrated.

We live in a world where “normal” is overrated. So much of what we learn is how to fit in with the thinking of others. Especially when we are younger, our parents, teachers and friends ask us to memorize, to repeat, to make habits that are part of the current paradigm. Somewhere in all of this though, is you- wanting to find your own way of Being. It’s a tricky tightrope act learning to walk in both worlds between the authentic you and what is expected. Ultimately though, as we mature and grow up, for those of us who weren’t given much opportunity to be heard, acknowledged or hear praise, we must learn how to discard the package we have been sold. How to do this? 1. Be curious always 2. Step outside your box and see things from a view that comes from within you. 3. bring your awareness to your own sense of self before relating to others 4. allow yourself to receive and regulate “what’s out there” at your own pace and in whatever quantity is easiest for you. 5. practice connecting with your whole self and don’t let anything get in the way! Good luck unlearning all the bullshit, and finding the real you.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


Getting Clear about What You Want in Life

You CAN get clear about what you want in life.


What you need to do first is start by getting clear about your commitment to Clarity.  Set certain times aside for yourself to explore.  This can be done alone, or with a friend, healer or a therapist.  Self-discovery is a very interesting process. It begins by bringing your awareness to your thinking and how it affects you.  Cause and Effect.

Most of our thinking comes from our history and projections into the future.  What we believe about our stories can become very important to us.  And the filters that we now see the world through can be dimmed by repetitive belief systems.  By realizing how we identify with certain thinking patterns, we can change how we experience and create in the world.  Three keys to getting clearer about what matters to you:

  • Mindfulness is key for bringing awareness to thoughts that confuse and that block us from finding optimal value in our lives.  And it is in the quiet listening to our thoughts as they pass through, that we can navigate into the deeper silence.  Without the clutter, things are much closer to the heart and easier to navigate.  Into the “Now” place, life springs forth and life is more simple.
  • Being Curious makes space for new ideas and perspectives.  It’s like opening a door to see what’s next.
  • Experiencing means being with what is here right now in the moment.

Once the mind starts to quiet down.  Awareness can be experienced as more expansive.  We can step out of our normal living box. Perspective opens.  The bigger picture gives us an advantage to seeing things differently and with more clarity.  Experience and centeredness helps us to know what feels right for us.  It helps to define our relationship to the moment.

The mind and its consciousness is a larger field than just one person alone.

There are infinite possibilities.  But with healing relationships, we can investigate truth, and get more clear about who we are.  Our false identities dissolve and life feels more simple, and more restful.  Believe it-  when the mind opens, clarity is a relief.

Getting Clear by reaching outside of “normal” thinking patterns.Reach for the sky!





My job as a Barbara Brennan Healer is to work with your energy. To create a space where we work together to create an exchange that supports your movement into clarity.  A conversation that will set you free from illusion, and direct you into clarity.

Something deep inside of you knows the TRUTH.  And it will set you free to direct your life with more ease.

Getting clear,  that is my goal in helping you.  To help you connect to the authentic value you are here to live.

If you are looking for help,  I work locally and on Skype long distance.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Barbara Brennan Healer, SI, Reiki, Hakomi, Upledger

703 509-1792 Ohio