Do You Think of Your Life as a Miracle:  Massage

Do You Think of Your Life as a Miracle: Massage

When stressed and feeling in pain, it is not easy to experience life as a miracle.

However, when we acknowledge our present and touch into our hearts, we melt into that glimmer of the Divine Spark. Sometimes we feel it inside, touching our tissues with awareness, Other times we are reminded by observing others or nature or something that shimmers with light.  We may feel it when we are touched with listening and compassion.

The body is a physical vehicle that reminds us of the creation of the human spirit and the physical manifestation of life.  The more we move toward integration and in free motion, our lives feel healthier.

When we feel healthy and good in our bodies, we tend to feel more in touch with joy and peace.  It is easier to feel deeply into the miracle in which we live.

Taking care of oneself through touch, good nutrition, healthy expression of the creative force – allows us to gather insight into the light within.

Massage Columbus Ohio

Touch helps us to remember~

When you are feeling disconnected, imbalanced, stressed or just off your mark,  consider offering yourself the gift of transformative Craniosacral Therapy Touch.  Let Go and allow your inner wisdom to heal and to reconnect to the wonder of life.  The human body is a sacred miracle given to us and blessed.  

Learn more about Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, at:

Warmly,  Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI

Call:  703 5091792

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