
The Healing Process is built on many moments of Life.

The Truth: Moments Unfolding with Change is Authentic Healing. Things do change instanteously and miraculously, but often in life relationships and time, one experience leads into another. The same thing occurs with the healing process.


For people hoping to Heal

Slow it Down With Grace

I get that you want things to happen quickly, and that’s totally normal.  You may also want to feel a deep shift in the first session.We live in a world where everything feels like it’s supposed to happen now. Or maybe you have been feeling uncomfortable or in pain for a long time. I get that can be difficult.  However, when it comes to life and healing, the truth is, the “process” is where all the real growth and change happens. Healing isn’t like flipping a switch, it’s like planting a seed. You can’t rush a seed to grow into a tree—it takes time, care, and patience.

In the process, you’re learning, adjusting, and becoming stronger. It’s not always easy, and it can feel frustrating, but the struggle is actually what builds resilience. Think of it like lifting weights—at first, you can’t handle much, but little by little, your strength increases. That’s how emotional growth works too. It’s in the moments that feel slow, or even stagnant, that you’re really building the foundation for long-term change.

So while you may want results now, the process is what makes those results sustainable. If you skip steps or try to rush it, you might end up back where you started, without having truly learned what you needed to. The key is to trust that the process, though uncomfortable at times, is actually your path to the very thing you’re craving—whether it’s peace, strength, clarity. It’s all happening in the journey, not just at the destination.

I share this with you because unrealistic expectations can actually stop the healing. In order to avoid disappointment, realize that the Healer is within You and it will happen as you are truly ready. A therapist or healer can help meet those places inside that desire change. They can nudge and hold a healing space for that change to happen. But most importantly your Higher Self must be tapped into for those places that feel stuck and may need to feel reassured in many different ways and on different levels.

The Journey of Healing is an ongoing process. Perhaps what you need will be resolved in one session. But it’s important for you to realize that the more complex the issues, more likely your healing team will need to re-evaluate on an ongoing basis.

One thing is certain though. Healing is an investment into yourself. You are worth it, and miracles can happen. Still be patient with yourself and the process. The flow will take you into the most unexpected and special places.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D




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