Upper Chest Pain Can be Relieved Through Fascial Massage

Chest Pain can be caused by many different circumstances…

If you feel any mechanical restrictions or ongoing pain, make sure that you see a doctor and get your questions answered. However, if everything checks out there, you might find great benefit in finding a Structural Integration or Myofascial Massage Therapist to help you relieve the pain and discomfort.

The first question I would ask as a Massage Therapist regarding thoracic pain is whether you have been in any car accidents.  Automobile accidents have become one of the leading reasons why clients come in for help due to thoracic restrictions. When  a person crashes, upon the impact, the human body encounters extraordinary pressure. The energy force that moves through is absorbed mainly into the soft tissues around the sternum, clavicles and ribs.  The seatbelt area in particular is a place that may feel painful since it holds the body back while the rest of the body  jets forward.  For clients who have been in an accident, this information allows us to have an idea of how the body was impacted during the crash and give us a direction on how to treat.  Other probable causes for structural thoracic pain to be considered might be falling, birth traumas, being physically hit, or any type of trauma that has exerted force through this part of the body.  When you come in for intake, it is important for you to relate your history so that we have a thorough understanding of any traumas to the body.

During a session, once you get on the table, we move to a more sensory type of experience. Over the years, a Fascial Massage Therapist learns to feel the subtle layers of connective tissue and how it is organized.  We palpate for adhesions, disturbances, lack of motion, and all imbalances. We observe the breathing and notice where it is stuck and where it moves freely.The body gives us all the clues we need to help create more space and flexibility.  In particular with the upper thoracic pain, I  like to ask my clients to bring mindfulness to their breathing during this type of work.  It is amazing how much information people will learn about themselves when they quiet down and be curious about their own basic functioning. What clients with upper chest pain often notice is that there is little moving there at all. Most of the breathing is in the belly and stops before it moves superiorly. It’s important to explore this to help open up the upper chest. Mindful breathing and releasing the breath and any sound is a constructive way to bring ease and flow back into the thoracic area.

Once these patterns of restriction can been observed, it’s time to free up the affected structures. Personally, I begin by using general superficial movements to allow the fascia to get a basic stretch.My intention is pay attention to the diaphragm and thoracic inlet to release them for better breathing and to improve general overall efficient functioning in the area.As I do this, generally smaller and tighter restrictions will also reveal themselves. When I find the smaller spaces that are fixed, we spend more time exploring breathing and my movements into the tissue until we get the tissues to spread and/or unwind. When the layers begin to differentiate and flow over each other more freely, we have achieved success. This ongoing process goes on around the whole thoracic area (including the ribcage) until the breath starts to expand more equally from the front of the upper body to the back.

With the general work said and done, it is next important to check out the joint restrictions. I usually begin by exploring the clavicle and how it relates to the sternum. Some work around the shoulders with gentle manipulations will help allow confined articulations to clear through deep seated patterns.Touching into the sternomanubrial joint with compression and decompression with help repair tension imbalances. Using opposing movements facially from the back to front to engage the tissues will bring about more vitality and rehydration. The idea is to begin to get the body moving on these different layers of fascia to that everything within begins to re-engage with itself and the other.  This is what creates health and wellness.

When our bodies face trauma,  often the body self-corrects as much as it knows how. However, when a heavy energy force enters the body, often there are residual imbalances that may ended up keeping you stuck out of alignment. Soft tissues, mostly the fascia, are key to work if you want to release habitual distorted structural patterns in the body.  You don’t have to live in pain.  It is possible to begin to feel better.

Massage Columbus

Relieve the Pain

If you have more questions about feeling healthier in your body, call Sharon Hartnett for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST

Columbus, Ohio

(740) 966-5153



Stress is Your Reaction to Life… Want to Turn Things Around?

Often we believe that circumstances outside ourselves is what causes Stress.  But nothing can really stress you out beside what you are thinking and feeling.  If you want to let go of stress, begin with you:)

Massage Columbus Ohio

Massage can help relieve stress~

Turning Things Around:

1.  One of the best ways to let go of stress is to learn how to be mindful about your experiences.  Take the time to listen to your body and to feel deeply into the moment.  Be curious about how you are relating to your environment and what triggers your stresses. Observation, Experiencing and being in Inquiry can be a powerful tool to change what is happening just in itself.

2.  Set up time for Self-Care.  Find and Do things that feel nourishing to you.  This is not about looking outward for the answer, but rather noticing your relationship to pleasure and joy and indulging in it without becoming attached. Stay in the flow of harmony and kindness as all things pass.  As you begin to touch into your own light,  you create pathways to the Source Within.  Once the door is open, it is easier to step into your essence.

3.  Exercise.  You will never know how much better you can feel until you dedicate yourself to an exercise routine.  It doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you enjoy yourself and try different things.  It’s important to move in various ways rather than in repetitions.  Your sense of Self is intelligent, and if you listen carefully, you’ll find a way to move that feels healthy for you.

4.  Choose Love first.  When we move our attention to our heart rather than our brains, it’s easier to move more into compassion for ourselves and others.  The sense of being right trails far behind regarding what benefits our health once you experience the shift of love.  Love makes everything easier when we drop our negative thinking.

5.  Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Healing Work offers a great opportunity to reduce stress.  When your body feels relaxed and you experience healthy relationship during your treatment time, stress seems to dissolve.  Often people get off the table with a totally new outlook on life.

Stress may be inherent in your system, but you are empowered to change that all around.  Your choices will make all the difference.  Lead your life in a way that feels supportive and healthy to you.  You deserve that!  

For more about Craniosacral Therapy, Massage and Healing work, check out my website: 



Sharon Hartnett LMT


What to Expect During a Massage

                            FAQ Time about Massage at Lighten Up Therapies


1.  How does the session begin?

The first thing that happens is that I will ask you to fill out a health history form.  This allows me to get to know you and assess your health.  I ask you to answer the questions carefully and honestly, especially regarding current health issues or medications.  This is a good time to also explain how you are feeling and any painful or uncomfortable feelings you may be experiencing.  Don’t hesitate to ask about anything you may feel unsure of or any concerns about your treatment.  Letting me know up front what your concerns are will allow me to spend more time in problem areas. Depending on your treatment of Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Healing, Structural Integration or other modalities, you will then be given some space to undress according to your comfort level. I will leave the room and knock to make sure it is fine to come in before entering.  It is important that you are able to relax to receive the benefits of this work, so please feel at ease to ask for whatever makes you comfortable.

Massage in Naples

Professional Massage FAQ


2.  What does the client do during the session?

Some clients like to relax and zone out.  That is absolutely welcomed at Lighten Up Therapies.  Sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered. For the most part though,  most clients who come to Lighten Up Therapies are more interested in therapeutic improvement.  They are often uncomfortable, in pain, stressed or facing some time of dysfunctional pattern.  My object is to listen to you on many levels and follow the wisdom of what is being presented during the session.  If you have the need to move positions, quiet down, or speak… please feel free to do so.  Our time together is a constant dialogue whether done in quiet or in expression.

Each client is approached in a unique way.  There are clients who ask for very deep work, but their bodies say something else.  Other clients tend to only want gentle massage touch but can never get deep into the core issues.  My hope is that we can dialogue openly to come to a positive melding where the work gives you the optimal benefits during your session.  Your boundaries and expectations may change.  At the same time respect and integrity are always in the forefront of the massage and bodywork.

3.  What is not included during the massage?

It would seem very clear to most, but not to everyone.  At Lighten Up Therapies, we offer therapeutic massage, bodywork, energy work to provide health and wellness. Any implications of a sexual conduct is not invited or permitted.  Clients do sometimes have intimacy or sexual issues that may be discussed in regards to trauma or in need of healing.  However,  we have a strict  legal boundary against any sexual activity.

4. How does the massage, bodywork and energy healing feel?

For the Craniosacral Therapy Sessions, clients feel a very light touch but often touch into profound deeper change initiated by the balancing of the nervous system.  Depending on the person, some people might feel this during the first session, but most often the case is the more work clients receive, the more the body becomes more awake and sensitive to the benefits.  As the person relaxes and the body opens, often the work can go into deeper layers.  I always ask my clients to let me know what is comfortable for them.  With the Structural Integration, as the superficials layers let go, it is helpful to go deeper.  Often people are surprise that they feel pain in areas that they never though about.  In this case,  I ask clients to use the words, “lighten up, slow down or stop.”  This is only for clients who prefer to go into the deeper core fascial work.  Energy Healing Sessions may be done long distance, off the body, sitting or on the table.  Energy is always apart of the session because it is was keeps us alive.  We need to be processing energy to live.  However I am working, clients usually feel many energy shifts.

5.  Is Massage always Recommended?

Sometimes people have medical conditions that are contra-indicated.  So please let us know when you call if you have any medical issues.  If you do, please talk to your physician first.

6. What if I am uncomfortable with my Body

I have been doing healing and Massage Therapy for over 15 years.  I have seen so many conditions that it does not phase me.  I have volunteered in Hospice and worked with people right after surgery.  Client with weight concerns have often visited feeling very much at ease after the massage.  Body image is really about our thinking process and the intention at Lighten Up Therapies is to free the mind of whatever is causing pain by providing a safe and nurturing massage environment.

7.  How do clients feel when they finish?

Everyone has a different experience because they are individuals.  However, most people who work with me feel more energized, longer and freer structurally, decreased pain symptoms, relaxed and more balanced.  The work at Lighten Up Therapies is meant to restore you back to your natural comfort.

Payment is received at the end of the session.  

If you have any more questions about Massage, please feel free to write  Sharon at SMSHartnett@gmail.com


Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153



Aromatherapy in Columbus

Peppermint in its Essential oil form has many medicinal properties along with its great flavor.  When used during an aromatherapy massage, the peppermint oil can be both energizing and soothing.  It is an excellent digestive, acts as an anti-inflammatory, aids in respiration and circulation. When applied with a base oil, at first the sensation may be close to that of the candy, with a crisp awakening touch.  However, as the oils are absorbed, circulation increases and a general sense of overall warmth takes its place. This makes peppermint a good oil to use for headaches, toothaches, fatigue and bad breath. It’s also a wonderful scent that brings about a lively alertness to life.

Aromatherapy in Columbus

Benefits of Peppermint

When going in for a massage or Craniosacral Therapy Session, ask for a few drops of Peppermint to freshen up your mood and day!

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Business Cell Phone Number: (740) 966-5153

Link for Aromatherapy

Favorite Peppermint Essential Oil that I found is at:  www.youngliving.com