Until We Love Our Pain

Avoiding your pain at all costs?

My guess is that most people would prefer not to feel their pain.  It makes sense though, doesn’t it?  Who would want to feel pain? Perhaps-that’s why we have so many defense mechanisms in place to supposedly protect us.  We are like walking miracles where much of our pain is suppressed…. until it resurfaces or is found out!


Feeling Deeply into Pain to Heal

When people come in for a massage at my office, they are usually feeling some type of discomfort or pain that continues to call for attention.   I often hear about chronic pain that doesn’t resolve and the stress and sleep deprivation that makes things even worst.  My clients biggest wish is they would like to feel better.  Yet, it’s hard to do this alone when we have learned to avoid our pain.  Whether you go to a Massage Therapist, a Psychotherapist, a Chiropractor, whoever, it’s good to receive help from another perspective.  You may not find the solution up front, but if you stay with it, and trust your own inner sense to guide you, you will get help that best suits your individual needs.

As a licensed Massage Therapist for 18 years,  my observation after working with many clients,  is that the truth is that the longer we are organized against feeling the “soft” pain, all the energy that is kept in protection to support this dynamic, starts to lose it ability to keep us separated from the pain.  Eventually,  the pain seeps through and one symptom start to show up, and another and another.  Pain is only meant to be temporary to let us know when we are in real danger.  Afterwards, we need to learn to shake it off or process it efficiently.

When I first started working, I was drawn toward Structural Integration Work, developed by Dr. Ida Rolf.  When I received my first 10 sessions of this myofascial therapy, I felt great.  In my thinking and experience, working with fascia became key to gaining a sense of wellbeing.  Working with releasing dysfunctional fascial patterns has helped many of my clients release pain and find better posture. Then I found myself attracted to Energy Therapy.  I know this sounds far out to many people, but in fact everything is made out of energy.  Some people are born with a gift to perceive it and work with healing, and others can learn this.  So I attended the Barbara Brennan School to study Brennan Healing Science.  While there, I learned that soft pain was held in the Human Energy Field.  There are many tools a “healer” can use to facilitate healing this way: clearing energy, charging the field, helping clients to awaken to their “Inner Wisdom”.  As with most Massage Therapists, I went on to study another course to study “Hakomi” to add to my toolbox.  Most of my class mates were Social Workers, Psychotherapists and such, but I enjoyed learning new and deeper skills to help people with emotional pain based on beliefs that were long held.  Hakomi is an organic and gentle type of therapy that is kind and organic.  The compassionate standpoint of this work has helped my clients try new things without any judgment or harshness.  My last great passion was to study at the Upledger Institute, to gain a more extensive understanding of how to work with the brain, the Craniosacral System, and SomatoEmotional Release.  With all of this and more said and done, what I have realized is that people have unique make-ups of how they run their living patterns.  When they become stuck on one level, if it is not able to be cleared, pain stays in that system.  So if someone truly wants to heal, they need to meet that place of suffering and/or pain with an open heart and a willingness to feel the “soft” pain in order to transform it.

Loving our pain is not a new concept, but I suppose most people might not have thought about it this way.  All things are derived from Love.  Our defenses only kick in because something is painful in the moment and we did not find a way to complete itself.  Yet the mind, body, spirit connection is always waiting to complete itself into the next cycle of growth.  So whether you come in and need deep fascial or muscle work, or light touch, give yourself a chance to work with a therapist long-term to explore your relationship to pain and finding ways to release it.  In my opinion, the easiest way to feel good is to acknowledge what is present and feel it at your comfort level until the patterns dissolve.  Using a SomatoEmotional approach can be very telling, as the body is always dialoguing what it needs, if we only listen and respect what is communicated.

Sometimes, during a first session, even after all this time, I am not spot-on, but I do learn something with every touch, sound, and exchange.  I gain knowledge and compassion for the highest good of my clients on my table.  So we try many different approaches to resolving pain issues, and happily I can say that I have seen many clients leave my office astounded by how much better they feel.  But it’s important to remember that if you are just off the table, the endorphins will wear off, but if you stay with the clarity, staying committed to the work that is needed, and the homework that your MT’s give you, the long-term result are quite possible.

Remember: Love your pain because it is telling you something needs to be addressed.  Something deeper than you probably know.

Imagine your life if you stopped thinking pain was “bad’ and learned to flow and dance with it in life.

It might actually change into something special!

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153



Sports Conditioning with Massage in Columbus

Sports Massage is a Specialty.

It is focused on performance.

Many different techniques have been used to help athletes work optimally.  Just to name a few:  friction, stretching, range of motion, effleurage, compression, and deep strokes have been part of a typical routine to help circulation, lymph flow, and enhanced neurological functioning.  Massage can be enjoyed before or after an event based on the needs of the athlete.

I like to think that there is an even better way to help sports-oriented people feel and challenge themselves.

Structural Integration which is based on fascia and myofascial relationships is key in allowing the body to release tension, rotations, and restrictions.  When I have worked on athletes, young and old alike,  I have seen dramatic changes which have increased mobility and allowed more space for the body to lengthen and perform better.  Clients are amazed at how this type of work helps where others have not!

In the best 10 series, clients connect to their line.  What this means, is that a vector of sorts is felt from their grounding to the top of the head which allows them to move more freely in relationship to gravity.  Being in alignment creates better efficiency in rest and in motion!  During a 10 Sessions Set,  the Structural Integration Therapist starts with the upper body, and then moves to the lower, and then integrates superficially.  After that, the work deepens into core and continues to balance and re-educate the athlete to work with more ease.  By the last session, well- everything comes together in a new way.  Clients feel more energized.


sports massage columbus

sports massage columbus

The three areas that most athletes call for a massage visit that I see are:

1.  Performance Enhancement- Bringing symmetry, more vitality and balance into the body.

2.  Sore Muscles

3.  Injury/Restoration/Scar Tissue

Working with the fascia can be extremely beneficial in all three of these areas.

If you would like to find out more,  call: Sharon Hartnett, LMT, SI, CST, and Brennan Healing Science. at:

740 966-5153


East of Columbus, Ohio


Arthritis Pain Management

Arthritis Pain…Are your joints becoming inflamed causing chronic pain and fatigue?

Keeping an open mind to various treatments for arthritis can be your best bet.

There are many articles online about natural remedies to take such as Sam-E, creams, Magnesium,  along with conventional medicines that are aggressive and have side effects, etc… but have you heard of Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is so gentle that practically any person is able to receive the work and feel better.  It is based on the principle of listening to the body’s own internal resources for direction that know how to help maintain and repair damage.

In my office,  I have often combined myofascial release techniques along with CST with amazing results.  I had one woman recently who could hardly turn her neck, and could barely get through the night with a full night’s rest. Her medical history with a disk replacement was just the beginning to her ongoing pain. For years she had suffered miserably.  In just a few sessions, she is feeling much better rested, and pain free.  She told me she feels like she has a new body.

Honestly, I don’t take credit for this.  It is her self-correcting inner source mechanisms that know how to heal.  I just help her to tap into that so that health and wellbeing is restored.



Two Main Areas to Work to alleviate arthritis pain:

Fascia:  Releasing restrictions in the fascia can help the body to let go of stress and tension, while increasing better circulation and energy flow.  As has been more recently discovered, the fascia tissue is a fundamental communicator in the body,  The more fluid and hydrated the tissue, the healthier the body is in relaying messages.  Tissues and body systems that work together stay resilient and recover quickly as the tissues slide freely next to each other.  Fascia is also like a web that wraps around the body and contains throughout.  If one spot in the body is brought out of alignment, it pulls from other area.  Compensation soon leads to dysfunction longterm if not treated.  Connective Tissue Massage can be very beneficial for this type of pattern.  It’s important to remember that fascia is also key in keeping structure, but also in promoting flexibility.  Exercising, Fascial Therapy and moving multi-dimensionally will keep you feeling healthy and optimally.  Working with a Structural Integration Therapist, CST or a Rolfer can really change how you move and feel.

Craniosacral System:  The Craniosacral System is a Semi-closed hydraulic system. The membranes and fluid that surround the brain and the spine contribute to the protection and the nourishment of the nervous system.  Since the Central Nervous System controls the rest of the body,  it is a key area to work with to address dysfunction and ill health.  A Craniosacral Therapist works with the bones and the fluid to help the body to reconnect to its own Inner Physician. The cebrospinal fluid is created in cycles and reabsorbed continuously , but do balance out. So we work with following and supporting symmetrical and powerful flexion and extension cycles during these rises and falls is essential to good overall health..

Between the fascia and the CST,  we can feel into holding and restrictive patterns easily through the whole body.  The combination releases area where the muscles and joints are tight, allowing more mobility and ease in the body.

For more information, please feel free to call Sharon Hartnett at (740) 966-5153 for a 15 minute phone consult.

Arthritis pain can be helped through diet choices, herbs, movement, good rest and medicines to say the least.  Why not add some manual bodywork to deepen your potential to heal?

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

703 509-1792





Massage Improves Flexibility of Soft Tissue

One of the chronic physical conditions that benefits best in the world of manual therapy is the lessening of pain for clients by helping to loosen direct and indirect soft tissue restrictions.

In my practice, I have found two areas of massage therapy that have consistently proven to help increase range of motion and to relax the musculatures and other internal systems so that the body can fall back into its natural alignment: 1. working directly with the musculature and 2. also by focusing on fascial tissue.

Most people who have received basic massage know what it feels like to have a muscle worked.  You go in and you feel either light or deep pressure going inward and moving in a certain directions.  That can feel wonderful. Your circulation increases, stress melts away, and the lymph system works more efficiently, all with an hour of massage.  But if you want longer lasting structural change, the fascial component of the work can create longer lasting shifts and release bones and other adhesions that hinder good flexibility.  This feels very different in quality when receiving because the intention is to work with this web of tissue that contains and runs through almost everything in the body.  Either using fingers, the hand, or an elbow, the practitioner enters the fascial system and helps it to stretch or unwind so that the client can move more freely. She can work with the bones, the viscera wrappings, and all the contents either directly or indirectly while inviting the client to move certain ways to find length and movment.  As one point or section is released, the rest of the body feels he tautness let go too, even if on an unconscious level.  Everything is connected in the body and the fascia is key into bringing balance throughout the whole structure.

Massage in Columbus

The New Frontier in Pain Relief!t

In the quiet of the body there is nourishment.  At the same time, the body also needs to move from the cellular level to the larger systems to stay healthy.  Deep myofascial work can do wonders to help you accomplish this by touching into stuck places and releasing old patterns.  Through therapies like Craniosacral Therapy with a light touch or Ida Rolf’s 10 Session protocol for Structural Integration, fascial work will bring balance and lightness back into your step!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus, Ohio

703 509-1792






Structural Integration:Deeper into the Body

Structural Integration by Ida Rolf,  is not the most mild type of bodywork.

 It’s not meant to be…




The ten sessions are intended to help clients to find better alignment in relationship to gravity.  Not only in standing or quiet poses, but also in movement. The idea is to help people find more fluidity, flexibility and range of motion through effective touch and thorough manipulation.  

One thing that is important to address, is that this type of work often gets labeled as being uncomfortable. With Ida Rolf’s work-  in most cases, as pain is sometimes encountered and touched, clients will feel things that have been avoided.  It’s natural for people to compensate when they have injuries or emotional patterns holding them out of alignment. As such, as things open, deeper sensations do occur. However, if a professional and respectful dialogue is kept, the session can weather the storm with proper care and efficient contact. With healthy touch, the work can go slowly at the client’s rate and comfort level. During and after the sessions, clients will often be surprised at how they can feel grounded into their bodies and the earth both energetically and physically in a whole new way.

One of the biggest considerations when deciding if Structural Integration is right for you, is to ask yourself if you are looking for a pleasurable massage session or a more long-term and holistic approach.  Some clients enjoy light touch effleurage massage.  It can feel warm, invigorating and healing.  On the opposite side of the spectrum though, the Ida Rolf Structural Integration type of work focuses on the ability to work deeper without working harder.  A good Structural Integration Therapist will apply pressure to touch into the different levels of the fascial web to help you unwind and lengthen dysfunctional patterns. The fascia softens and hydrates allowing time to awaken and integrate.

Without question, at Lighten Up Therapies, our goal is to help you to achieve your goals for your health and wellbeing.  

If you would like a free 15 minute telephone consultation with Sharon Hartnett LMT,  please give her a call at: (740) 966-5153
