Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy Columbus   (614) 372-6598

Massage Therapy is a healing art that integrates the talents of a massage therapist, including excellent listening, a compassionate heart and an ability to transmit what is needed to support the client for the highest good.  An experienced  massage therapist will have many years under her/his belt with a unique set of hands-on techniques learned to treat what your body needs.  Included in our training, we adhere to a strict code of ethics that respects and honors our clients and their requests.  If you have questions about this, please refer to: .  

In Columbus, Ohio,  there is a Licensed Massage Therapist who fits the above criteria.  Sharon Hartnett LMT has a background in Structural Integration, is an Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist, taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, graduated from the Hakomi Institute and has a professional and integrated practice after 15 years in this field of health.

Sharon’s work is focused on relieving pain and helping clients to move into a more healthy and well lifestyle.  Because of her training with she has also chosen to work with clients who have experienced trauma and has found no help elsewhere.  By approaching life through the mind body spirit connection, old fears and pain can dissolve, freeing up the client to create a healthier and more joyful life.  Life can be approached from a gentler light touch or from stronger and deeper touch that meets the client in the current state.  Through listening and dialogue, the job is to connect and release the body from pain and tension, to open the connection to essence and wisdom.


Hands on Massage

Massage Therapy


Sharon Hartnett LMT offers a free 15 minute phone consultation at for those who want to interview or find out more about this work.

For a massage with Young Living Oils,  please feel free to explore the YLO website to find out more:



Letting Stress Melt into Relaxation

Are you in stress overload?  

The by-product of Stress may be affecting you in ways that you don’t even know.

Long-term chronic stress can contribute to experiences such as: digestive problems, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, headaches and decreased immune function.

If you are finding yourself in ongoing stress, it’s time to take charge of your life with some new choices.  Believe it or not- you have the ability to shift your thinking and to re-orient how your respond to life’s challenges.

Some relaxation techniques that are easy to do:

  • Yoga-This mixture of exercise, mindfulness and poses can quiet the mind and enhance the body’s vitality.

  • Visualization- When you find yourself  reaching your limit, think about positive serene places that feel emotionally supportive and nurturing to you.  Some examples may be your pet, a beach, or a meditative retreat.  Changing your thinking can help you break the patterns of stress.

  • Massage and Bodywork-  Nothing feels better than having someone knead, and treat tight muscles and to unwind the fascial restrictive patterns of stress.  When the body lengthens and feels more fluidity, so does the mind.  Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration are especially helping in alleviating stress from the body and emotionally.

  • Tensing and Relaxing Muscles Alternately

  • Meditation-Allowing the thoughts to arise and flow can be very quieting for the mind body connection.

  • Music can be very therapeutic and help shift a person into relaxation easily.

  • Slowing down with Intention and becoming mindful of the moment can help us to feel calmer and more peaceful.

  • Exercise- The body’s communication system during a workout is more sharp and active. Question Your Thinking with Byron Katie’s 4 questions: 

  • Spiritual Work and transformation

Reducing Stress Massage

Change Your Stress Habits

Reducing stress can:

  • Reduce activity of stress hormones

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increase blood flow

  • Decrease tension and pain levels

  • Regulate the nervous system more efficiently

  • Promote better health

  • Relieve Depression Symptoms

Take time to re-focus your life.  You deserve the best!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio

Let Go and Let God

Let Go…

Are you one those people that is constantly searching for something?

Waiting to be awakened, to understand, to achieve the next goal?  To find Success?

Let Go Into God

Acknowledging What IS…

It’s human nature to be curious and wondering about the world outside of you.  You are always in a creative process of building your own perceptions about life. But did you know that it is possible that your adhering beliefs on a mind level can separate you from what is actually here and now?

The Gem to Quality Life is actually in the present …

And yes…It is possible to reconnect your consciousness to Source by allowing God to shine.

If you take the time to fully be mindful in the moment, you can actually hear the Light inside of you.  As your listening deepens, You’ll remember that all you ever wanted was right there all along.  Listen and Prayer can open up our world into a much bigger universe.

We are all inter-connected.  Everything inside and outside of us.  Tune in to the Truth.

Take a chance and Receive Grace.

Remember, as Dorothy once said, ” there is no place like Home:)”

Let Go and Let God be Known,  however you are able to discover…

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT

614 372-6598

Help for Sciatic Pain

Many clients have a hard time understanding Sciatic Pain.

What they do know is that they are experiencing symptoms like:  possible lower back pain, pain that shoots down one side of the leg- possibly all the way to the foot, aggravated pain when standing or sitting, and possible nerve effects such as numbness or tingling.

Often this pain is the result of a disk problem.   So the best thing to do when pain continues is to see your physician and find out the “root” issue so to speak.  Hopefully,  an integrative doctor will send you to a spine specialist, and have some referrals for some excellent massage therapists and bodyworkers in your local area.   An integrative approach will often be more helpful because each individual is organized uniquely and it often takes an individualized plan to help restore corrective posture and movement to bring health back to the lower lumbars and sacral area.

Massage for Sciatic Pain Columbus

An Integrative Approach

What I have found helpful with the combinations available to clients is a unique plan to practice movement such as Feldenkrais or Continuum, checking in with an experienced chiropractor, and a focus on correcting posture through Structural Integration and Craniosacral.  Because the fascia contains all the cells, tissue, organs and living materials in the body, it is responsible for helping to keep a body nourished and well dialoguing for health and wellness.  When the connective tissue fascia adheres, dehydrates, and stiffens, fluids and other nutrients can’t reach their destination.  The flow of life diminishes in that area.  People end up with bulging and herniated disks from wear and tear or imbalances that were not recognized and treated earlier.

Take charge of your self care plan.  Sciatic Pain is not something to take lightly.  It is possible to resolve by itself through hot/cold treatments, but is likely to show up again without making some real change in the body.   Sharon Hartnett LMT has seen some very positive changes where people shift into a pain free life with myofascial massage and bodywork.  If you would like to find out more, about finding sciatic pain relief, call:

Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153

Or check out:  Dr. Oz for his July 1, 2014