Sports Related Knee Injury

Knee injury is one of the most common sports related reasons that bring patients to the doctors office.

knee injury

knee injury


Be proactive if you feel any pain, notice popping sounds, see any swelling or can’t walk properly.  It is important that you don’t put off getting the proper treatment for knee injury if you want to avoid long-term negative repercussions.  If you are fortunate, with your physician’s recommendation, you can apply basic first aid, and take some Ibuprofen and everything will heal nicely.  However, you don’t have to stop there.  Structural Integration with its fascial massage can be very helpful in alleviating any stress around the knee, the quads, and the hamstrings.  This can be done for minor ailments, or once your doctor recommends if surgery if needed.  The body is miraculous at healing itself.  However, the new tissue that is laid is not going to give you the same mobility you once had in many cases unless the fascia is spread, balanced and lengthens, allowing for more natural alignment.

If you are interested in playing sports and performing to your optimal level,  Structural Integration can be very helpful in supporting you to relate movement to your activities with higher performance.

Working with the fascia can be done starting with the superficial layers to help ease the pain around the joint.   As the work is deepened, it unlocks habitual patterns, and also those that resulted from the injuries.  Often clients feel the positive effects from doing a series of session more than with other types of basic massage.  That is because the adhesions and rotations, once they are released, stay that way,  allowing for more freedom and flexibility.

If you have had a knee injury and are looking for a therapy that can make a difference, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153 in  Columbus, Ohio.




Healing… How Long Will It Take to Feel Better?

Curious about how many healing sessions you need to resolve pain issues?

Well, the truth is no healer or therapist can give you that answer if they are being honest.

What we can offer is that we will use whatever tools and compassion we have to help you along on your journey back to health.  And if you are looking for the best massage therapist, healer, health coach that can help you to re-connect to that force inside of you that can shift things toward wellbeing, the best thing you can do is interview, try new healing modalities, and make a commitment to stay with your own process as you learn from each relationship and experience.





When you interview possible massage therapists, the first thing you want to do is check in with your own intuition to see if you feel comfortable with yourself when you meet.  If his/her presence sets the space as a comforting and an honest environment for you to open up, then that is a good indication.  Next, it is important that you feel like your needs are really heard.  Some therapists have routines and just do their thing.  It is much more helpful to clients if each session is set up as a unique and moment-to-moment type of therapy.  That way the dialogue between you and the therapist is based on the body’s own wisdom to self-correct through positive intervention.  On the same note,  in regards to communication,  let your therapist know what pressure works best for you.  Often the body will say one thing, but the ego has a completely different itinerary.   Both of these need to be alignment for the best results. Lastly, look online for testimonials and google reviews.  There is a huge difference between beginner practitioners and people will experience.  You do actually pay for what you get for the most part when it comes to massage and healing.  This is not to say that you won’t receive a good session from someone right out of school, but they won’t hold the same depth and width of hands on experience.

I have lots of clients who tell me that they have tried everything and nothing works.  Well-  that can be a challenge if the client doesn’t learn and see the benefits of each interaction.  What I can say is that if you are in pain,  that is your body or spirit telling you that something needs to change and your own system doesn’t have the answer yet.  With this said,  the history in the biology has often taken a lot of time to go awry,  it takes time to work through restrictions, compensations and such before getting to the Source sometimes.  Open your mind to new things.  Allow yourself to trust your intuition and the people you work with. With time and patience, and good work- things can and often do change toward the positive.  

Stay committed to your healing process.  Nobody can fix you, but plenty of people and life itself will help you to heal.  Dance in the new relationships you make, and don’t let anything or anyone take you off course from yourself.

Pain is an indicator that lets you know that something needs to change.   Trust what is being created and let go of what you no longer need.  Whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual-  with positive intention- you can find your way back to Source.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598

Healing Touch

Brennan Healing Science® (BHS) is an Energy Therapy based on Healing Touch that brings us back to Source.

By working with the 4 Dimensions of the Physical, Auric Field, Hara, and Core Star©,  it is  possible to Awaken to the Essence of Life— Re-Connecting to the Deeper Potential of Human Purpose and Creativity.  By working with a trained Brennan Healing Science® practitioner, you can expect to find a compassionate presence who will hold you in the Light as you come into balance and re-alignment on many different levels. Disturbances in the energy field will release, often helping many to feel more clear and grounded. bringing new awarenesses that help one to feel empowered and free.

A Healing Touch Energy Session can be as easy as using healing touch through a chelation- clearing, balancing and recharging the Human Energy Field© .  From the Barbara Brennan School perspective,  with this technique, the clients lies on a massage type table, fully clothed and relaxed.  Starting at the feet and moving up toward the head, the healing touch is applied at certain points,  especially focusing on the chakras.  Once the basic field is addressed, more in depth techniques may be used to clear up historical, lineage, trauma types of energy that is hindering your life. Other healing applications might include chakra rebalancing, spine cleaning, hara strengthening, astral clearing just to name a few. The healer never knows what will show up, and the journey is often quite a transforming experience as the Divine reveals. This dynamic hands-on healing system is a wonderful opportunity to gain a deeper sense of self and facilitate the awakening of the mind, body & spirit connection.

Energy Healing

Barbara Brennan

Barbara Brennan Graduate

While each client has his or her own unique experience, below are some of the benefits you may experience during the course of or even after a BHS session.

• Increased sense of well-being or feeling lighter
• Deep states of relaxation
• Heightened clarity and focus
• Balancing of the body systems resulting in a feeling of being grounded in the physical body
• Increased energy and vitality
• A sense of safety to express feelings and thoughts
• Conscious awakening and mindfulness
• Renewed sense of self-acceptance and opening to personal power
• Reduced stress and increased pleasure
• Healing and transformation of relationships
• Healing of chronic conditions
• Deeper contact to creative movement and expression
• Personal evolution
• Ability to heal more quickly
• Recovery from trauma
• Sense of life purpose and alignment with life task
• Reversal of the dis-ease process

Brennan Healing Science® Practitioners respect your fundamental personal journey. As healers, we maintain a level of integrity that serves the Highest Good in each session. Our mission is to guide and support you in your sacred journey of transformation.

Healing Touch through the Energy Field is based on something as old as time- interconnection.  Yet the foundation of this work is on the edge, as more and more people are enjoying a more mindful way of living with the help of Brennan Healing Science®.

If you are living in Columbus, Ohio and are interested in a session,  please call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153 or check out the following website:  She is a graduate of the 4 year Professional Practice program as well as a previous faculty member.  With over 15 years of training and experience with energy healing touch,  she offers a free 15 minute one time consultation to answer questions.

For more information of Energy Healing,  check:

Energy Healing

The Healing Power of Energy Healing

Exploration through the Human Energy Field can be life transforming.

energy healing

Barbara Brennan

Open up to your Authentic True Self through Brennan Healing Science.  As you let go of your old negative beliefs and painful energy blocks, you will be able to connect with deeper self-awareness and clarity.

Brennan Healing Science© is a powerful tool that has helped thousands of people to shift out of painful life paradigms into more acceptance and a compassionate state of being.  It supports life in its many different aspects from the physical to the spiritual.  This is done by working with the four dimensions of the physical body, auric field, Hara, and Core Star©.

At Lighten Up Therapies, Sharon Hartnett LMT, works with therapeutic touch through Massage and other forms of bodywork to help heal the physical body.  In the auric field: Chakras – Sanskrit for “circles” or “wheels” –  there are energy centers which can become blocked or unbalanced. This can lead to physical illness or other forms of dis-ease.  These can be worked with by restructuring, clearing, charging and other methods that bring the chakras back into health. The dimension of hara is the level of intention which can be strengthened and aligned, and core star is the spark of divine essence in each of us. Reconnecting to this Source is magical and life changing.  Working with these dimensions of human experience can help you find your soul’s task and live with a clear connection to your own divine qualities.

If you are looking for someone who can offer Integrated Holistic Support in regards to the mind, body & spirit connection, you have come to the right place if you call Sharon Hartnett LMT at: 703 509-1792 in Columbus, Ohio.  She has a rich background in Energy Healing through eight years of study and being a faculty member at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  She has had a practice in the field of Healing for 15 years, and uses her healing energy therapy along with psycho-spiritual skills to help awaken that precious spark that lies in each of us.


Sharon has made a profound influence on my life. Words cannot begin to express the love and genuine support I experience when we work together. Sharon is so intuitive and her energy so present and authentic that she often senses my feelings before I do. I am forever grateful for Sharon’s commitment and willingness to help me find my own spiritual path in a kind and loving way. I have a true love and admiration for Sharon and her work. – Tracy D.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D/Healing Facilitator. 703 509-1792


Sports Injuries and Craniosacral Therapy

Repetitive or Acute sports injuries can take their toll on athletes.

Most accidents only lead to bruises and mild soft tissue injuries, however, about 25% can be serious. Especially in contact sports such as football, hockey and such, more and more athletes are facing PTSD and other emotional stress.


Supporting sport injuries with Craniosacral Therapy.

When to call the doctor:  If you are experiencing persistent pain or anxiety, which is interfering with your daily life, make sure to contact your physician before things get worst.

Once you have followed your physician’s advice, explore some Craniosacral Therapy options as the work can be very helpful.

On a physical level,  Craniosacral Therapy supports the nervous system by directly working with the brain, spinal, membranes and fluid within.  The Craniosacral System has a rhythm that allows the CS fluid to nourish and keep the nervous system balanced.  Releasing restrictions and working to help the body let go of fascial dysfunctions can improve overall functioning throughout the body, reducing pain and helping with other disorders such as digestive issues,  TMJ, migraines, fibromyalgia, just to name a few.  On an emotional level, when there is any flow disruption, the mind can become anxious resulting with tension, headaches, and difficulty breathing. Nowadays, we are hearing more and more about football players ending up with PTSD and other brain disorders.  Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive type of therapy that is restorative and can re-educate clients to feel more relaxed and centered.  

If you are local to Columbus, Ohio- and you have questions about how this therapy can help you, call Sharon Hartnett CST at:  (740) 966-5153.

*For Massage Therapists with Advanced training in Craniosacral Therapy, while they are not necessarily trained in psychotherapy,  if they have studied with the Upledger Institute through the higher levels of Somato-Emotional Release, they can support you to express repressed feelings without judgment or analysis.