Feel Great with Hot Stone Massage

Feel Great with Hot Stone Massage

Lighten Up Therapies offers Hot Stone

Do you want to melt away that tension?  Have you ever tried a Hot Stone?  Our warm basalt river stones penetrate deeply into the muscles and get the blood flowing.  They are also know to have a calming effect that helps to relieve chronic pain, promote deep relaxation and help the mind to quiet.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

Today I had a client who thought she had a touch of sciatica.  Sometimes, when a massage therapist hears this,he or she may start to dig into the rotator muscles.  Instead,  I heated up my stones and applied a gentle, yet consistent pressure over her piriformis and around the gluteus muscles.  This helped to quiet the muscle spasm go away without putting extra pressure on the nerve.   You don’t want any compression there.  At the same time, in other areas where there was tension, I used the more pointed but round ends to get in after the tissues were ready.

The hot stone massage is able to reach deep, and help you to let go.  Not to mention, that it feels more than great as the stones glide over the body with that wonderful warmth that give your skin an extra glow.

There are a few contraindications for Hot Stone Massage.  If you are pregnant, have diabetes or other illnesses.  Please consult your physician first.  Your health is always of the utmost importance.

I always say that massage is more than a luxury.  It promotes health and wellbeing on so many levels.  But in this case, it does feel luxurious.

If you have questions about Hot Stone Massage, or if you would like to make an appointment, you can reach me at:

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Member of the AMTA

Serving the area of Columbus and East of there.

703 509 1792



What is the Spiritual Way of Healing?

What is the Spiritual Way of Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing Anyway?

In the “Now” time, I find this term “Spiritual Healing” to relate to the mind, body and sprit connection.  Therapists who do this type of work are often more interested in a holistic model where the greater whole is living in each individual. With spiritual healing,it is the birthright of each person to self-realize God as a Human Being. And every single one of us has the potential to tap into our “Inner Physician” as coined by Dr. John Upledger.

From my experience, this is a little similar to older version of faith healing.  But healers these days actually study energy consciousness in a different way. Often, people will hear about the aura. That is based on a chakra system developed in the Ayurvedic model.  The first level of energy at the first chakra metabolized the physical energy, and it’s development aspect is trust. The second level relates to feelings about the Self, Creativity, and Sexuality.  The third is the mental field.  When it is clear, we think clearly. The fourth is the heart and our relationships. The fifth deals with speaking one’s truth.  The sixth is unconditional love, And the seventh is our connection to God.  There are various models with different interpretations, but these are the general principals.

What I find in the best Spiritual Healing Therapists or Practitioners is a great sense of Presence. What this means is that they are self aware through their own personal work.  And they also have a Higher Sense Perception of Energy Consciousness. They know how to listen to the human energy field, and they also have the tools to know how to respond to areas that clients would like to be healed. When a powerful healer is in the room, you will often feel a sense of peace and also neutrality. But mostly each healer has their own journey which brings out a unique set of qualities in which they can share with people.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing


Some healers are naturally talented. Others have studied and grown.  When I became interested in doing healing work, I researched schools.  I knew I had something, but it had not been uncovered yet.  I made a decision and decided to do 8 years of study at the Barbara Brennan School . At the time, Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light” was popular. When I read it, I found it to be relatable.  And I was so excited to meet her and meet others who had like mind. So off I went for the Professional 4 years and advanced studies. It was a powerful time for me of challenges and transformation.

I am not saying that all healers have to do the same, but I know that the school helped me to move into my creativity, my successes, and into my light.  But if you are interested in finding out more about spiritual healing, look up healers and call for a free 10 minute interview. I know that I offer that. Because it is important to feel a connection between you and the person you are working with. Sessions can be held locally, or long distance.

Spiritual Healing is amazing.  It touches your soul.

If you are interested in doing an long distance or a session in Johnstown, please call me and we can talk.


703 509-1792

Local Massage Therapist

Local Massage Therapist

Looking for a Local Manual Therapist to fit your unique issues?

The Columbus area is rather large.  So you can count on a drive to get the best services.I know there are some large Corporations with many locations that offer less expensive, newly licensed people for a monthly rate.   It’s hard to compete with that as a solo therapist.  But what you will often find with massage therapists who work on their own long-term, is that they have built their practice on experience and knowing the best tools to therapeutically help people to feel better.  We are still in business to stay because we offer the opportunity for real change and wellness.  There is no quick turnover until we find a better place to go.

And finding the best Maual Therapist for you is a big deal.  Each person has their reasons for wanting massage.  Perhaps it is a SPA fluff job.  But many people who are suffering and in pain actually prefer to be touched with expertise and good body listening and contact skills.  Nothing feels better than to know that familiar touch that knows how to release and support the body in its own healing process.  Building trust and a positive relationship over time, brings more awareness, self- empowerment, and better optimal alignment for movement.

I have been doing Manual Therapy for close to 20 years.  My work has evolved through many trainings and years of hands on application.  I am not going to go into all the techniques I employ, but will say, that as a Massage Therapist, I find great value and benefit in getting to personally know and understand what you are looking for as the primary objective.  And primary though myofascial therapy, craniosacral therapy- my intention is to work with you moment to moment through self-discovery, releasing, and helping you to meet your health goals.

Massage Therapist

Sharon Hartnett: Massage Therapist LMT



I have two locations:  Primarily Johnstown, Ohio.  And sometimes in Worthington.


If you are looking for therapeutic change, you have come to the right place!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Practitioner, SER Therapist

703 509-1792

For reviews:   See Google



Neck Pain is My Specialty

Neck Pain is My Specialty

Treating Neck Pain is something I do well.

One thing about Manual Therapists is that we tend to do the type of work that we like to receive.  Relieving neck pain-I know a great deal about based on personal experience.

For me, I ran into my own challenges with severe arm and neck pain about six years ago.  It was excruciating.  My right arm felt like a constant charlie horse and nothing I could do made it feel better.  It took about a month before my doctor got me into the right place to have it taken care of properly.  Once I finally saw a neurosurgeon, he ordered me into surgery the next day.  In my circumstance, I had a huge bone spur in my neck pressing against my nerve. My disc was a mess and needed to be replaced.  I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But more than that-  I would rather hear that people be more proactive than I was and take better care of their necks as soon as they notice any restriction or problem.  Healing hands can help wonders!


neck pain

neck pain


Don’t wait too long!  As you get older and continue to use unhealthy structural movement, the worst things can get.

What I do for people who are really in pain, is start with the sacrum.  I want to make sure that the sacrum ( a triangular bone in the back between the hip bones) is moving well.  I bet you didn’t know this, but all the bones in the body move in a constant flexion and extension motion based on the fluid circulating around the brain and the spine.  Once a therapist learns how to listen this way, the rhythm can be felt anywhere in the body.  The sacrum is connected through the spinal canal up to the cranium (the skull).  The occiput which is on the bottom of the back of the head should be moving similarly to that of the sacrum. Once this motion is enhanced and moving nicely, we go to the neck.

A stiff neck or soreness can be approached either by gentle or deep work.  Each person responds differently.  What I suggest though is a series of work when clients are in a lot of pain.  People might hope to get things resolved immediately, but that seldom happens in all honesty.  It takes years to damage the body, and it takes time to heal in most cases.  So while we can get a lot of great change on the first session, the client is actually looking at a real commitment to get better.

For me,  this is one of my favorite types of work.  Relieving Neck Pain. Today, one of my clients who has been coming in for years,  felt really tight along the SCM muscle and Traps.  I so enjoyed just holding and listening to the tissues.  Feeling them softly let go layer by layer.  The deep muscles began to feel more alive, and motion started to roll under my hands and fingers.  I worked with both the muscles and the fascia.  While also staying in contact with the Craniosacral Rhythm .  She quietly made sounds of relief.  There is nothing better than helping someone move out of pain for me anyway.  It’s a great feeling being of service to another like that.  A sacred experience of sorts.

If you have been feeling deep neck pain, and want to get better.   Feel free to give me a 10 minute free phone consult.  I have had much success helping me to restore their motion and rotation.  And it is my pleasure to help where I can.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Practioner

703 509-1792










Presence:  Discovering Inner Wisdom

Presence: Discovering Inner Wisdom

The Inner Wisdom of my body brought me into Presence…

When I was younger, I found myself fascinated by the human body and how it works.  As a late middle age Craniosacral Therapist, I find myself even more intrigued.  Never is there a dull moment when I get bored with what I do.  That is because I continue to study, take classes, and keep my mind open to new things arising in the world of Science, Touch and Healing.  In addition, during every session, my presence grows as I listen and support the inner wisdom relationship between me and my client. I am in a constant state of openness,learning and integrating.  My mind, body & spirit feel much more aligned and deeply connected due to the quality of work to which I aim.  Why?  Because I understand that each client is a gift to me, where we dance together in mutuality for the highest good, and where the intention is focused on  waking up into knowing health and wholeness.  My clients come back, because I stay in a neutral place of non-judgment, open to the possibilities of getting better.  Whatever it takes…  My commitment is strong and based in care and understanding.  Not to mention, an array of tools learned throughout the years.

human body

The human body


The human body

As a Licensed Manual Therapist,  the emphasis of my work has been on Listening, Connection, & Using the Tools that I have learned.  One of the places I learned my unique approach to healing was in my Hakomi training.  Ron Kurtz, who founded the Hakomi work taught that Loving presence is an incredible supportive way to create a therapeutic relationship that is safe, accepting and gracious.  For me, this means being very aware of Who I am in the moment, and listening to the information that is presented by the inner wisdom of my client.  This can be expressed in the wave of a breathe, a sound, a facial expression or sometimes through talk.   Dialogue happens on many different levels. Through my Upledger Training,  I have also learned to trust the Inner Wisdom inside of each person.  It guides me, shows me the way to release and uncover old traumas, defense patterns, and dysfunctional patterns.  Much of the time, I use the Craniosacral Rhythm and its Significance Detector to lead me where the body wants to go.  Believe it or not, your body knows what it needs and that information is available.

The people who benefit the most from organic and natural healing are those who open up to all possibilities.  People who take a chance to step outside what they know into the Unknown.  This means feeling deeply into the sensing body, feeling emotions, and exploring belief systems.  Coming out of the shadow and entering into the Presence of NOW.  For example, I had a client who had lost her baby. During our SomatoEmotional work, she continued felt her deep grief, and expressed the pain that she felt inside her body. The pain at her loss. I listened to what her body offered to show me.  After a series of sessions, she moved much more freely and felt so much better.  It is such a difficult thing to have to go through, but she found that going in and through her broken heart, that she could live easier on the other side.

What I have discovered is that the best healing work is not about analyzing or figuring out the problem.  But rather, I have seen through my manual therapyapproach that focusing on supporting this concept of the “Evolving Presence” takes us into more expansion and a felt presence of health and wellbeing.  The more we are mindful, curious and neutral, the more clarity and truthful we become.  And the Truth does set us free.  All the massage tools in the world don’t mean a thing without have a solid foundation in Presence.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Practitioner

703 509-1792



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