How to Continue Feeling Your Best with Fibromyalgia Symptoms.

How to Continue Feeling Your Best with Fibromyalgia Symptoms.

Were you diagnosed with Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia pain is not a simple diagnosis.  It can reveal itself in different ways based on the uniqueness of each individual  person. What we do know is that fibromyalgia does feel like heightened pain. It can show up anywhere on the body. However, normally a physician can diagnose by pressing on certain tender points. There are nine familiar locations found from the top of the body on down.

Flares can be brought upon by stress, hormonal changes and lack of sleep.  Some people say weather changes can attribute to more pain as well. Whatever the cause, people with fibromyalgia suffer from body aches and fatigue.

Once you are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, what is next?

What is now understood is that the central nervous system (CSN) has beeen overstimulated. Of course anything that calms the CNS is helpful.  Check with your physician for any recommendations they suggest.  Of course, there are also integrative practices that can be helpful too.

1. Yoga

2. Tai Chi and Qigong

3. Very Gentle Stretching

4. Walking

5. Meditation

Also,  I’d be remiss if I did not bring up Craniosacral Therapy as a promising modality to help with fibromyagia.  The Upledger Institute has taught many therapists who work across the world to work with clients through soft and gentle listening and melding with the Craniosacral System.  Often my clients enjoy this manual therapy over massage because they don’t feel pain with the touch, nor do they feel sore afterwards.  Their brains feel calmer and their bodies relax.

If you’d like to find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help you, check out the Upledger website.  Find a Craniosacral Therapist, call and interview each practitioner until it feels like the best fit for you.  Let me know on my blog how it goes, because I like to hear how CST can help!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085




How to Get a Good Nights Sleep: Craniosacral

How to Get a Good Nights Sleep: Craniosacral

Good Nights Rest

Nothing helps me to get a good nights Sleep More than Craniosacral Therapy!


Are you one of those people who tosses and turns at night? The racing thoughts keeping you wide awake? Well I am.After Menopause, I found myself sleeping less and less.

One of the best things I decided to do is take Magnesium and other supplements which relax my body. But even better, I started treating myself to Craniosacral Therapy sessions once every week or two. That really calmed me down a lot.  Something about the combination though worked best for me.  Mostly because the tension inside melted away.

I am not a nutritionist. But I am a Craniosacral Therapist myself.Almost everyday I see how Craniosacral Treatments relax the nervous system. The peace of mind that arises after a session fills the room.  It’s palpable in the joy that is present when a person can relax deeply inside.

The more that we nourish our bodies, minds, and spirit, we break the stressful patterns.  We create a new way of Being that brings us deeper rest and Wellbeing.

Create your life afresh through inner calm.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio 43085


Grounding:  7 Fun Ways to Start Your Day Afresh

Grounding: 7 Fun Ways to Start Your Day Afresh

What is Grounding?

In all the years I have been doing healing work, whether energetic or geared toward embodiment, I have heard a lot of talk about grounding.  But what the heck does that word, “grounding” mean?

In current times, grounding means reconnecting to the earth’s electric energy. I have often read and observed that when done properly, grounding can help calm anxiety and stress.  As a Craniosacral Therapist, while I am sitting at the feet of a person who comes into awareness of their body, it’s easy to sense their ” grounded presence’ down to the toes.  It feels very integrated, and full.

Here are a few ideas you can try to have your own experience of grounding:

1.  Breathe into your body with awareness. Mindfulness wakes up the body communication between the brain and the rest of yourself. Start by breathing in your head, and work downward until you embrace the sensation down to your toes.

2.  Walk barefoot outside.  I know that when I walk outside, I feel my feet being supported by the earth.  I listen to what the earth sounds to me, and it feels so structured, nourishing and strong.  It’s great!

3.  With loose wrists, do percussion slapping lightly around your whole body.  It’s sort of like cupping very quickly to a rhythm.  It’s stirs the nervous system into attention.

4.  Jump into some water.  Either a shower, bath or a pool.  Soak and feel the sensations.  Water can help us to feels refreshed and awake.

5.  Play with your dog or cat.  Animals are naturally grounded.  Interacting with them can bring such joy and groundedness.

6.  Jump rope or jump on a small trampoline, or sit on a bounce ball.  All of these help to connect the feet and legs to the earth.  Of course waking up our lower part of our bodies well.

7.  Dancing:  Anything that is done through movement with the body can be very grounding.  It’s fun, creative and opens us up to the more physical parts of ourself.

I can’t tell you how many times people lose their connection to the ground, especially as they get older.  It’s important to connect to the physical part of our being.  It helps us to feel like the earth is here to provide us with what we need.  It helps us to trust in life.

So when you are feeling afraid, or stressed.  Set your intention to reconnect again by grounding.  Make it a daily practice.  Notice how much more secure and happy you feel.  Pull yourself up from your bootstraps and take off!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333. Worthington, Ohio 43085


How to Live Well With a Positive Intention of Mutual Connection

How to Live Well With a Positive Intention of Mutual Connection


Human Mutual Connection

Connection is so important. You know that you were never meant to be alone, right?  Not in your life. With close to 8 billion people on the planet, there are too many of us to ignore or to be totally isolated unless very difficult circumstances lock you up.

Isolation though can feel brutal.  When you feel cut off from resources,  that can feel painful.  Right?

There are an estimated 4 million teenagers who are depressed. 280 million people across the globe. People who feel this way don’t usually feel supported and nurtured in their relationships. We have to start considering how this can be when we are surrounded by so many beautiful humans and such a grand planet.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Energy Healer for close to 30 years, I have seen many people who are full of anxiety, depressed and really struggling.  As a manual bodyworker, it’s not my job to be a psychotherapist. Although I have a 2 year Hakomi Training background (body centered psychotherapy), Somato Emotional Release training and Trauma Training.  With all the people I have met, my education and experience has taught me how to listen and support a person when feelings come into a session.  It’s clear to me that we have to make more of an effort to help each other feel, “in connection”.

It is vital that we feel connected to ourselves first, and then also to others.  We are part of an interconnected web of life.  Nothing escapes us, and we don’t escape life- even when we try.

So to feel connected, we have to bring our awareness to ourselves. It behooves us to question and discover,  “Who Am I”?.  Next we have to ask how to connect to our deeper resources and qualities.  Breathe into our cells and wake up the Inner Wisdom.  Thereafter, as we discover what’s inside, we can begin to take new actions to build connections that are meaninful.  Facilitaton with an experienced guide is very helpful.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I do this by helping people connect most often internally through the Craniosacral System. This is so nourishing to the nervous system.  Quite often people deeply relax and feel more whole and full.

Usually people tell me that this therapy helps them. Whether they are quiet during a session or when they talk- this works help them to form healthier relatioships in many areas of their lives.  When they find and anchor into their deepest calm and they feel free to process through manual bodywork, great shifts can happen.

I love doing Craniosacral Therapy Work.  It’s the way I help in the world. Also, I want to encourage others to make fresh efforts to make a connection with someone new.  Especially if that person is always alone or needs help.  We all need each other really.  What a great difference we can make on this planet if we cared a little bit more and made a postitive heart centered effort.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43031


Wellness:Living the Good Life

Wellness:Living the Good Life

craniosacral therapy


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that focuses on wellness by enhancing the body’s natural healing processes. Through the melding and support of the craniosacral system, which includes the cerebral spinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord, this therapy aims to release tension and improve overall well-being.

The healing journey with craniosacral therapy involves deep relaxation and a sense of connection with the body. As the therapist works with the subtle rhythm of the craniosacral system, the client may experience a release of physical and emotional tension, leading to a greater sense of balance and harmony.

Over time, regular sessions can support the body in overcoming stress, trauma, and chronic pain, promoting a state of wellness and vitality. This holistic approach to healing addresses the body as a whole, offering a gentle and nurturing way to support the body’s innate capacity for self-healing.

Wellness is key to living a healthy life.  Craniosacral is one path to take to feeling good in your body, and quite often deep in your soul. For more information, check out:

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

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