Craniosacral Massage:  Helps You Let Go of Your Inner Critic

Craniosacral Massage: Helps You Let Go of Your Inner Critic

Judgment seems to make up a good part of our thinking.  So much of our energy is spent on evaluating ourselves and others with our stressful jobs and things that need to be done during the day.  The result is a body that forgets how to relax and Let Go.  This can lead to pain, illness, and injuries…

By treating the body with Craniosacral Therapy,  processing of the sensations, emotions, and thoughts can become more balanced.  This can happen by listening to the wisdom of the body rather than focusing on our Inner Critic.  When the tensions of the body can quiet down, enlivened movement and awakened sensation can support deeper realization and bring a smile to your face.

Why see a Craniosacral Therapist?

People are often unaware of the the effects of life challenges and how it affects the body’s tendency towards rigidity and muscular tonicity. The body gets numbed, stuck or develops pain patterns. A Craniosacral Therapist who is Certified by the Upledger Institute is trained to bring mindful awareness to the client with a very gentle yet awakening touch.  By following the rhythm of the cerebral spinal fluid and the surrounding bones and tissues, restrictions and adhesions can release, allowing more free flowing dialogue between the body from a cellular level to the larger systems within.

Clients often relax so deeply that they start to snore on my table.

If you are the type of person that is always on the go, in the long run- you’ll stay healthier by learning to balance with the quiet meditative state of being.  Extremes are only meant to be short-term in regards to health and wellness.  Let us help you to Let Go of your stress.

Why not take a break and come in for some soothing of the mind, body & spirit?

Massage in Columbus


You will be amazed at how much better you are able to function when the body has released tension and is allowed to be at peace. 



Self-Discovery with Craniosacral Therapy is an adventure.  

Sessions are very gentle and can support you in finding your Inner Light.  

Clients often remark how this type of therapy feels like connecting to their deepest cellular sense.  Feedback: They awaken and respond well through the interactive dialogue of listening and communication. They often feel restrictive patterns begin to melt away on the table, and sometimes the continuation afterward. As the energy that once went into holding painful isolation opens up, it easier to find freedom in expanded movement and choices. Working with the Craniosacral natural rhythms helps you to get centered, feel restored and more balanced.   Integration then brings the change into deepened state of inner peace.   

Self-Discovery through CST

Craniosacral Self-Discovery


With a more experienced Craniosacral Therapist,  ask to find out more about SomatoEmotional Release®.  This more advanced mind body spirit work directly dialogues with the rhythm to find the significance of stuck patterns.  Your Craniosacral Therapist listens to your body like a psychotherapist listens to your words.  A dance springs forth and the therapist who is trained to support your feelings, and unfolding will hold space as you travel the path of self-discovery.

For more information,  contact Sharon Hartnett CST at (614) 372-6598.



Self-Discovery through Craniosacral Therapy

Nobody can give you the answers you are seeking…

It is through the process of opening to your own Truth that you can find the answers for which you look.

Yet,  the truth is often found by experiencing relationship with an expanding mind in thinking, feeling and sensing the body with compassion and care.  A trained facilitator can help you come back to center. The Upledger model of Craniosacral Therapy (CST)  is a peaceful and gentle modality that helps one to release dysfunction on many different levels, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. CST helps one to reconnect to Source.  The level of training by a Certified Craniosacral Therapist is excellent, and the high standards are set by Dr. John Upledger, DO, founder of the Upledger Institute.  If you are hoping to find a qualified professional to help you to navigate through rocky times,  you can find a list of Craniosacral Therapists on the Upledger Site.  They will assist you on your journey to Self Healing and Health.


Somato-Emotional Release


Craniosacral Therapy is a helpful healing modality that helps you to uncover your own Essential Healing.  Through this light handed approach, Craniosacral Therapy applies certain techniques to work with the brain, spine and surrounding tissues to help you balance the nervous system and nourish the various other physiological systems through dialogue.  Clients who experience sessions, often walk away feeling happier, more relaxed, especially after letting go of pain and discomfort.

If you are feeling pain or experiencing numbness, stress, anxiety or imbalance, take an opportunity to try this 10 Step protocol.  For a free 15 minute phone consultation, call:  (614) 372-6598.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Columbus Ohio

Advanced Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute

Gentle Touch with Craniosacral Therapy

Gentle Touch with Craniosacral Therapy

Touch is a magical way to enter into another’s space.

It is a way of expressing and nurturing life.

When this contact of touch happens,  nerve cells send messages to your brain about tactile sensation. One kind of receptor is the mechanoreceptors that give you information about pushing, pulling and movement.  The second group is the thermoreceptors that tell you about sensations of temperature.  These are the physiological responses that occur in your body that help you to learn to navigate and live in a physical world.  The body listens and it then dances with its environment through this type of dialogue.

Massage Touch Columbus

Informational Communication


While this is a basic understanding on the physical level about our inner workings, the next question is what else happens?

When information is digested, emotions and thoughts can arise.  Often unresolved patterns that are frozen and need help to complete their natural organic cycle of life show up.  Everything changes in the Universe and everything concludes in itself and gives birth again when given the opportunity.  Touch is an excellent way to initiate the new movement Within to support change.

As a Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist, again and again, it is easy to see that gentle touch can be very heart-centered and healing.  Often when clients have felt abused or traumatized, gentle touch can help clients to relax and feel things that have felt stuck.  Clients often gain insights and new understanding into their beliefs and limitations. Old feelings are unleashed and are able to integrate so that people can find the balance they seek.  Unlocking old configurations is freeing and unburdens us to live more in the moment.


From my Craniosacral Therapist Perspective: While the brain may be the thinker of humanity,  it is the Sacred Human Heart and it’s ability to shine through that brings us back into harmony and our Divine Essence.  Having the technical know how is important but learning to reach other human beings through compassionate touch is life saving to some.  Allowing the mind to serve the heart rather than the other way around is important if we want to connect to Source.

As human beings, when we touch with compassion,  we enter into a doorway to open our limitations into a more unitive state of being.

Not only is touch healing, but it is a remembrance that we are not alone in this world.  Connection is so essential to the human soul.  We always yearn for it… Many are seekers of it.  In our society touch is very compartmentalized and minimal.  Massage Therapy and other types of bodywork give us permission to open up again on so many levels of consciousness.

One research that I just read….left me more clear about how touch relieves pain.  I’d like to share it with you-

It’s is positive thing to have science behind the benefits of touch to remind how essential connection is….  So spread some compassion with touch today if you dare!

Sharon Hartnett CST and LMT
740 966-5153
Craniosacral Massage:  Listening is the Key to Success!

Craniosacral Massage: Listening is the Key to Success!

How can a Craniosacral Therapist treat you effectively with good listening skills?

It’s not enough for a therapist to go through a routine with you during a session.  

If your body is in pain or feeling out of alignment, it’s necessary to look and feel where the dysfunction, rotations, or twists are occuring.

Belief it or not- your body has the information it needs to reconnect to healing.  You may need external help too, but by accessing your internal environment,  the body gives you cues what needs to be done to get you moving toward health again.

In Craniosacral Therapy,  the session begins with Listening.

As Craniosacral Therapists, we go to the Listening Stations to get an idea what is going on with the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).  This clear and  colorless liquid that bathes the brain and spinal cord is primary to cushioning the brain within the skull and also serves as a shock absorber for the central nervous system.  The CSF also allows for the circulation of nutrients and the chemicals filtered from the blood and rids the waste products away from the brain.  Thus, the CSF is responsible for keeping the brain and surrounding membranes and spine healthy.  So when Craniosacral Therapist using mindful curiosity to gather information about flow and circulation- rich information is collected that will aid in balancing and removing restrictions that may be causing pain and other ill effects.  A healthy spine and brain are key for overall health and wellness.

Craniosacral Massage Columbus

Craniosacral Therapy Listening


The above picture is a good anatomy representation of how the fluid moves and bathes the nervous system.  It doesn’t show much about how the semi-hydraulic system operates, but it does give you a useful model to see the proximity to the brain and the basics of the CNS.  It’s enough to know that by using the bones as fulcrums or just listening quietly to the rhythm anywhere on the body that by following and making small adjustments, that better balance is established,  restrictions are released, and enhanced circulation and communication in the human body can take place.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive practice that creates positive changes in your life on many levels.  When pain and dysfunction begin to dissolve on a physical level,  the emotional and belief systems begin to shift too.  As flow is increased,  often clients walk away with more energy, feeling healthier, and more flexible in movement and in life as a whole.


Craniosacral Therapy works well with the following conditions:

  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Brain Trauma
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Fibromyalgia
  • MS
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Colic
  • Autism
  • TMJ
  • Post Surgical Conditions
  • Scoliosis
  • Central Nervous System Disorders


For more information on Craniosacral Therapy in Columbus Ohio,  please give Sharon Hartnett CST a call for a free 15 minute consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-d

703 509-1792

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy Columbus   (614) 372-6598

Massage Therapy is a healing art that integrates the talents of a massage therapist, including excellent listening, a compassionate heart and an ability to transmit what is needed to support the client for the highest good.  An experienced  massage therapist will have many years under her/his belt with a unique set of hands-on techniques learned to treat what your body needs.  Included in our training, we adhere to a strict code of ethics that respects and honors our clients and their requests.  If you have questions about this, please refer to: .  

In Columbus, Ohio,  there is a Licensed Massage Therapist who fits the above criteria.  Sharon Hartnett LMT has a background in Structural Integration, is an Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist, taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, graduated from the Hakomi Institute and has a professional and integrated practice after 15 years in this field of health.

Sharon’s work is focused on relieving pain and helping clients to move into a more healthy and well lifestyle.  Because of her training with she has also chosen to work with clients who have experienced trauma and has found no help elsewhere.  By approaching life through the mind body spirit connection, old fears and pain can dissolve, freeing up the client to create a healthier and more joyful life.  Life can be approached from a gentler light touch or from stronger and deeper touch that meets the client in the current state.  Through listening and dialogue, the job is to connect and release the body from pain and tension, to open the connection to essence and wisdom.


Hands on Massage

Massage Therapy


Sharon Hartnett LMT offers a free 15 minute phone consultation at for those who want to interview or find out more about this work.

For a massage with Young Living Oils,  please feel free to explore the YLO website to find out more:



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