Suffering from back pain?

Suffering from back pain?

Is back pain stopping you from getting things done in your life?

Approximately 80 % of  adults aged 30-60 in the US have reported back pain according to MTJ magazine.  The pain can start out as mild, but if left untreated, can end up being severe, keeping you from work or doing the things that make you happy.   Why not be proactive and take good care of yourself now before things escalate?

Life takes us each on our own unique journey’s.  What causes one person to develop back pain symptoms may be totally different than other.  What can be said from my perspective after working about 18 years in massage and bodywork is that typically what primarily causes  back pain is a misalignment around the structure of the spine.  Something is out of balance. If the structure can be addressed at first signs of trouble, the easier it is to bring back healthy posture.

As a myofascial therapist, it is easy to discern between  healthy and unhealthy tissues through palpation.  The healthy fascial tissues bounce back and feel hydrated, soft, flexible and differentiated.  The unhealthy tissues often feel stiff, lumpy, dehydrated, and stuck.  So until the client gets into the massage room,  it is difficult to guess how to treat.  We need to allow the body to give us the necessary information to support the healing process.  That is because we need to see and feel where there are restrictions, rotations and other points of stress in the body. Planes of tension can be coming from anywhere based on how each person moves in relationship to gravity and their center. Thousands of spinal nerves exit the spinal cord that can become impinged reaching out into other parts of the body, and the root of the pain must be discovered.    Who knows the story of how the fascia, spine and other body systems have evolved into a pain pattern?  It can be complicated. But while the therapist may not know the total picture, the intelligence of the body does.


Relieving Back Pain

Relieving Back Pain

With Craniosacral Therapy,  the therapists work with clients by trusting the “Inner Physician” within.  Now to some people, this idea may cause some doubt.  They may have never considered that the cellular tissue holds onto traumas and stress patterns as well as the possible resolution which can be communicated to the Craniosacral Therapist through dialogue.  Yet-basically we are human beings of habits. Habits that can stay if they keep us healthy or habits that can be let go if they have become a hindrance.  Our bodies are wise and do in fact have a lot to say about us and how to feel better.  It is the job of a Craniosacral Therapist to help the client journey and self-discover and self-correct patterns that no longer serve overall health.

The first thing a Craniosacral Therapist will do during a session is “listen” to the tissues, the fluids and evaluate what is going on.  What this means, is there is no routine, but in fact a formulated plan based on what the body is saying.  We follow this plan from one moment to the other, while melding and helping the body to release adhesions, restrictions, and disorder.  The plan will change constantly as the body starts to shift and open.  Sometimes this means that we will be working directly with the Craniosacral System, and other times, we will focusing on fascia, or monitoring bone movements.  Ultimately, we dance with the releases of the body until pain diminishes, and hopefully dissolves.   Craniosacral Therapy   can be very helpful in release back pain.  And it is also very gentle, yet profound.

Craniosacral Therapy has been around for many years, but many people have yet to hear of it.  It does fall under the license of massage therapy, but it was founded on the work of a doctor of osteopathic medicine.  So I am taking this opportunity to share the work of Dr. John Upledger, of the Upledger Institute to see how it may help you.  As a licensed Massage Therapist, I have found the Craniosacral Therapy along with Structural Integration to be very beneficial in helping many of my clients to release back pain and so much more.

If you are living in the Columbus Area  (located near New Albany), and would like to talk more about how to release your back pain symptoms, please feel free to call with a free 15 minute phone consult.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute

Structural Integration Therapist

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner/Teacher through the Barbara Brennan School





Therapeutic Massage-New Albany Ohio $20.00 Off for First Time Clients!

Therapeutic Massage-New Albany Ohio $20.00 Off for First Time Clients!

Have you found a Therapeutic Massage Therapist in New Albany, Ohio who can help you to relax and release pain?

I have just moved my office into a really wonderful space attached to my home in Johnstown.  That’s right, a beautiful 5-10 drive minutes away, you can find an experienced Massage Therapist who specializes in Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial therapy massage focused on Structural Integration.  We are located on a horse farm with a wonderful ambiance and a nice healing space.  My appointments are set at 10:30 in the mornings, 3:30 in the afternoons, and 7:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays night.  Other appointment times are available based on schedule.

I have close to 18 years of experience with Therapeutic Massage.  I love my work!  And because I am moving from my Upper Arlington location our to the country, I am offering a special holiday discount for first time clients of $20.00 off if you mention this ad.  I am hoping to create a customer base here,  building a warm community feel.  Here is a link with a list of customer views who have enjoyed working with me on google.  Lighten Up Therapies.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage


Some of the symptoms that have been relieved by Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Structural Integration are:

  • Lower Back and Neck Pain
  • Fibroymalgia
  • TMJ
  • Postural Issues
  • chronic fatigue
  • scoliosis
  • PTSD
  • Trauma
  • Connective Tissue Disorders
  • ADHD and more.

Working with the Fascia and the Central Nervous system can also help athletes to increase and optimize their sports performance.

The philosophy behind my work is that I listen to my clients and I follow and encourage the inner wisdom of the body to show me what needs to happen to heal.  This can be deep myofascial therapy or Cranosacral Therapy which is very light, profound and versatile for people of all ages.  Craniosacral Therapy with an intention of SomatoEmotional Release can also be supportive for people who have experienced traumas or feel stuck emotionally.  It is a great complement to working with a psychotherapist.

Call Sharon Hartnett 740 966-5153


What is SomatoEmotional Release (SER)?

What is SomatoEmotional Release (SER)?

Many clients who come in for Craniosacral Therapy ask about SomatoEmotional Release (SER).

They have usually heard from their friends or associates how much better they feel after a few sessions.  Yet they are not quite certain what  SER is.  So in order to educate potential clients, I’d like to take the Upledger’s description to share,

SomatoeEmotional Release may be defined as a release from the body tissues of energy that has been stored in the tissues for some time subsequent to an incident resulting in the placement of this energy in those tissues. The energy, which is foreign to the tissues in which it resides, almost invariably has within it an emotional component.  When the SomatoEmotional Release technique is effectively carried out, the emotion is re-experienced by the patient/client and, most often, a rather vivid memory of the incident during which the energetic placement occurred comes into conscious awareness.”

The most important intention that comes to my mind as a Craniosacral Therapist who works with SER, is to create a sacred environment that focuses on working with unity of the mind, body and spirit.  By holding space for the whole person, whatever shows up during a session can move forward,  all taken care of by the client’s own “Inner Physician (IP)”.  That inner intelligence that lies within regulates the session and helps the client to release energy that is caught up.  The Therapist is connected to the IP and follows its guidance without judgment.  This helps to complete unfinished cycles so that the client can feel finished with whatever unconscious material shows up.

SomatoEmotional Release

SomatoEmotional Release

Clients who have experienced trauma, anxiety and other emotional extremes often feel much better balanced after an SER session.  Not only from a feeling perspective, but also physically as well.   When the client is able to move through fear along with letting go of dysfunctional tissue patterns, they are often able to move more freely into their future.

SomatoEmotional Release can be an excellent addition to psychotherapy.  While students are trained in this type of work at the Upledger Institute , the foundation of the training is on working with the Craniosacral system.  I like to think that this training helps manual therapist to be prepared for whatever shows up in the session without trying to control it or working towards fixing things.  This is a journey of discovery and self-awareness.

If you are interested in finding out more about SER, please call Sharon Hartnett CST, at (740) 966-5153 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Flu or Cold this Season.  Stay Home and Rest!

Flu or Cold this Season. Stay Home and Rest!

Should you come in for a massage when you are experiencing a flu or cold this season?

I love working with my clients.  Truly I do.  My work and the people I touch bring so much light into my world. But I am always astonished that some of them come into the intimate setting of the massage room with either a full blown cold or flu.  I know they need some TLC.  But the massage table is not the best place to get it.  Especially with COVID still present.  It’s important to remember that your massage therapist LMT can get sick.  But not only that,  everyone she/he touches or who breaths in or comes into contact with a live virus is prone to catch the same thing with enough exposure.

Some of the symptoms to look for are:


  • stuff or runny nose
  • sneezing
  • cough
  • eyes watering
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • light fever
  • congestion


  • stuffy and/or runny nose
  • headache
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • dry cough
  • fever
  • congestion
  • body aches and pains

Colds tend to be milder.  They also seem to be much short lived.

For more information on colds and flu check out:  Colds and the Flu

The best thing you can do is to rest, and take good care of yourself and others with plenty of sleep, and/or speaking with your physician.  Also- just so you know, sometimes massage can aggravate your illness if too much activation is going on in your body systems.  Not to mention,  I think I have read that some Chicken noodle soup can really help to!

Don’t be afraid to cancel if you are sick:).  Since I wrote this post, I have switched away from massage to Craniosacral Therapy.  COVID has had a big impact on many so please be mindful of resting and taking care of yourself, as well as keeping others healthy!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




Good Nights Rest
What is a Stillpoint?

What is a Stillpoint?

The Benefits of a Stillpoint

As taught by the Upledger Institute,  the Craniosacral System is a semi-closed hydraulic system that is held within the membrane of the Dura, which contains the brain and the spinal cord.   The functioning aspect of this system that contributes to human life is the circulation and reabsorption of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).

When a Craniosacral Therapist is working with clients, we are listening to the continuous rise and fall of this fluid rhythm by its subtly felt expansion and contraction throughout the whole body.   We pay attention to the ways the bones and membrane dance with the CSF through symmetry, quality, amplitude and rate.  The intention is to use our listening and help the body to self-balance through gentle melding by touch.

Stillpoint in Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

When Craniosacral Therapists use the term, “Stillpoint” what we are expressing is the gradual stopping of the system through a gentle manual technique.  In particular, one way that is often used is the CV4 by using cupped hands to bring the occiput and surrounding tissues into a therapeutic stop.  The Craniosacral Therapist induces the Stillpoint by creating a barrier at the end of either the flexion or extension movement.  As the fluid quiets down, pressure is built back up, and when the tissues are released, a gentle cleansing flow can move through the body, releasing restrictions and adhesions.  This is very healthy for the Central Nervous System. Stillpoint can be applied anywhere on the body for positive therapeutic results.

For clients who have experienced Stillpoint, many have stated that they felt much less stressed, and some have had the experience of feeling a re-organizing type of sensation in their bodies.   Headaches can disappear, aches and pain go away .  Stillpoint is a wonderful technique that can have profound life effects.  The Upledger Institute sells Stillpoint Inducers that can be used everyday from about 30 seconds to 10 minutes to create more freedom and flexibility in the body.  Yet the experienced hands of a Craniosacral Therapist can take you to la la land.

If you would like to learn more about Craniosacral Therapy in the Columbus, Ohio area,  call Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Recharge with Craniosacral Therapy

Recharge with Craniosacral Therapy

In order to best help my clients to recharge, I ask them to get involved in their Craniosacral sessions by bringing self-awareness to their bodies with mindfulness.

Most people are so busy with their days, they forget to pay attention to their body signals that tell them something is off.  These accumulate until one day pain cries out “OUCH”.  Something hurts.

By bringing clients into the process each session and giving them stretches and exercises, people can be empowered to shift body patterns and habits to reduce pain.  Craniosacral Therapy, Structural Integration and different types of massage can be wonderful when experienced occasionally, but giving yourself the gift of learning to listen to your mind, body and spirit connection can bring long lasting change verses an hour of feeling good.

Working with the body in an intuitive gentle manner,  Craniosacral Therapy helps clients to balance and find deeper grounding.  Often I find clients falling asleep because of the need for rest, only to wake up feeling refreshed and more keenly aware of their center and relationships.  For clients who stay awake,  often feelings and sensations are  processed in a way that leaves them feeling more free and clear in their thinking and feeling.  I like to think of Craniosacral Therapy with my clients as a supportive method of facilitating self-correction with the wisdom of the body.  Systems that are overly reved up quiet down.  Clients who feel stuck mostly let go of their burdens and restrictions.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapist Sharon Hartnett

If you are looking to recharge and feel more alive in your life, Craniosacral Therapy may be the tool to help open you up!  The first thing you can do is make a commitment to waking up to your health and wellness.

Loving Craniosacral Therapy.  Clients love the positive results they experience with this work.

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT, SI    740 966-5153


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