Over 25 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches.
How do these people function in their daily lives with debilitating pain? What happens in their jobs, their home lives and their social lives?
It’s a Challenge!
Migraines can feel like throbbing pain. People often express a sensitivity to light, sounds and other stimuli. They can experience auras and feel numbness in the body. They can become nauseous and unable to do much of anything.
So what can help relieve Migraine Headaches?
Current research has found that dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the brain is the main culprit in causing migraine headaches and reactions. Also, women can experience migraines after the onset of her first menstruation with its fluctuations of hormones. Doctors have not been able to find a sure cure for migraines, but they have come up with an integrative approach to treat and diminish symptoms. Some of the things you can do:
Keep a journal of foods and other triggers when the migraine comes on.
Share information with your physician.
Medications may helpful before and after.
Preventative herbs have been found to reduce occurrences. Speak with a professional.
Complementary service such as Craniosacral Therapy, Acupuncture or hypnotherapy.
Lifestyle Changes
Finding ways to quiet stress such as mediation.
migraine relief
A Craniosacral Approach to Migraines
While migraines are still somewhat puzzling to the medical community, the Craniosacral approach has found some success, especially when used in combination with the above. The reason why Craniosacral can be helpful is because it is focused on the brain, spine and surrounding membranes. The intention is to reduce stress and to relieve any nerve compression or break in nerve conductivity found along the spine and the brain. The Craniosacral Therapist monitors the cerebrospinal fluid movements and takes corrective measure to help the body to self- adjust in a gentle and balanced manner. While there are no boney adjustments, when symmetry and amplitude are improved in movement occurs, it is possible too that nerves and blood vessels can be released from restrictive patterns. Flow and internal dialogue can shift things dramatically.
Because there is no sure cure for migraines, it is best to go on a journey of self-discovery of what works best for you. With the Craniosacral work, it could take one to ten sessions to find if this is the treatment for you.
In basic terms, fibromyalgia is a chronic overstimulated nerve condition that includes general pain and tenderness across the body. Over 5.8 million people in the United States are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, mostly women.
What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, it is wise to consult a physician:
Aching all over, often with specific points more painful than others.
Chronic fatigue
Difficulty Sleeping
Brain Fog
Abdominal Pain
These symptoms can often be overlooked because of their similarities to autoimmune, hypothyroidism and other disease processes. So it is important to get tested. Take time to write down your observations and experience so that you can share this with your doctor.
For people wanting to include an integrative protocol to improve their health while diagnosed with fibromyalgia, read the below studies on how Craniosacral Therapy works and its associated benefits.
Common trigger Points found to diagnose Fibromyalgia:
Helping to Relieve Symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
Craniosacral Therapy has shown good results in helping clients to feel better overall, relieve stress and pain conditions, and to find a better outlook in life. It is a very gentle approach to healing and wellness that can be applied to almost everyone.
If you would like to find a Craniosacral Therapist in your area, please check the Upledger Site to give you a list of therapist in your area. Check for Certification and Advanced work to find the most experienced and qualified person for you.
Don’t let fibromyalgia interrupt your daily joys and activities!
Are you one those people who believes Massage is a luxury?
Would you believe that over 38 million people in the United States have received at least one massage therapy session?
Of all these people, my bet is that the majority received some wonderful health benefits. The question is not how much will massage help, but will you commit to giving yourself the physical help you need when you are in pain?
For those of you who know, when you find the right connection with a person who listens to your needs and has the skill to work with your body therapeutically, it’s hard not to walk away feeling less stressed and feeling great. Not only that, many massage therapists have specialities that help in specific situations. In order to stay licensed, each LMT pursues the type of work that interests them to enhance their bag of techniques that work for you. Each modality is geared to specialized issues. For example, Craniosacral Therapy is wonderful for balancing the nervous system. For clients with spine issues, high levels of stress, fibromyalgia, ADHD, this type of work can truly make a life difference. Structural Integration is another modality that layers deeply through the fascia and reorganizes how the body stands and moves in relationship to gravity. This type of work can be very gentle but also very deep and transformational. It depends on your level of comfort. Structural Integration, very similar to the Rolfing method, creates an excellent road to better posture and flexibility. Some people prefer an even lighter touch such as Reiki or other types of energy work like Brennan Healing Science. It’s important to interview therapists and ask them questions so that you find the right practitioner for you!
Massage and Bodywork: Would you rather take a pill or receive an hour long session?
While I had not been blessed to study directly under Dr. John, I have enjoyed working with Dr. Chas Perry ofIntegrative Intentions, an Advanced Teacher who teaches Craniosacral Therapy at its’ very best. He stays true to the basic principals of the Institute and travels around the world spreading this fantastic work. He also is in charge of the inter-species program with the dolphins and in bringing people together for comprehensive intensives. Personally, I have been deeply transformed with CST, especially with the aquatic dolphin experiences.
In my experience as an Advanced Certified CST, I have seen Craniosacral Therapy work wonders on helping people to find balance, a new vitality and to heal on a very deep level. While I feel comfortable speaking about the many benefits of this type of work, I wanted to also bring you a video of one of my teachers in order to give you another perspective. Take a moment to watch this to see if it answers any questions you may have of CST.
If we want to continue to Grow and Evolve, it is necessary to open the mind to the body’s own wisdom. By bringing our conscious awareness to our body’s breathing, movement and dialogue, we continue to learn from our internal experience and stay healthier.
Human Evolution
As an experienced massage therapist and bodyworker, I am no longer surprised by how many people spend the majority of time living in their thinking head. I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but there is so much more to us then the thoughts we have been thinking for so long. There is a whole blissful pool of intelligence Within that is Light and the key to our human evolution.
Exploring our bodies with curiosity, through witnessing and and experiencing will help us to feel more deeply connected to the core of our lives.
For yourself, take some time to expand your life and move one step ahead into the fullness of your life!
Lighten Up Therapies is happy to help you on your journey too.
To Quiet the Mind… That can be a challenge for those who experience ADHD symptoms.
A Challenge: For children and young adults with ADHD, it may be a test to just get them up on a massage table. They get distracted easily and it may take some time to have them follow the basic directions to prepare for a massage. In fact, initially they may want to avoid table work altogether as the idea itself to quiet down is uncomfortable. However, by building a trusting and calm relationship, supportive somatic listening and therapy can create healthy contact and allow new information to enter an overly active system to help re-center and re-organize. Believe it- that when a busy mind can rest- new focus and concentration can be the end result. Even better, when more fully integrated, it’s easier to fit in and feel comfortable with ourselves and in our lives.
Reducing Stress
How Massage and Craniosacral Therapy can Help
One of the most amazing experiences is when a busy mind actually finds the space to quiet down, even if only for a moment. When this happens the whole body can relax and find a deeper peace. It’s like a “remembering” into ease. In our society, most of us are taught to be active most of the time. We are very goal oriented and can be very stressful when in constant extreme. But do we also promote stillness and meditation with the same intention? Learning how to be mindful and quiet can take practice and it is possible for everyone to find mindfulness. For those with ADHD, to take it a step further- massage and bodywork can be key in helping one to re-establish contact with inner stillness.
One of the quieting tools that Craniosacral Therapy brings to a session is the Stillpoint.
The still point is a technique that a Craniosacral Therapist may induce. The cerebral spinal fluid comes to a pause and the adhesions and restrictions around the brain and spine begin to release as the system is flushed out by the rebuilding of fluid pressure. Often clients will relax to such a deep level that they fall asleep or find a sense of empty spaciousness. It may take time for people with ADHD to have this type of experience, but as sessions progress, the nervous system self-corrects. It can be such a relief.
When clients come into balance, it often helps their self-esteem and naturally builds confidence. No matter what the challenge, it is important that people learn how to rest equally to their abilities to achieve. Our bodies and minds are meant to touch into equilibrium.
Why not try a new experience and commit to an Integrative Self-Care system to help reduce your ADHD symptoms?