Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy

Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy


Flourishing In This World

Flourishing is what I want for my clients.  Not just feeling OK. But living a quality life with all its ups and downs. Nothing in life is Perfect, but we can learn to navigate and pass through life with joy and connection.

While “flourishing” is my hope, and this is my intention with each and every person who comes to my office- I also have to let go of any outcome with my clients.  This frees up the session.  When a person comes to see me, wanting to feel better, I have to put my ego to the side and trust what their Inner Physician speaks. The blending is a surrender to what is.  Accessing the best resources to help a person releive stresses, pain and suffering.

What is the Inner Physician?   It’s a cornerstone belief in Dr. John Upledger’s teaching where we learn to trust and support the deepest inner wisdom of our clients. In order to enhance wellbeing, we learn techniques to help a person process and self-discover their best sense of centeredness and Self. This is done by being in a neutral place, and also by facilitating the inner process of the client. At the same time,the Craniosacral Therapist also monitors herself and the relationship with the same care during dialogue.

This is very different than other types of bodywork where there is a “fix it” attitude.With Craniosacral Therapy, we know that we can’t fix anything really.  What we can do is support the client’s wish to heal and to grow, while offering gentle nudges and support.  You would be amazed at how much change can happen with the gentlest touch with intention with the help of  the Inner Wisdom.  By melding we are quite often quiet, listening,holding space and in contact.   It’s a matter of connecting and faith of the Craniosacral System to show us the best direction within the body.

Flourishing to me, is to learn to live in this world of light and darkeness,and everything in between.  To thrive through acceptance, inclusion, and compassion.  I feel that we know that we are flourishing when we feel alive,aligned and in  appreciation in the whole.  Oftent to flourish, means knowing our place in the inter-connection of life.  Craniosacral Therapy is one of the modalities that can awaken us to remember this.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

7703 509-1792



Aligning Your Life with the Truth of Your Body

Aligning Your Life with the Truth of Your Body

The Truth of  Your Body

Believe in the Truth of Your Body.  It’s honest. It’s integrity. It is what is real in the moment. What I mean by this is that the physical is not making up perceptions. It is what it is. An expression of your human physical state of being.  It lives and does its’ thing!

The mind is what perceives and creates stories. Your thoughts, experiences and learned beliefs influence the body. But the body is not the thinker. Rather, it is living physical relationships dancing cheek to cheek inside of you on a physiological level.

From one perspective, this includes individual parts. The human body can be seen as cells & their parts, tissues, organs and systems. They are all separate, yet the truth of your body which also exists is experienced as a “Whole” dynamic creative expression. The body exists in partnership through fluids and connective tissue as ONE Living Experience. It shapes based on mind and from Source itself.

When a professional and experienced manual therapist works with you, they are listening to your body primarily and also your story (if this is their practice focus)  if they are to be precise and accurate in discovering and supporting the health of any physical tension areas.  While a person may come in and say,  “this hurts”, the therapist listens verbally but also stays curious primarily by where the body directs us.  By placing our hands on the body, we allow the body to lead us to the pattern that is most significant in the encounter.  This is where we work rather than on the place that hurts. Generally, the pain spot is what speaks from a mind perspective.  It could feel like the weakest link. However,  the truth of the body is more accurate in its’ objective communication.

I know that sometimes people do have stories and issues where they need to be heard, and understood. This IS valuable information on a different level.  Often this is key in healing too.  This can be addressed in Somato Experiencing type of work.  It needs to be mirrored and given equal measure.  Yet if we truly want to address the physical piece, we need to understand that it’s vital to address the truth of the body to remedy what ails you.

When you trust the signals of the body, it is easy to move and meet the current concern.  Feeling the pull towards that area is easy with practice.  Dr. Barral says, “The body hugs the lesion”.  I find this to be very true in my work as well.

What differentiates a talented manual bodyworker is the ability to listen on different levels.  We have to stay open minded and learn our anatomy.  If you want better alignment in the body,  find a therapist who listens to the truth of your body.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792





Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Anyone with an open mind can enjoy the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy.

At the very core of Craniosacral Therapy, there is an Inner Wisdom Within each individual. This is where the faith comes in with this manual therapy.Trusting that the body has its own intelligence. A craniosacral therapist listens, follows, and melds with the Craniosacral System to help mirror, nourish and acknowledge the power that is held in each of us.

The Brain and the Spine are part of the information highway of the nervous system withing each of us.When a therapist blends and supports the Inner Wisdom though blending with the fluids, magical things happen.  They really do. Not in an abstract way only, although that can certainly be the case. But also in a very science based methology. Craniosacral Therapy restores and benefits by enhancing the quality of the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Cranioacral Therapy is gentle yet powerful work. It enhances wellbeing and brings strength to the whole body by enlivening the tissues and waking up new awareness within the body’s communication network.  New messages are born. New information changes.

The thing is, a person must be open minded.  They need to think outside the box of traditional medicine. Imagine, a 1:1 relationship where full attention is on your deepest body intelligence. What amazing things could your body do when it is acknowledged and empowered?  It’s enough that it works as it does miracoulously every day. But boosting its efficiency, and optimizing its health frees one to deeper wells of inner resources.

If you want to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, check out the Upledger Institute.  Dr. John Upledger has gifted the world with this beautiful and powerful manual therapy.  Learn more about how it can help you.

May the fluid flow peacefully Within You!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



How to Love Your Body No matter How it Looks

Love Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Here are some tips for Shifting your Mindset about your body.  It takes time to Learn to Love Your Body.

  • Every morning before you get out of bed, bring mindfulness to your body and sense into it.  Forget any preconceived ideas that you have believed. Living in these bodies are pretty miraculous. The good news is that we have plenty of fresh new starts. 
  • When you get out of bed, feel into the Ok-ishness of your body.  This is the beginning of practicing self-acceptance.  Any perfection thoughts need to be put on the shelf!
  • Be mindful about how you speak about your body. You can change the patterning of your thinking.  Drive in a new lane.  The Love Your Body Lane. Eventually your belief system changes when you drop the old thoughts.
  • Every person deserves to feel love.  And we are all different and unique in how we are configured.  Realize that norms are group beliefs. It really says nothing about you.  The more you move inward, you self-realized your essence.  Imagine what it would be like if we all could appreciate the different skins in which we live.
  • Question your thoughts.  Byron Kate,has great free worksheet for this in the website The Work 
  • Receiving bodywork can bring a whole new awareness to you body.In our society, so much emphasis is placed on what is going on inside of our heads.  However, we are whole people, body, mind and spirit. For example, Craniosacral Therapy is great for helping you to embody.
  • Meditation is a great way to open your mind about your body.  It gives you a sense of understanding through neutral listening and understanding.  It also opens up the path to compassion.
  • Exercise.  Find movement that is comfortable and fun. Even basic walking can make you feel better.
  • Choose foods that are healthy.  Maybe start a garden for herbs or fruits and vegetables.  We feel good when we partake in the organic processes which sustanin us.

When you are alone, take off the clothes and get comfortable in your skin.  Turn off your computers/phones/ and TVs.  Relax and Breathe.  Know Yourself!

Our culture makes it hard sometimes for people to accept and love your body.  Yet, we have many choice points to make up our own minds about how we related internally.  You are the Captain of Your Own Ship.  Sail the seas of Self-Love.  Learn to be Ok with who you are- body, feelings, thoughts and all.   

It’s not always each, but choosing change is a great intention.

With gratitude-

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Neck and Back Pain Specialist Found!

Neck and Back Pain Specialist Found!

healing neck pain

Releasing Neck and Back Pain

Pain along the spine can arise from many different reasons. Some of these triggers can be serious and some can be helped tremendously with manual therapy. If you are experiencing, for example, problems with your bladder, infection, inflammation, or severe acute pain, go see your physician of course.

Quite often pain can come from misalignment, muscle tension, torsion in the fascial patterning, or overdoing a certain activity which creates tension. If the problem is structural, Craniosacral Therapy can be super helpful.

Craniosacral Therapy is much more of a listening therapy than a deeply aggressive type of bodywork. Have you ever gone for a massage and the pressure hurt and the tissues did not soften?  Did you find yourself sore afterwards?

What’s great about Craniosacral Therapy is that, we as therapists. listen to the body tissues and allow them to show us the way into the dysfunctional patterns. There is no forcing, so the body doesn’t have to fight back. It’s much easier to access the tissues in the neck and spine this way for relief.

If you are struggling with neck and/or back pain, check out www.upledger.com.  Usually, there is a way to free up the neck and back for more mobility and health. Give yourself an opportunity to move into health with gentle support.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792





Presence:  Discovering Inner Wisdom

Presence: Discovering Inner Wisdom

The Inner Wisdom of my body brought me into Presence…

God Bless Our Inner Wisdom. The intelligence Within is powerful. When I was younger, I found myself fascinated by the human body and how it works.  At a later ripened  aged Craniosacral Therapist, I now find myself even more intrigued.  Never is there a dull moment when I get bored with what I do.  This is because I continue to study, explore and keep my mind open to new things arising in relationships: The people with whom I work,  The world of Science, Touch and Healing, and of course with the magic of bringing peace and balance into any given equation.  This is important to me so I can be the best version of facilitator I can be to support my clients. My best teachers, of course, are the moments when I meld and grow with each person who is willing to take a chance to heal and to deepen into Self-Discovery. Quite the adventure.

During every session,  presence grows as I listen and support the inner wisdom relationship between me and my clients..  My mind, body & spirit feel much more aligned and deeply connected due to the quality of work to which I aim.  Why?  Because I understand that each client is a gift to me, where we dance together in mutuality for the highest good, and where the intention is focused on waking up into knowing health and wholeness.  My clients come back, because I stay in a neutral place of non-judgment, open to the possibilities of getting better.  Whatever it takes…  My commitment is strong and based in care and understanding.  Not to mention, an array of tools learned throughout the years.

human body

The human body


The human body

As a Licensed Manual Therapist,  the emphasis of my work has been on Listening, Connection, & Using the Tools that I have learned.  One of the places I learned my unique approach to healing was in my Hakomi training.  Ron Kurtz, who founded the Hakomi work taught that Loving presence is an incredible supportive way to create a therapeutic relationship that is safe, accepting and gracious.  For me, this means being very aware of Who I am in the moment, and listening to the information that is presented by the inner wisdom of my client.  This can be expressed in the wave of a breathe, a sound, a facial expression or sometimes through talk.   Dialogue happens on many different levels. Through my Upledger Training,  I have also learned to trust the Inner Wisdom inside of each person.  It guides me, shows me the way to release and uncover old traumas, defense patterns, and dysfunctional patterns.  Much of the time, I use the Craniosacral Rhythm and its Significance Detector to lead me where the body wants to go.  Believe it or not, your body knows what it needs and that information is available.

The people who benefit the most from organic and natural healing are those who open up to all possibilities.  People who take a chance to step outside what they know into the Unknown.  This means feeling deeply into the sensing body, feeling emotions, and exploring belief systems.  Coming out of the shadow and entering into the Presence of NOW.  For example, I had a client who had lost her baby. During our SomatoEmotional work, she continued felt her deep grief, and expressed the pain that she felt inside her body. The pain at her loss. I listened to what her body offered to show me.  After a series of sessions, she moved much more freely and felt so much better.  It is such a difficult thing to have to go through, but she found that going in and through her broken heart, that she could live easier on the other side.

What I have discovered is that the best healing work is not about analyzing or figuring out the problem.  But rather, I have seen through my manual therapy  approach that focusing on supporting this concept of the “Evolving Presence” takes us into more expansion and a felt presence of health and wellbeing.  The more we are mindful, curious and neutral, the more clarity and truthful we become.  And the Truth does set us free.  All the Craniosaccral tools in the world don’t mean a thing without have a solid foundation in Presence.  Trusting the Inner Wisdom matters most in every session.

Sharon Hartnett  CST-D

703 509-1792



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