How to Create a Healthy Space for Noise Overwhelm

How to Create a Healthy Space for Noise Overwhelm

Are you Feeling the Overwhelm of Loud Noises in Social Situations?

Have you heard of the term “neurodivergent”?  For people who feel as if they think and feel differently, I think it’s a good topic to explore for self-understanding. The differences of neurodivergent experiences land anywhere from ADHD, to sensory sensitivities, to autism and other mental health conditions. However, the topic I want to speak about today primarily is the overwhelm of loud noises for some people with neurodivergent thinking.  I think it’s important to find a way to acclimate and still join into social interactions.  Overwhelm can take us away from people and activities we enjoy.  So how do we deal with loud noise when we are sensitive to it?

Each of us is unique in how our brain works. How we learn, how we process, and funtion does’t have to fit into a “typical” model. In the past, and even still now, when a person is different, it can be looked down upon or. seen as problematic. But more often, now adays, there is a fresher acceptance and understanding of people who think out of the box with the concept of neurodiversity. More and more, we want to include, embrace and find the strengths inside each individual. The healthier outlook is to celebrate our differences.

In particular, for neurodivergent people who feel awkward in social situations, they may need a little bit of help to know that their differences and vulnerabilities can also be understood as strengths. Researching this topic can bring relief in knowing that there is a new openness to consideration for diversity. I know, for myself, it took a long time as an adult to feel comfortable when there were a lot of people talking at once in a room. For example, I couldn’t think and the inside of my ears would actually start to hurt when I was in a loud crowded restaurant until I left and went outside. I felt like my ADHD has been healed for the most part, or maybe a better word would be integrated. Yet my brain disagreed. It still does when I am in a noisy area with many people speaking all at once. There have been times when I had felt anxious because I felt like I was the only one experiencing this. Now,understanding that how my brain operations is different yet normal has made me feel more comfortable in uncomfortable situations. So in my later years, I have learned to support myself, and others in helping to cope with loud noise. Especially people with ADHD since I know what it is like to be challenged this way and to move through to the other side.

Some of the things that I have found to be helpful with noise overwhelm are:

1.  Wearing noise reduction/cancelling head phones in loud spaces. I can still hear what is going on in my enviroment, but the noise is subdued.

2.  Meditation:  One helpful meditation in specific is ringing a bell and following the sound with mindful focus. It helps the mind to release tension when other noises come into the space.

3. Craniosacral Therapy has helped my nervous system to feel more balanced and in ease.  Especially when I can express my feelings in a safe environment from a mind body perspective. This can also help a person to feel more grounded and embodied. This helps my clients as well!

4. Developing the Witness.  This is spending time stepping away from yourself in a neutral intention. Stay curious in your experience.  Not being judgmental. 

5.  Realizing that the noise and ovewhelm is temporary.  In most instances, one can leave and move into a more quiet place.

6.  Don’t avoid sound because this can increase fear and stress.  For example with tinnitus, begin to understand that the sound is unimportant so that. you don’t put your constant energy into negative thinking about the buzzing sounds.  This isn’t normally an easy fix, by tinnitus can come and go for many people.  Empowering the mind can support adaptability and relief.

7.  Check in with an audiologist.  Sometimes they can help, and sometimes not. But some centers do have helpful tools.

Having your brain operate differently doesn’t make a person bad or unhealthy. Being sensitive is just a different expression of being human. Seek courageous ways to face your challenges, but also find the right balance of self-care. Overwhelm does not have to be your life.  Know that you are not alone, and that our differnces are what make us interesting.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy

Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy


Flourishing In This World

Flourishing is what I want for my clients.  Not just feeling OK. But living a quality life with all its ups and downs. Nothing in life is Perfect, but we can learn to navigate and pass through life with joy and connection.

While “flourishing” is my hope, and this is my intention with each and every person who comes to my office- I also have to let go of any outcome with my clients.  This frees up the session.  When a person comes to see me, wanting to feel better, I have to put my ego to the side and trust what their Inner Physician speaks. The blending is a surrender to what is.  Accessing the best resources to help a person releive stresses, pain and suffering.

What is the Inner Physician?   It’s a cornerstone belief in Dr. John Upledger’s teaching where we learn to trust and support the deepest inner wisdom of our clients. In order to enhance wellbeing, we learn techniques to help a person process and self-discover their best sense of centeredness and Self. This is done by being in a neutral place, and also by facilitating the inner process of the client. At the same time,the Craniosacral Therapist also monitors herself and the relationship with the same care during dialogue.

This is very different than other types of bodywork where there is a “fix it” attitude.With Craniosacral Therapy, we know that we can’t fix anything really.  What we can do is support the client’s wish to heal and to grow, while offering gentle nudges and support.  You would be amazed at how much change can happen with the gentlest touch with intention with the help of  the Inner Wisdom.  By melding we are quite often quiet, listening,holding space and in contact.   It’s a matter of connecting and faith of the Craniosacral System to show us the best direction within the body.

Flourishing to me, is to learn to live in this world of light and darkeness,and everything in between.  To thrive through acceptance, inclusion, and compassion.  I feel that we know that we are flourishing when we feel alive,aligned and in  appreciation in the whole.  Oftent to flourish, means knowing our place in the inter-connection of life.  Craniosacral Therapy is one of the modalities that can awaken us to remember this.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

7703 509-1792



How to Find Relief for Concussion Symptoms

How to Find Relief for Concussion Symptoms

 Common Concussion Symptoms

Concussion symptoms are serious business.  A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Any strike to the head should not be ignored. Especially if you find yourself being forgetful, sensitive to light, dizzy,experiencing blurry vision, confused, experiencing headaches, nauseous, clumpsy, moody, or having difficulties following instructions after any impact to the head, make sure you get checked out by a physician.  Symptoms may or may not appear immediately, so be mindful about your state of being for at least a few days. Especially if you lose consciousness, it is imperitive to your long-term health to receive proper care.

Healthcare providers will usually recommend that you take it easy after a brain injury. The brain needs time to resource its energy to heal. Usually with lots of rest, the brain can recover. However if you continue to have difficulties concentrating, feel off, or feel irritable with headaches, you may want to check in with a Craniosacral Therapist.

Having experienced a few concussions myself, I have found that besides rest, Craniosacral Therapy has helped me the best. How this works is that a Craniosacral Therapist. will directly work with the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and the spine. Why this fluid is so important is that it protects, helps nourish and moves out toxins.  A concussion or a Traumatic Brain Injury will disrupt function.  Craniosacral Therapy listens and melds with the deeper healthy currents of the Craniosacral System to bring better symmetry, a healthier rate, optimal quality and amplitude to the rhythm.  After a numerous bumps to my head, the Craniosacral Work has helped me to feel more balance, more clear and able to manage my life normally.

My training is with the Upledger Institute

If you would like to find more detailed information about how UI is helping to advance research and the positive results they have observed in clinics and intensives, check this link:   Concussion Help

If you are suffering from concussion brain injury, don’t wait.  You deserve to live a good life.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Anyone with an open mind can enjoy the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy.

At the very core of Craniosacral Therapy, there is an Inner Wisdom Within each individual. This is where the faith comes in with this manual therapy.Trusting that the body has its own intelligence. A craniosacral therapist listens, follows, and melds with the Craniosacral System to help mirror, nourish and acknowledge the power that is held in each of us.

The Brain and the Spine are part of the information highway of the nervous system withing each of us.When a therapist blends and supports the Inner Wisdom though blending with the fluids, magical things happen.  They really do. Not in an abstract way only, although that can certainly be the case. But also in a very science based methology. Craniosacral Therapy restores and benefits by enhancing the quality of the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Cranioacral Therapy is gentle yet powerful work. It enhances wellbeing and brings strength to the whole body by enlivening the tissues and waking up new awareness within the body’s communication network.  New messages are born. New information changes.

The thing is, a person must be open minded.  They need to think outside the box of traditional medicine. Imagine, a 1:1 relationship where full attention is on your deepest body intelligence. What amazing things could your body do when it is acknowledged and empowered?  It’s enough that it works as it does miracoulously every day. But boosting its efficiency, and optimizing its health frees one to deeper wells of inner resources.

If you want to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, check out the Upledger Institute.  Dr. John Upledger has gifted the world with this beautiful and powerful manual therapy.  Learn more about how it can help you.

May the fluid flow peacefully Within You!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


How to Find Joy Again:Walk Away For Your Own Wellbeing

How to Find Joy Again:Walk Away For Your Own Wellbeing


Wellbeing is an Intention

I don’t know about you all. For me, growing up, life was quite often about others rather than my own wellbeing. How they were feeling. What they wanted or didn’t want.  Building up the other just so there was some peace. When things were settled, everything was great.  On the other hand, when that shoe dropped,  cater cater cater.  I learned to do whatever I could to make sure everyone was as happy as possible.  In childhood, I don’t think I even realized there was a “Self” who had real needs too. Neglect is a silent wound. Not until I grew up did I begin to realize the void.

For a kid, that’s a big burden to carry.  Too big really. In the order of things, it was never my place to try so hard just so I could feel secure in the family. As a child like this grows up, often in relationships, the young person doesn’t learn how to ask or how to receive openly and with trust necessarily. It’s a foreign concept.  Into maturity, this leans even further into supporting the “other” at a huge cost.  The cost being “Sense of Self”.  Sometimes, this could even move into agreement to abusive relationships.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Healer for about 30 years, I have had to truly look inward to discover my True Self. To find my own sense of power. To Live in Integrity. Still, in my 60’s, there is sometimes residual clutter that causes my attention to move outward and about even now.  It takes a strong intention to learn how to stay “Present’ and in Service at the same time. It take a commitment and alot of compassion toward the Self, and towards others.

The biggest lesson I learned was to create a healthy boundary if I wanted wellbeing in my life.  I learned to listen and take in as much as I could in relationships. As long I made decisions that felt healthy.  However, when it was enough, my feet began to know how to walk away instead of leaving myself.  For a long time now, I know that I deserve wellbeing. I now embody that sense of Self.  When I take care of myself, I have more depth and space to be in presence for others too.


Don’t wait too long to claim your own sense of power back.  If something inside hurts inside because of the person you are with, or the current circumstances in life are overbearing, walk away.  Don’t let the narcissists and the bullies win this game of life.  Instead find out what you are made of. Sometime wellbeing means walking away and being in your own space.  By gifting yourself this, you will be surprised how incredible you truly are indeed!


Mindful centered Meditation is a great place to start.  This practice involves focusing on the present moment without judgment.  A daily meditation routine can reduce stress, increase concentration and improve overall mental health and wellbeing.

Joy to you!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792



How the Watery Liquid in Your Brains Works in Simple Terms

How the Watery Liquid in Your Brains Works in Simple Terms

Watery Fluid

The Watery Cerebrospinal Fluid Inside of You

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) , a watery substance produced in the ventricles of the brain, plays a crucial role in the nervous system by providing protection and support to the brain and spinal cord.

The CSF circulates around the central nervous system, acting as a cushion to absorb any impact or shock. CSF also helps to remove waste products from the brain and regulate the chemical environment of the nervous system. Additionally, it assists in the distribution of nutrients and hormones to the brain and spinal cord. The constant flow of CSF helps to maintain the overall health and functioning of the nervous system, ensuring that the brain and spinal cord are well-protected and able to carry out their important functions.

A Craniosacral Therapist Works by listening and melding with the flowing watery CSF through the Craniosacral System.  By tuning into the rhythm, we can tell if and where there is restrictive flow.  The healing that arises- comes from Within You.  Our hands and techniques support the Craniosacral System to self-correct for optimal functioning.  The inner intelligence does the rest.

This could sound esoteric.  But truly it is not.  It is a physiological process that brings balance, nourishment and peace to the mind and body quite often. While it’s not easy to measure the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in numbers.  Experientially, the  Central Nervous relaxes and calms when needed as it is addressed.  On the other side of the coin, a sluggish system will often pick up and become more energetic.

This Watery Liquid which is born from the subarchoid space in the ventricles occupies and flows through the central spinal canal as well as the brain.  It nourishes the Central Nervous System.  Craniosacral Therapy promotes relaxation, reduces pain,  and enhances overall wellbeing.  The natural healing abilities within you are powerful and intellgent indeed!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High Worthington, Ohio 43085

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