7 Reasons Why You Should Get Craniosacral Therapy
How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help You... Simple and Easy: this is an easy way to release stress. When the mind and body can calm down and balance, the internal healing potential can do wonders. Just to name a few benefits: Relieves Neck and Back Pain...
Can Craniosacral Help with the Winter Blues?
Whether you are experiencing the winter blues or a more extreme case of SAD, Craniosacral Therapy can help you you to reconnect to joy and wellbeing. What do you know about Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral Therapy may help. One in five Americans fall...
A Great Way to Help with Plantar Fasciitis
What is Plantar Fasciitis? Do you wake up in the morning feeling stiffness or pain in your feet as you stand up? If so, you may be experiencing plantar fasciitis. The thick ligament that connects your heel to toes (along the arch) is called the plantar fascia. When...
Alleviating Neck Pain with Craniosacral Therapy
Have you been suffering from Neck Pain? Whether you are experiencing neck pain from degenerative disk disease, an injury, osteoarthritis or bad posture, there is usually something you can do to help your condition. Today, we are going to look at massage and bodywork...
Can’t Sleep? Try Craniosacral Therapy
Not able to sleep Well? Looking for some help for Insomnia? Today I was reading an article that discussed how women often have more challenges with sleep insomnia than men. In my experience, due to hormonal fluctuations, many women that I have seen in my practice...
Can Fibromyalgia Symptoms be Relieved?
Can the Fluidity of Myofascial Work Help Alleviate Fibromyalgia Pain? Fibromyalgia is a condition which involves widespread pain and hypersensitivity with specific tender points in the muscles. This syndrome can stop people from living their daily lives with ease....
Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome Specialty
Do you have Chronic Myofasical Pain? When I ask clients who come into my practice with a diagnosis of Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMPS) symptom about their lifestyles, the first significant thing that I usually hear is that they are in jobs with repetitive contractive...
Suffering from back pain?
Is back pain stopping you from getting things done in your life? Approximately 80 % of adults aged 30-60 in the US have reported back pain according to MTJ magazine. The pain can start out as mild, but if left untreated, can end up being severe, keeping you from...
Therapeutic Massage-New Albany Ohio $20.00 Off for First Time Clients!
Have you found a Therapeutic Massage Therapist in New Albany, Ohio who can help you to relax and release pain? I have just moved my office into a really wonderful space attached to my home in Johnstown. That's right, a beautiful 5-10 drive minutes away, you can find...
Evening Hours Massage in Johnstown, Ohio
At Lighten Up Therapies, Sharon Hartnett LMT offers evening hours at 7:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. Location: Johnstown, Ohio As a massage therapist for over 18 years, in my early days-I had many people call me trying to make an appointment, but unable...