Dr. Andrew Weil in Natural Awakenings
Dr. Andrew Weil has been a huge influence in bringing attention to Integrative Medicine in the US. Recently I was reading the October 2014 Natural Awakening magazine, and he was asked, "What influence can the public have in supporting a shift" ? Personally, I have...
Structural Integration:Deeper into the Body
Structural Integration by Ida Rolf, is not the most mild type of bodywork. It's not meant to be... The ten sessions are intended to help clients to find better alignment in relationship to gravity. Not only in standing or quiet poses, but also in movement....
Self-Discovery with Craniosacral Therapy is an adventure. Sessions are very gentle and can support you in finding your Inner Light. Clients often remark how this type of therapy feels like connecting to their deepest cellular sense. Feedback: They awaken and...
Craniosacral SomatoEmotional Release
Craniosacral Therapy with SomatoEmotional release is a gentle and supportive type of hands-on bodywork that allows clients to open up to deeper feelings, especially residual trauma. As you sense deeper into your body, the cellular experience has the opportunity to...
Have You Ever Considered the Motion of Your Visceral Organs?
Perhaps Not- Visceral organs are not usually a commonly discussed subject, unless something feels wrong or a diagnosis states as such. So I'd like to bring this subject up for common discussion so that the general public has a better basic understanding of organ...
Feeling Tight? Structural Integration…
Feeling tight doesn't necessarily come from muscular signals. In fact, most massage therapists and bodyworkers who are experienced with years of practice will tell you that most of contraction comes from feeling connective tissue that is tight, adhered or twisted in...
Breaking the Chains of Disappointment
Disappointment and It's Consequences Are you one of those people that always seems to be unhappy about something? You plan something and work hard, but the end result never seems to be what you hoped for. Living in the cycle of disappointment isn't the easiest road....
Interested in the Barbara Brennan School?
Barbara Brennan's School is situated in the South of Florida. It moved there many years ago because Barbara Brennan wanted to find a location where Brennan Healing Science® could be learned in a college environment. It was her dream to make this work mainstream and...
Self-Discovery through Craniosacral Therapy Nobody can give you the answers you are seeking... It is through the process of opening to your own Truth that you can find the answers for which you look. Yet, the truth is often found by experiencing relationship with an...
How Do You Want to Change?
Are you sure that you want to change your life? Change means actually allowing habits to be broken. Are you up for the challenge? Progress requires a price to pay, and you have have the power to change your thinking to volunteer for freedom. Your evolution is...