Massage Improves Flexibility of Soft Tissue

One of the chronic physical conditions that benefits best in the world of manual therapy is the lessening of pain for clients by helping to loosen direct and indirect soft tissue restrictions.

In my practice, I have found two areas of massage therapy that have consistently proven to help increase range of motion and to relax the musculatures and other internal systems so that the body can fall back into its natural alignment: 1. working directly with the musculature and 2. also by focusing on fascial tissue.

Most people who have received basic massage know what it feels like to have a muscle worked.  You go in and you feel either light or deep pressure going inward and moving in a certain directions.  That can feel wonderful. Your circulation increases, stress melts away, and the lymph system works more efficiently, all with an hour of massage.  But if you want longer lasting structural change, the fascial component of the work can create longer lasting shifts and release bones and other adhesions that hinder good flexibility.  This feels very different in quality when receiving because the intention is to work with this web of tissue that contains and runs through almost everything in the body.  Either using fingers, the hand, or an elbow, the practitioner enters the fascial system and helps it to stretch or unwind so that the client can move more freely. She can work with the bones, the viscera wrappings, and all the contents either directly or indirectly while inviting the client to move certain ways to find length and movment.  As one point or section is released, the rest of the body feels he tautness let go too, even if on an unconscious level.  Everything is connected in the body and the fascia is key into bringing balance throughout the whole structure.

Massage in Columbus

The New Frontier in Pain Relief!t

In the quiet of the body there is nourishment.  At the same time, the body also needs to move from the cellular level to the larger systems to stay healthy.  Deep myofascial work can do wonders to help you accomplish this by touching into stuck places and releasing old patterns.  Through therapies like Craniosacral Therapy with a light touch or Ida Rolf’s 10 Session protocol for Structural Integration, fascial work will bring balance and lightness back into your step!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus, Ohio

703 509-1792





Feeling Stressed Out?

Feeling stressed out by life?

Everyone feels stressed out at least occasionally. Through all of life’s cycles, growth opportunities pop up presenting us with challenges that push against our boundaries. This can make us feel uncomfortable or stressed out. Fortunately, many of us have had positive influences that have  taught us how to navigate through rather difficult times efficiently.  But when we don’t know how to cope well any longer,  then what?  Is it possible to take these stresses and turn them around to make ourselves better?

We have to remember that if we change our perspectives about our difficulties,  the rest of the energy supporting the stress will shift too.
Craiosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy relieves stress.

Remember that:

  • Overload is just about how we perceive a certain situation.
  • The way our bodies habitually respond to stress can be re-organized into a healthier response.
  • We are in charge of how we interact with the world in which we live.

Anything that you believe poses a threat to your way of being can cause stress.  So how does your mind, body and spirit let go of any ideas of danger?

  1. Being mindful of your own experience is a good place to begin. By bringing attention to both your internal and external environment, you will begin to see what ignites stress. Some of the physiological signs might be: slower digestion, heart rate rises, muscles contract, breathing quickens, and it may be difficult to sleep.  While you are experiencing the thought and the energy behind the stress, be curious and observant.  This is a good way to practice meditation.
  2. Receiving massage and bodywork has been shown to reduce stress, including modalities such as Craniosacral Therapy, Trigger Point, Structural Integration and the light moving touch of Swedish as well.  Feeling deeply into the body re-educates how we think and helps us re-route into a more relaxed and calm state of being.
  3. Body centered psychotherapies can be very helpful as well.  For example, Hakomi is based on peaceful methods of bringing awareness to your experience and trying on different perspectives.  This can give you new ways to view life down to the cellular level. This therapy is different than typical talk therapy as the main focus is bringing attention to the body to open the doorway to your consciousness.
  4. Physical Exercise pumps up your endorphins. Stress melts away. A good workout helps you to feel healthier and feel more alive.
  5. Deep breathing can help slower the heart rate and decrease your blood pressure.  A commitment to yoga practice will certainly give you opportunities to experience stress relief.
  6. Aromatherapy with oils from Young Living Oils or Doterra can help you to relax in a nice bath or with a foot massage before you go to sleep.  The intention of using the oils for health and good self-care can be very helpful if you are feeling anxious or imbalanced.
  7. Finding a good chiropractor who works with stability as well as flexibility can do wonders in helping you feel better aligned.  When the spine is healthy, life looks a lot more positive!
  8. Byron Katie has come up with 4 questions that will help you change your life.  Her worksheets are free online and you can view her on Youtube.  Check out
  9. Gentle movement exercises like Felderkrais or Continuum will awaken your deeper sense of centeredness.
  10. Eckhart Tolle is known for bringing out focus “Into the Now”.  His teachings can help one to let go of suffering and stress by recognizing our tendencies to live in the past and future rather than being Present.

Remember that If stress is interfering with your life’s purpose and health, it’s time to do something different that will help you resource your internal skills to help you move through life with more ease.  There are practices you can do alone, in a class, or with the help of a professional.  The more serious the issue with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD it is best to find the right professional with good experience and references.

Let your stress pass right through by taking good care of you.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

(740) 966-5153

Facilitating with Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Structural Integration, Reiki, The Work, Brennan Healing and more.   See for more information.




Healing… How Long Will It Take to Feel Better?

Curious about how many healing sessions you need to resolve pain issues?

Well, the truth is no healer or therapist can give you that answer if they are being honest.

What we can offer is that we will use whatever tools and compassion we have to help you along on your journey back to health.  And if you are looking for the best massage therapist, healer, health coach that can help you to re-connect to that force inside of you that can shift things toward wellbeing, the best thing you can do is interview, try new healing modalities, and make a commitment to stay with your own process as you learn from each relationship and experience.





When you interview possible massage therapists, the first thing you want to do is check in with your own intuition to see if you feel comfortable with yourself when you meet.  If his/her presence sets the space as a comforting and an honest environment for you to open up, then that is a good indication.  Next, it is important that you feel like your needs are really heard.  Some therapists have routines and just do their thing.  It is much more helpful to clients if each session is set up as a unique and moment-to-moment type of therapy.  That way the dialogue between you and the therapist is based on the body’s own wisdom to self-correct through positive intervention.  On the same note,  in regards to communication,  let your therapist know what pressure works best for you.  Often the body will say one thing, but the ego has a completely different itinerary.   Both of these need to be alignment for the best results. Lastly, look online for testimonials and google reviews.  There is a huge difference between beginner practitioners and people will experience.  You do actually pay for what you get for the most part when it comes to massage and healing.  This is not to say that you won’t receive a good session from someone right out of school, but they won’t hold the same depth and width of hands on experience.

I have lots of clients who tell me that they have tried everything and nothing works.  Well-  that can be a challenge if the client doesn’t learn and see the benefits of each interaction.  What I can say is that if you are in pain,  that is your body or spirit telling you that something needs to change and your own system doesn’t have the answer yet.  With this said,  the history in the biology has often taken a lot of time to go awry,  it takes time to work through restrictions, compensations and such before getting to the Source sometimes.  Open your mind to new things.  Allow yourself to trust your intuition and the people you work with. With time and patience, and good work- things can and often do change toward the positive.  

Stay committed to your healing process.  Nobody can fix you, but plenty of people and life itself will help you to heal.  Dance in the new relationships you make, and don’t let anything or anyone take you off course from yourself.

Pain is an indicator that lets you know that something needs to change.   Trust what is being created and let go of what you no longer need.  Whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual-  with positive intention- you can find your way back to Source.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598

Connection through Massage

Why do people feel so great after Massage?

In my opinion, it all boils down to connection.

Touch is such a key component to our health.  It really is fundamental to life and happiness.  So are we getting enough of it?  
Increasingly, people are looking outside of their normal daily lives to find this type of connection in a safe and healing environment. Approximately 35 million Americans have found their way to massage.



The depth of Touch type of Therapies can go way beyond releasing physical pain and discomfort.  

Massage Therapy can support a person when compassionate and invigorating contact is absent from life.  I think in this day and age,  many people have forgotten what it is like to hug, to hold hands or just to reach out a reassuring hand.  With this type of connection missing- it’s easy to become isolated, to ignite feelings of frustration, fear, and anger.  It’s easier to stay in conflict with a family member, friend or associate when touch is not involved. The intimacy of safe touch is literally sorely missed when absent in relationships.  

Massage Therapy can help relax the body, the mind and spirit.  When appropriate and intentional contact happens, it’s amazing how much better one can feel.  The blueprint of your genetic expression can actually alter toward wellbeing.

There is nothing better than feeling relaxed, fluid and energized at the same time.


Gentle Touch with Craniosacral Therapy

Touch is a magical way to enter into another’s space.

It is a way of expressing and nurturing life.

When this contact of touch happens,  nerve cells send messages to your brain about tactile sensation. One kind of receptor is the mechanoreceptors that give you information about pushing, pulling and movement.  The second group is the thermoreceptors that tell you about sensations of temperature.  These are the physiological responses that occur in your body that help you to learn to navigate and live in a physical world.  The body listens and it then dances with its environment through this type of dialogue.

Massage Touch Columbus

Informational Communication


While this is a basic understanding on the physical level about our inner workings, the next question is what else happens?

When information is digested, emotions and thoughts can arise.  Often unresolved patterns that are frozen and need help to complete their natural organic cycle of life show up.  Everything changes in the Universe and everything concludes in itself and gives birth again when given the opportunity.  Touch is an excellent way to initiate the new movement Within to support change.

As a Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist, again and again, it is easy to see that gentle touch can be very heart-centered and healing.  Often when clients have felt abused or traumatized, gentle touch can help clients to relax and feel things that have felt stuck.  Clients often gain insights and new understanding into their beliefs and limitations. Old feelings are unleashed and are able to integrate so that people can find the balance they seek.  Unlocking old configurations is freeing and unburdens us to live more in the moment.


From my Craniosacral Therapist Perspective: While the brain may be the thinker of humanity,  it is the Sacred Human Heart and it’s ability to shine through that brings us back into harmony and our Divine Essence.  Having the technical know how is important but learning to reach other human beings through compassionate touch is life saving to some.  Allowing the mind to serve the heart rather than the other way around is important if we want to connect to Source.

As human beings, when we touch with compassion,  we enter into a doorway to open our limitations into a more unitive state of being.

Not only is touch healing, but it is a remembrance that we are not alone in this world.  Connection is so essential to the human soul.  We always yearn for it… Many are seekers of it.  In our society touch is very compartmentalized and minimal.  Massage Therapy and other types of bodywork give us permission to open up again on so many levels of consciousness.

One research that I just read….left me more clear about how touch relieves pain.  I’d like to share it with you-

It’s is positive thing to have science behind the benefits of touch to remind how essential connection is….  So spread some compassion with touch today if you dare!

Sharon Hartnett CST and LMT
740 966-5153