Wake Up Your Mindful Authentic Sense of Self.

Wake Up Your Mindful Authentic Sense of Self.

Increase Your Authentic Self-Awareness…

Kind of an odd Meme Picture Below about Being Yourself  by being Authentic.  However, it sort of touched me today. How many times do we take on roles or present ourselves differently in order to keep attachments? When is this healthy, and when is it not?

After practicing Hakomi for so long with my clients, I have entered into the jive of staying “mindful” on a daily basis. It’s the best way I know to live in my passion and to understand my deepest dynamic Self.

What “mindfulness” means to me is bringing awareness to my personal experience. Observing the happening of the moment this way helps me to be more clear, and more aligned with the True Self.  It also helps me to navigate my response to life more easily.

This is so important because mindfulness gives us an enhanced toolbox so that we can interact with life in a more authentic way. We stop getting so wrapped up in what others think about us. Rather we make ourselves at home inside our own Self, changing and growing in more expansiveness and confidence.

If you find yourself entangled in a lot of dramas. If you feel lost sometimes. The key to finding your authentic self is through mindful exploration.  You can do this yourself easily by just practicing creating space for yourself.  You deserve this understanding and love.  You deserve to feel anchored into the Center of your Being. Get Crazy. Have fun. Live your thread with wild abandonment!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
Craniosacral Therapist & Visceral Manipulation 
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085





Ssh! Freedom is found in the Silence

Ssh! Freedom is found in the Silence

Adyashanti on His Silence Quote

Silence. We can search for the meaning of life in our actions, as well as in our outside experiences. However, nothing true can really be found there. Only half truths.  Or shades.

I love this “Silence” quote from Adyashinti because it really strikes home with me.  When I drop my thoughts and my mind quiets down, it’s like the arrival of magic and mystery rolled in together.  There is no stress.  There is no distortion.  It’s emptiness and breath arising.

Often when we start on a spiritual path, the “seeker” in us shows up.  It looks all over for the answers. Glimpses of the Glory will appear and the intrigue takes us farther.  But after a long road, the path finally begins to dissolve, and there is no where else to go.

Have you ever felt totally free, and alive?

How does one describe effortlessness and ease in the nothing?

How does the crumbling of your story feel?

Life is so fun and interesting!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worrthington, Ohio 43085





Give Yourself the Best: Why Not?

Give Yourself the Best: Why Not?

,What is the Best Life You Can Live?

First, in your best life,  you would have to know what you want, and what you deserve. I am not necessarily speaking about material things, although those can be part of the equation. But those things are the afterthought.

What truly matters for you when you get down to the nuts and bolts? Imagine in the future, after a life well lived. What would be the most important thing on your mind and in your heart when you look backwards? What made that heart of yours transform into something better, more vital and full of love?  What experience made your heart feel like singing?

In this physical life, it is true that we need the basics to exist. We need food, water, a shelter and such. But the next stage after existence leads us more into passion and into healthy relationships.  We all deserve more than just existing. Although to exist is a priviledge indeed.

As people, we have the potention to sense and to feel so many things. The significance is in the experience which brings us more meaning. Much more than any objects beyond what it takes for us to live in sustainability. It’s in our growth through reaching out, learning and taking the essence of life back into our deepest core where we stir the deepest internally.

This is a short post, an invitation, to remember to question values and what contributes to living the best life one can. While life circumstances help shape us, it’s up to us, through intention and our choices and actions, where we will end up, and how we decided to live. What can be better than to Live Our Best Life. Knowing that we always have a choice.

Your best life is right now. Take that mountain of past experiences, and chose wisely your next step. At the end, that is what will count. That is what we will remember in the end when we leave with nothing else.

Joy to you!  Some poems about life.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085



The Body Knows How to Heal: Loving What IS..

The Body Knows How to Heal: Loving What IS..

To Heal is an Inside Job

To Heal Comes From Within You.  People often forget that there is a deep intelligence inside the body that is alway in motion when it’s healthy.  It’s our Life Force, our Qi.

If you think about it, each organ has an inherent motion, and all the other organs slip and slide along side each other with the help of the many fluids.  Down to the inside and outside of the cells, there is the nourishing  of the various components which are always at work,  joining together, like small streams, to sustain the greater whole.  There is constant communication and transmission of vital information.

So how does one access this deep intelligence?  When something goes awry in the body, it only makes sense, that an outside type of influence is necessary to nudge the system back into a cycle of health.

That’s where mindful bodywork with techniques can help. Depending on the focus, a manual therapist can listen to the body, and support the Inner Wisdom based on the response.

This can be done with Craniosacral Therapy, by a Visceral Manipulation Therapist, through Acupuncture, manipulaton by a Chiropractor, etc… Most of these therapies are complimentary and work hand in hand to heal.

For people who are searching for the best tools to help activate their healing, it’s important quite often to try different therapies, and sometimes even different therapists within a modality.  That’s because each therapy and each therapist’s unique contribution can influence you in a different way.

What’s unique about the Upledger Institute’s Work is that the focus is placed on addressing the Inner Physician.  It takes a deep trust of the Inner Wisdom, for the ego to move out of the way, and allow the melding and healing to run the process.

If you are looking seriously to shift and change your life, discover yourself through healthy relationship.  Interview and question potential therapists.  Trust your own instincts, and the truth for you in the moment will tell you your next move.  Realize, that Therapists can help by encouraging the healing cycle.  But it’s only your Inner Resources that can make it happen.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43031

Find the best craniosacral therapist near me!
Unlocking the Healing Energy of Your Heart After a Masectomy

Unlocking the Healing Energy of Your Heart After a Masectomy

Aftercare for Masectomy

Undergoing a masectomy can’t be easy for any woman. The healing process can take time. The hospital will send you home with all the information you need to take immediate care of yourself. Yet whether you decide to do reconstruction or not,  the tissues can heal better, when you are ready, with gentle touch, listening and melding.

Once your general recovery after the mastectomy is finished, you might want to investigate bodywork. Lymphatic Massage can help with drainage and managing swelling. It’s non-invasive and can be helpful long-term. Craniosacral Therapy can also be very helpful because it focuses on the Craniosacral System, which can help enliven the nervous system functioning after surgery. It also can help to soften the fascia and bring about better circulation and sensation. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and holds the body together from a cellular level to all the wrapping around all the components through the web of its structure in the whole body.

I have often worked with women around the breast tissue and after surgery. Listening and melding with the tissues can support a great shift to feeling better about yourself, and how you feel.  Also, with the gentle techniques, with an experienced Craniosacral Therapist, he/she can  support you to process through them easier with body centered care.  Most often Craniosacral Therapist get into this type of work because they have a lot of heart.  Support like this can help you to feel more deeply into your heart again too.

For more information, check out www.upledger.com.  When you interview any therapist, ask questions, especially about their experience and certification.  It’s best to find someone who you feel will provide a safe and caring environment.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085


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