by SharonHartnett | Sep 8, 2013 | Massage, Massage License in Ohio: 33.007505-H-K, thought for the day
Often we believe that circumstances outside ourselves is what causes Stress. But nothing can really stress you out beside what you are thinking and feeling. If you want to let go of stress, begin with you:)
Massage can help relieve stress~
Turning Things Around:
1. One of the best ways to let go of stress is to learn how to be mindful about your experiences. Take the time to listen to your body and to feel deeply into the moment. Be curious about how you are relating to your environment and what triggers your stresses. Observation, Experiencing and being in Inquiry can be a powerful tool to change what is happening just in itself.
2. Set up time for Self-Care. Find and Do things that feel nourishing to you. This is not about looking outward for the answer, but rather noticing your relationship to pleasure and joy and indulging in it without becoming attached. Stay in the flow of harmony and kindness as all things pass. As you begin to touch into your own light, you create pathways to the Source Within. Once the door is open, it is easier to step into your essence.
3. Exercise. You will never know how much better you can feel until you dedicate yourself to an exercise routine. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you enjoy yourself and try different things. It’s important to move in various ways rather than in repetitions. Your sense of Self is intelligent, and if you listen carefully, you’ll find a way to move that feels healthy for you.
4. Choose Love first. When we move our attention to our heart rather than our brains, it’s easier to move more into compassion for ourselves and others. The sense of being right trails far behind regarding what benefits our health once you experience the shift of love. Love makes everything easier when we drop our negative thinking.
5. Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Healing Work offers a great opportunity to reduce stress. When your body feels relaxed and you experience healthy relationship during your treatment time, stress seems to dissolve. Often people get off the table with a totally new outlook on life.
Stress may be inherent in your system, but you are empowered to change that all around. Your choices will make all the difference. Lead your life in a way that feels supportive and healthy to you. You deserve that!
For more about Craniosacral Therapy, Massage and Healing work, check out my website:
Sharon Hartnett LMT
by SharonHartnett | Sep 2, 2013 | Energy Healing, Massage License in Ohio: 33.007505-H-K, mind body & spirit
Over the last few decades, Dr. Barbara Brennan has seen her healing techniques and teachings spread across the globe, touching the lives of many students, clients, and people who have attended her school and/or studied her books, “Hands of Light” and Light Emerging”.
Her four year program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing” has continued to provide a sanctuary for people from all aspects of life in which to learn about healing and how their personal healership can support positive change in the world.There is no other setting quite like this school that can offer such a profound sense of community, bent in service to the Higher Purpose of Life. BBSH is a unique container of intentional movement toward the evolution of the human Spirit.
As a graduate of the school, I’d like to share some of my insights into the many benefits of attending this school:
A little bit about the school from a graduate’s perspective: The school is based on a four year curriculum, planned out to promote self awareness and energy transformation. In the most simple terms, the first year is very gentle and explorative in a nurturing sense. It is an opportunity to gain better understanding of Self, and how our Human Energy Field operates. As one approaches the second a year, a different template of energy is held to deepen into our whole sense of Self by further exploring our dualistic beliefs, wounding, defense systems and how we create conflict and resolve issues in our relationships. In my opinion, this year often opens us up to aspects of self where we dared not look in a long time. However, as we learn to listen to our Higher Selves, we gain insights from our darkness, and the light begins to shine brighter and brighter revealing our true natures. The third year takes us on another turn. This year challenges us to examine our relationship with God. Often authority issues are revealed and our limited thinking is dropped to open us to be more closely aligned with the Divine Mind. One learns to restructure chakras, to hold the 5th level of the energy field and so much more. Finally, when one enters the fourth and last year, the students take the time to write a research project and present a Case Study. This last year pulls the work together through working with the intention of Hara and rediscovering the Core Star connection we each have to the Divine.
To enter this portal of deep transformation and change, one has to be very committed. One has to learn to trust that by letting go of our old paradigms, that new wisdom and light will lead the way through our darkest trials. Students learn to recognize their strategies and defenses that no longer serve. With all pretenses dropping away, we have learned to become transparent and reconnected to the Whole. Even after graduation, we continue to question and explore in the dance of the Light , opening our hearts and our minds.
Most people who graduate, take the work they have learned from Barbara Brennan, her teachers and community out into their regular daily lives. But something integral to our way of Being has shifted. As we continue to use the skills, we weave our insights and essence into everything around us. We wake up to Source in everything we see with fresh eyes. Blocks that once held us frozen still dissolve easily, and the passage of life is easier to transverse.
I am not going to say that going the Barbara Brennan School of Healing is an easy journey. But it is a journey worth taking. The curriculum and support that show up at the school will help to heal your deepest wound. It will help you to navigate through life with more ease and grace. It will loosen your ties to the past and free you up to live more fully with Presence in the Moment.
Dr. Barbara Brennan dedicated her life to teaching and sharing her work. The Template of study and experience will dramatically change how you view life no matter how you look at it. If you are wanting to discover your True Essence, this is the place to start. If you want to look toward doing healing work with others out in the world, this school will give you the tools and Presence. Open up to your deepest longing and allow this community to support you in rediscovering your potential and True Self. Your beliefs are not you. You are so much more than you ever imagined yourself to be.
A Brennan Healing Science graduate Page…
For more information on Energy Healing, follow this thread the the bottom of the page…
To learn more about the school, check out:
Sharon Hartnett LMT, Brennan Healing Science Graduate, BIP, Supervisor and Former Faculty.
Columbus, Ohio 740 966-5153
by SharonHartnett | Sep 2, 2013 | Massage License in Ohio: 33.007505-H-K
Is your mind going 1000 miles per hour when what you really need is to relax?
One way to receive massage is to just allow touch to carry you away. And it often does. However, at Lighten Up Therapies, we often get clients who just don’t know how to unwind and may need some help.
By bringing mindful awareness to touch and exploring your experience during your massage, the body sends messages to the brain that may help you to reframe or reorganize patterns of thinking and feeling. This sacred space lends to releasing and renewal in so many ways. People often feel re-energized and more centered after a session at Lighten Up Therapies, here in Columbus, Ohio.
It is also very helpful to take meditation home and make it a daily practice. This can be achieved by:
1. Be curious. Stay in a mode of asking.
2. Observe what is happening in the moment. Be as objective as possible with this practice.
3. Experience life as it is. Acknowledge your perceptions and sensations. Be authentic in your intention.
Using these skills can help you to calm and move through anything that is negatively affecting you in your life.
A helpful article I found on mindfulness was in the AMTA archives. If you are interested to learn more about meditation, check out:
Sharon Hartnett LMT is trained in Hakomi, Somato-Emotional Release (SER) through the Upledger Institute, and in Trauma work, studying under well-known therapist Pat Ogden, author of “Trauma and the Body”.
by SharonHartnett | Jul 7, 2013 | Massage License in Ohio: 33.007505-H-K, thought for the day
The Evolution of You
The World is changing and so are you. Do you want to climb aboard the Peace Train or continue to live in the past? Often we look at things that collapse as a negative thing. But endings always bring about new beginnings. Destruction gives way to birth. In the rubble of the old, you will find life stirring, waiting to resurrect into motion and creativity.
Most of us have places inside our individual selves, but also in care of our communities and planets where we want to be in service to something greater than life as we know it. There is a spirit to life that dances in the heart of every human being. Our evolution is based on freeing our minds from old paradigms of existence to a more heart centered way of living. As we wake up to our real power, we begin to realize that we are constantly co-creating on this planet and this opportunity gives us the chance to find meaning in each and every moment. So why are so many people feeling lost and apart from the whole?
The Evolutionary Leap
Peace begins with you and with me. We have the chance to look within to begin the journey of healing ourselves and the planet. As interconnected beings, we can wake up to the importance of treating ourselves and others with more compassion and kindness over and over again. However, in order wake up, one must be committed to the disassembling of all that you hold as personal beliefs to see what else exists without them. Everything that we think we know is learned. There is a whole universe that extends beyond our unique beliefs. Make the decision to experience life with fresh eyes and vision. When life happens, pay attention to old patterns and make new choices. Release is in becoming more conscious of relationships and how to bring them forth into unity. We need to make space for the real essence of life. We are all being provides a chance to evolve and leap into a more joyful way of living. Embrace the unknown with open curiosity and allow yourself to open to the mystery of Self and Others. Life is an exciting adventure even in the most still of moments. Change the paradigm!
God Bless, Sharon Hartnett LMT
740 966-5153
by SharonHartnett | Jun 26, 2013 | Massage License in Ohio: 33.007505-H-K
Awakening the Spirit in the Human Body
What if you stopped looking outside for all the answers?
Awakening through Massage and Bodywork
What if you quieted down your thinking and brought your awareness inward?
Sitting in silence Within will reveal the truth of life more easily than getting another person’s point of view. Your spirit if alive and vibrant. It is waiting for you to listen and wake up.
Massage and Bodywork brings your attention inward. It enlivens the cellular memory and brings about deeper sensory integration. When the mind body & spirit are fully engaged, you feel what it is like to be Present in the moment.
Sharon Hartnett LMT
(614) 372-6598