Sports Injuries and Craniosacral Therapy

Sports Injuries and Craniosacral Therapy

Repetitive or Acute sports injuries can take their toll on athletes.

Most accidents only lead to bruises and mild soft tissue injuries, however, about 25% can be serious. Especially in contact sports such as football, hockey and such, more and more athletes are facing PTSD and other emotional stress.


Supporting sport injuries with Craniosacral Therapy.

When to call the doctor:  If you are experiencing persistent pain or anxiety, which is interfering with your daily life, make sure to contact your physician before things get worst.

Once you have followed your physician’s advice, explore some Craniosacral Therapy options as the work can be very helpful.

On a physical level,  Craniosacral Therapy supports the nervous system by directly working with the brain, spinal, membranes and fluid within.  The Craniosacral System has a rhythm that allows the CS fluid to nourish and keep the nervous system balanced.  Releasing restrictions and working to help the body let go of fascial dysfunctions can improve overall functioning throughout the body, reducing pain and helping with other disorders such as digestive issues,  TMJ, migraines, fibromyalgia, just to name a few.  On an emotional level, when there is any flow disruption, the mind can become anxious resulting with tension, headaches, and difficulty breathing. Nowadays, we are hearing more and more about football players ending up with PTSD and other brain disorders.  Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive type of therapy that is restorative and can re-educate clients to feel more relaxed and centered.  

If you are local to Columbus, Ohio- and you have questions about how this therapy can help you, call Sharon Hartnett CST at:  (740) 966-5153.

*For Massage Therapists with Advanced training in Craniosacral Therapy, while they are not necessarily trained in psychotherapy,  if they have studied with the Upledger Institute through the higher levels of Somato-Emotional Release, they can support you to express repressed feelings without judgment or analysis.

Changing Our Reality

Changing Our Reality

Inwardly we can change our Reality.

We can do this by questioning our beliefs, trying new things while being mindful of ourselves, and by creating positive new intentions and following through.


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy


We can’t change our own world by blaming others, living in habits or denying the truth.

If we want to know reality,   the way we identify with life needs to change. And when our own personal negative filters dissolves,  reality becomes more clear in our outer relationships.  The truth is revealed.

If you are stuck… and want to move out of that place-    call Sharon Hartnett LMT and CST at (613) 372-6598.  

With a longstanding practice in Brennan Healing Science and Craniosacral Therapy,  The Work by Byron Katie, Structural Integration, she has helped others to grow and evolve into their potential.

Connection through Massage

Connection through Massage

Why do people feel so great after Massage?

In my opinion, it all boils down to connection.

Touch is such a key component to our health.  It really is fundamental to life and happiness.  So are we getting enough of it?  
Increasingly, people are looking outside of their normal daily lives to find this type of connection in a safe and healing environment. Approximately 35 million Americans have found their way to massage.



The depth of Touch type of Therapies can go way beyond releasing physical pain and discomfort.  

Massage Therapy can support a person when compassionate and invigorating contact is absent from life.  I think in this day and age,  many people have forgotten what it is like to hug, to hold hands or just to reach out a reassuring hand.  With this type of connection missing- it’s easy to become isolated, to ignite feelings of frustration, fear, and anger.  It’s easier to stay in conflict with a family member, friend or associate when touch is not involved. The intimacy of safe touch is literally sorely missed when absent in relationships.  

Massage Therapy can help relax the body, the mind and spirit.  When appropriate and intentional contact happens, it’s amazing how much better one can feel.  The blueprint of your genetic expression can actually alter toward wellbeing.

There is nothing better than feeling relaxed, fluid and energized at the same time.


Craniosacral Massage:  Helps You Let Go of Your Inner Critic

Craniosacral Massage: Helps You Let Go of Your Inner Critic

Judgment seems to make up a good part of our thinking.  So much of our energy is spent on evaluating ourselves and others with our stressful jobs and things that need to be done during the day.  The result is a body that forgets how to relax and Let Go.  This can lead to pain, illness, and injuries…

By treating the body with Craniosacral Therapy,  processing of the sensations, emotions, and thoughts can become more balanced.  This can happen by listening to the wisdom of the body rather than focusing on our Inner Critic.  When the tensions of the body can quiet down, enlivened movement and awakened sensation can support deeper realization and bring a smile to your face.

Why see a Craniosacral Therapist?

People are often unaware of the the effects of life challenges and how it affects the body’s tendency towards rigidity and muscular tonicity. The body gets numbed, stuck or develops pain patterns. A Craniosacral Therapist who is Certified by the Upledger Institute is trained to bring mindful awareness to the client with a very gentle yet awakening touch.  By following the rhythm of the cerebral spinal fluid and the surrounding bones and tissues, restrictions and adhesions can release, allowing more free flowing dialogue between the body from a cellular level to the larger systems within.

Clients often relax so deeply that they start to snore on my table.

If you are the type of person that is always on the go, in the long run- you’ll stay healthier by learning to balance with the quiet meditative state of being.  Extremes are only meant to be short-term in regards to health and wellness.  Let us help you to Let Go of your stress.

Why not take a break and come in for some soothing of the mind, body & spirit?

Massage in Columbus


You will be amazed at how much better you are able to function when the body has released tension and is allowed to be at peace. 



Self-Discovery with Craniosacral Therapy is an adventure.  

Sessions are very gentle and can support you in finding your Inner Light.  

Clients often remark how this type of therapy feels like connecting to their deepest cellular sense.  Feedback: They awaken and respond well through the interactive dialogue of listening and communication. They often feel restrictive patterns begin to melt away on the table, and sometimes the continuation afterward. As the energy that once went into holding painful isolation opens up, it easier to find freedom in expanded movement and choices. Working with the Craniosacral natural rhythms helps you to get centered, feel restored and more balanced.   Integration then brings the change into deepened state of inner peace.   

Self-Discovery through CST

Craniosacral Self-Discovery


With a more experienced Craniosacral Therapist,  ask to find out more about SomatoEmotional Release®.  This more advanced mind body spirit work directly dialogues with the rhythm to find the significance of stuck patterns.  Your Craniosacral Therapist listens to your body like a psychotherapist listens to your words.  A dance springs forth and the therapist who is trained to support your feelings, and unfolding will hold space as you travel the path of self-discovery.

For more information,  contact Sharon Hartnett CST at (614) 372-6598.



Self-Discovery through Craniosacral Therapy

Nobody can give you the answers you are seeking…

It is through the process of opening to your own Truth that you can find the answers for which you look.

Yet,  the truth is often found by experiencing relationship with an expanding mind in thinking, feeling and sensing the body with compassion and care.  A trained facilitator can help you come back to center. The Upledger model of Craniosacral Therapy (CST)  is a peaceful and gentle modality that helps one to release dysfunction on many different levels, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. CST helps one to reconnect to Source.  The level of training by a Certified Craniosacral Therapist is excellent, and the high standards are set by Dr. John Upledger, DO, founder of the Upledger Institute.  If you are hoping to find a qualified professional to help you to navigate through rocky times,  you can find a list of Craniosacral Therapists on the Upledger Site.  They will assist you on your journey to Self Healing and Health.


Somato-Emotional Release


Craniosacral Therapy is a helpful healing modality that helps you to uncover your own Essential Healing.  Through this light handed approach, Craniosacral Therapy applies certain techniques to work with the brain, spine and surrounding tissues to help you balance the nervous system and nourish the various other physiological systems through dialogue.  Clients who experience sessions, often walk away feeling happier, more relaxed, especially after letting go of pain and discomfort.

If you are feeling pain or experiencing numbness, stress, anxiety or imbalance, take an opportunity to try this 10 Step protocol.  For a free 15 minute phone consultation, call:  (614) 372-6598.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Columbus Ohio

Advanced Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute

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