Ease Into Grace with Mindful Connection: Being in the Heart


Working today, I thought about how there are so many people who are suffering who could use some Grace.  Some people find help and relief. However, some don’t know how to find and connect with the healthy resources they need in order to get well. Perhaps they don’t have the financial means. Mostly what I run into though are the many women who don’t feel acknowledged in the healthcare system for chronic pain. Many tell me that they feel dismissed and unheard.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I enjoy having the 75 minutes my sessions offer to help people.  It’s a therapy which addresses the whole person with grace.  When we connect, meld and bring spaciousness into awareness, the body can miraculously heal itself.  The Craniosacral Therapy relaxes the body, and enhances the nervous systems body to regulate.  Often, it’s a very deep and profound experience.

Today, in life, remember that there are people who are truly having a hard day.  Maybe a hard life.  I bring that a little deeper into my heart.  How can you bring some grace into the relationship and the Moment?

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792



Easy Problem Solving In the Moment

Easy Problem Solving In the Moment

Problem Solving is an Intention.

Every day problems arise. They can all add up and feel totally overwhelming.  Low grade stress can actually help. Especially when we have a lot on our plates.  It helps us to become motivated to “Do”.  Our body takes us into first gear.

On the other hand, when we are intentionally organized, we slow down and focus on what is right here, right now.  The simplicity of this can bring effortlessness into any stressful situation.  Quiet internal rest helps our mind and bodies to relax and make space to be better responsive to life and problems.

When we don’t use this structural equation of the dance between  these two components of action and restful moments, it can become too much.  We need balance between the doing and the “Being” to find peaceful resolution.  It’s a combination of “Being” and taking “Action”.  Mixing the both to be one is optimal.


Problem Solving

Here is a great map to help us move through life more easily.  There is flow, but there is clear direction. Clarity makes life so much easier.

The idea is to be mindful when action is needed. This includes being restful and allowing internal spaciousness. In this place of expansion, new ideas can come in. When we apply them to our clear structure, things get done.  It’s the mix between balance point and motion.

Craniosacral Therapy can be very useful when we are streesed, overwhelmed and/or confused.  It helps a person to settle into the body.  It promotes healing, balance and motion.  It calms the mind and brings most people back into the “Now”.  This is the clearest place from which we can be living in.  

Intentional problem solving is best done when it is not based in fear nor reactionary.  Craniosacral Therapy in my practice has shown me how much a person’s stress system can calm down.  My clients start anew with a fresh new attitude after sessions.

We are all in charge of our choices.  And that’s what we have to live.  “Yes” or “No”, live life in balance and with purpose if you are interested in the easiest way to develop and use problem solving skills.  Find the calm inner strength inside of you and live from there!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


Make Your Life Easier by Slowing Down

Make Your Life Easier by Slowing Down

Make Your Life Easier by Slowing Down

So much of what we do seems important. It all stacks up. But slowing down and taking one thing at time is a great tool to get things done even more efficiently.  We think more clearly when we give space and quiet to our minds. 


Enjoy Your Life

There is no treasure more valuable than to truly “Be Yourself”.  How you discover this is to be mindful, and allow the wind to bring it to your attention.

Not only listening to your thoughts, but also sensing into your body.

Make the time to listen and meld with your own “Being”.  The dance between therapist and client with Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, can take you deep into the evolution of your soul.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

703 509-1792


Experience Personalized Craniosacral Sessions:Unlock Your Bodies Potential to Heal

Experience Personalized Craniosacral Sessions:Unlock Your Bodies Potential to Heal

What Happens in Craniosacral Sessions?

First of All, I’d like to say that Craniosacral Therapy is not Massage. Although, there are many massage therapists who get interested in this type of manual therapy because it is so valuable in helping people to move back into long-term health. The Craniosacral Sessions look much different.  It’s light touch, yet very powerful.

When You come in for a Craniosacral Session, you stay fully clothed.   Most sessions last about an hour. Personally I keep them at 75 minutes. Instead of using lotions and creams, a Craniosacral Therapist listens intently to the person’s Craniosacral Rhythm which is created in the brain, and flows around the nervous systems.  The sessions are very quiet unless the person on the table begins to deepen into a cellular memory or feelings.  Advanced Cranosacral Therapists are trained to help when this happens.  If you are looking for someone Certified, check out www.upledger.com. They are the leading school teaching Craniosacral Therapy.

It’s an experience unlike any you have probably experienced.  A whole body melding and transformation occurs.  It’s your own Deeper Wisdom emerging and bringing calm and centeredness most often into the session.  People often tell me, that it’s the most calm they have felt in a long time.

For more information, contact Sharon Hartnett. at 703 509-1792.


6797 N. High St. 333 Worthington. 43085


Craniosacral Sessions

The Quality of Touching Fascia and the Craniosacral System.

Craniosacral Therapy

Touching the Facia and Craniosacral System from an Artistic Craniosacral Perspective.

I love this floral picture of the various layers in color.  It reminds me of how when I am listening to the Craniosacral System inside the human body, that the fascia is so closely related to everything. Visually one can see these bright vibrant colors in this picture individually, but we can also notice the melding and adding into the interconnection of the whole in beauty.

That’s how it feels when a Craniosacral Therapist is listening with our hands.  We feel the many layers of conscious cells, tissues, organs and sytems which are alive and communicating. There is a deliciousness to understanding in a deeper context how the body is organized and flowing through our gentle manual touch. Swimmingly, there  is so much information moving through the super highways of the fascia.  The sensitive in our hands are feeling the fascia acting as the medium of interconnection and dynamic motion.  To me, it feels like the Craniosacral System is at the bottom of the well which informs the rest of the body how to move through life.  The fascia is the orchestra playing out the song.

As Craniosacral Therapists, we can’t isolate the work we do.  We tune in, and listen.  Pieces arise and move toward the whole. We meld, and blend, just like this gorgeous artwork.  Patterns and Essence Intelligence lead the way to healing and growth.  Something profound happens when we connect with the cerebral spinal fluid and its rhythm, so that the nervous system finds peace and it’s own sense of inner agency.

Craniosacral Therapy affects us in a way that awakens the Higher Self and Inner Wisdom. It provides a bridge to sourcing ourselves and finding meaning and understanding in our lives.  After years, of receiving and offering this work, I find it to be a road to the “Taste of Bliss”.  Yet, we all discover what is meant for us through each interaction we make, when and at the time that it right for us.  With enough mindful work, we discover that the wonder of the body is always here.  Most often Craniosacral Therapy slows us down, and activates that which moves from dormant to vibrance  and resonance. It helps us to be freed to live in the moment.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085

703 509-1792



Young people and older people are getting forward neck posture. All the computers and the cell phones contribute greatly. But also all the sitting Americans do. It’s not good. If I had to do it again, I’d start squatting and learn yoga or pilates early on. I’d make them a life practice. But life being what it is in our culture- our postures are often misaligned as we get older. But there are things we can do to have more freedom of motion.

In my opinion, massage can help. But someone who specializes in fascia is the best bet. The fascia wraps around and through everything in the body superficially to the deep. From macro to micro and reversed. It’s a living tissue that contains and keeps us alive and in motion. When we nourish the fascia and help it remember its ability to be vital, pain can disappear.

I have clients in their 50’s and on up. They can hardly move their necks when they first come in. They are told it is arthritis. Well, they may have arthritis, but it’s the tissues that restrict or allow motion. It’s the fluids dancing with the structure that makes the change. If things can start to soften, spread and move, the bones can be adjusted or perhaps move back on their own. It’s like a wrapping. If it’s tight and stiff- how does life nourish or relinquish what it no longer needs?

Of course there are minerals, vitamins, PT and other things which can help (all part of the HELP team), but the fascia is key. People, whose doctors tell them it’s arthritis often don’t talk about the benefits of fascial work. I think this is a big mistake not including it in health protocols. In addition, learning Feldenkrais, Continuum and other movement exercises that are gentle can be essential and really help too. People don’t have to stay stuck or frozen internally. At any age, we can make choices that will help us. It may not correct the issue 100%, but it can make a huge difference.

Friends, move yourself in different ways. Be proactive with your health. We all have habits that aren’t easy to break, and when this happens- there is always someone out there with skill and experience who is willing to help. It may take time and patience. Take care-no matter which route you take.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

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