3 Big Benefits of Receiving Structural Integration Therapy

3 Big Benefits of Receiving Structural Integration Therapy

Structural Integration Columbus

How Structural Integration Chose Me.

The miracles of fascia work.

Structural Integration really helped me when I was in my 30’s after having children. My body was so out of alignment, especially after carrying children on my hip and bending over so much. The smartest thing I did was to find a local Rolfer. After 10 sessions, I felt so much longer and spacious, I decided to study it with another local teacher, John Latz for 18 months.

When I lived in the Washington DC area, and Florida, I had a wonderful private practice where I did mostly Structural Integration for many years. Eventually though, as I began to get older, I decided to move more into the Craniosacral Therapy because it’s easier on the body. What I liked about this transition is that both consider the fascia and have similar benefit, but the technques are different. Also, neither are truly considered massage, but instead manual therapy with their own unique perspective to healing.

For about the last 15 years, I have lived in the Columbus, Ohio area, and my primary focus is the Upledger Craniosacral Sessions. However, I still take into account the perspective of structural integration and stacking the body in alignment with the efforlessness of gravity consideration. Also, by addressing imbalances in posture, through the series, even with a gentle approach, it helps to reduce strain on muscles, joints, ligaments and lends to comfort in daily living. By working with the fasica, both in SI work and Craniosacral Therapy, we can help release restrictions, and unzip the body into new possibilities.

Three benefits I see often are:

1.  More energy

2.  Better Balance

3.  Improved Circulation and Motion

I believe that fascia is an incredible system that is still being uncovered and understood.  However, therapist have known this for a long time.  We have witnessed the strength and power of change with the fascia over and over again.

As I stated, I no longer do primarily Structural Integration, but I do “integrate” it into my Craniosacral Work.  It’s much more gentle, and more inclusive with its attention on the Craniosacral System and the rhthym.  I do sort of a combination with the fascial awareness.  It’s all about letting go of stress can creating a better environment for healing.

If you would like to find out more about how I work, I do offer a free 15 phone consultation.   703 509-1792

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




How to Develop a Good Plan for Stress Management

How to Develop a Good Plan for Stress Management

Stress Management

Who needs stress?

Well, stress can be beneficial.  It can help your performance in any part of your life if it is used in a positive way. However, chronic stress is a different matter. Long-term stress can be a major contributor to numerous health problems.

Fortunately, there are some tools that you can learn to help you stay healthy in your mind and body connection. Addressing stress as soon as possible can significantly shift your mindset. An intentional practice of committing to self-care can help avoid or minimize anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases and chronic pain.

If you haven’t already come up with a plan for stress managment, here are a few ideas:

  1. Mindfulness, prayer and meditation can help reduce cortisol levels and bring one to center. This is a practice of becoming fully aware in the moment through experience and observation.  Curiousity also helps set the stage for discovering inner peace.
  2. Holistic and Complementary practices like Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Acupuncture have shown to be very helpful with stress management.
  3. Breathing Exercises can shift you more into a calm state.  One that I recommend is breathing in to a slow count of 4, exhale to 6 and pause. In your practice continue to lengthen the pause at the end of the exhale. Also, practice diaphragmatic breathing, imagining your breath filling the whole ribcage as it expands and contracts. Allow the breath to move all the way to the pelvic floor.
  4. Check with your physician about the Role of Nutrition:  omega 3, magnesium and certaine B vitamins support brain health, and help to regulate emotions.
  5. Sleep.  It’s so important to get enough rest.  When you sleep well your brain is able to clear through the glymphatic system.  This can help you to feel much better restored, and to heal.  A good sleep routine is imperative to good health.

Being in a Healing Practice for close to 30 years, I have seen so many people with chronic stress.I want you to know that it’s possible to step away from that. However, it does mean making a choice to change your life.  Your power comes in the form of doing things that bring you back to your balanced and healthy Self.

If you have any questions, how I can help you as a Craniosacral Therapist, I offer a free 15 phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D


Serving the Columbus Ohio Area








    Fascia: The Hands On Treatment that Changes Everything

    Fascia: The Hands On Treatment that Changes Everything

    Getting Manual Work With Your Fascia supports Overall Health and Wellbeing

    About 1-2 years ago, I listened to a podcast about the “Interstitium”.  Perhaps you have never heard of it. It is a fairly new term.  And we know that sometimes it takes time for a new idea to come take hold.  So,  I thought I’d give the Interstitium and Fascia work a little boost out here on the web.  So here we are.


    Let’s begin by defining Fascia and it’s relationship to the Interstitium.

    Fascia is a type of tissue that looks like a web inside your body.  If you could imagine that underneath your skin there is a living matrix wetsuit superficially. This fascia tissue travels deeper and through almost everything in the human body: around bones, organs and it basically holds us all together. In your mind, if you could continue to see it-and sense into it, you’ understand it as a strong elastic type of material that stretches and connects throughout.  Fascia is made up out of elastin, collagen and ground substances.

    The interstitium is a relatively new area of study in manual therapy. It’s a vast network of fluid-filled spaces that surround cells and tissues, and it plays a key role in how fluids move through the body. By working with both the fascia and the interstitium, therapists can support the movement of these fluids and encourage more efficient flow, which can help the body recover from injury, decrease inflammation, and promote overall health.

    This integrated approach, which addresses both the connective tissue (fascia) and the surrounding fluid networks (interstitium), helps create a more holistic, balanced experience for the body. The combination of fluid dynamics and fascial release is what makes manual therapy working with the fascia and interstitium so powerful and restorative.


    How Does a Manual Therapist Work with the fascia and Interstitium?

    1.  It’s key to work slowly and gently whether the therapist does Craniosacral Therapy, Myfascial Release or Deeper Structural Integration.  The connected touch feels like a deep stretch, lengthening and spreading vitality to the surrounding tissues.  When the therapist listens, the fascia will always lead to the easiest way to unwind and free of movement and space.

    2.  It’s also quite common for people to feel more fluidity with fascial work.  This is where the instertitium comes in because it allows motion and enhances functioning.

    3.  Manual Fascial Therapy often releases deep tension patterns.  Here is where some of the therapies may vary in approach.  With Ida Rolf’s work, generally the touch is more assertive.  The other end of the spectrum is gentle, light touch  Craniosacral Therapy.

    4.  You may gain greater awareness of your body.  Touch is a great way to mirror back the sensations in your body.  You may feel a greater sense of connection to the many internal influences that optimize your body’s health and wellness.

    5.  The effects of fascial work is profound.  You may walk away feeling so calm and peaceful.  Often people feel more balanced inside but also in how their body stacks up.  This can mean better grounding and use of movement.  When the fascia is better organized, it is more efficient in everything it does.  With muscles but also in promoting organ health too with mobility and motility.

    6. Both the fascia and the interstitium are connected to emotions.  For example, when a person experiences a physical or emotional trauma, that may hold in the tissues and contract to protect.  While this is super efficient short-term it’s important to find balance and length again so misalignments don’t compensate permanently.

    7.  If you want to feel more at home in your body, fascia and interstitum work can help you reach your goals.  It’s always best to optimize what you have.

    A little bit about Sharon Hartnett (author):

    I studied Massage in the 1990’s.  Later studying Ida Rolf’s work at the Institute for Structural Integration.  Later in the early 2000’s I got turned on to Craniosacral Therapy.  Truly I love both of these approaches to keep the fascial body healthy.  One  (SI) is definately a stronger approach.  However, the Craniosacral Therapy is so gentle that body is more apt to work more effectively.  It doesn’t fight any of the technique.  More recently, I have studied Visceral Manipulation at the Barral Institute for about the last 10 years.  This looks at the organs and the tissues connecting and surrounding.  Mobilizing the tissues can actually help the organs to functure better.  So all this work is vital to keep peope healthy.   Getting unstuck nourishes the body and cleans up what no longer needs to be held.  I love this work!

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    703 509-1792




    Unlocking Your Next Timeline: How to Shift Your Best Life Path 

    Unlocking Your Next Timeline: How to Shift Your Best Life Path 

    What is Jumping a Timeline?

    How did this idea of a Jumping Timeline arise? This shift of consciousness is part of the Great Awakening. I have been in the world of Energy Healing for about 30 years.  I came from a 4 dimensional Healing Model based on Barbara Brennan’s work in “Hands of Light” and also studied and taught at her school.  Things have changed greatly in the last 30 years.  Minds have opened.  Reality has shifted dramatically.

    At that time in the 1990’s, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing was a vital “transformer” of consciousness. Barbara brought many of the eastern principles to the West to open the portal for the change of consciousness. Time was spent on healingn oneself, and our relationships as well. Thousands of people across the globe went to her school to learn and to open up.  Even now- being part of that Energy Capsule brings a great perspective of looking at healing in the physical, the auric field, the haric field and in the Core Start (Divine Indivuated You).

    More recently though, I heard so much about “Jumping Timelines” and I noticed it showing up so much in spiritual discussions and in books.  Well also on Tic  Toc with the teaching of Bashar. Lots of younger people seem convinced that we can jump timelines by just imagining our best selves. Kind of like looking at a book with many chapters. With each chapter as one possible version of how things can be. When you skip to the other, reality shifts. This means your reality is fluid and can shift, creating new possibilities. This paradigm reminds me a bit of Joe Dispenza’s work of transformation into a new personality and a new life.

    Personally, I am still grappling, not with the understanding from my POV, but that of what do these other people mean? Are they personally experiencing timeline shifts?  What does that look like for these individuals?

    Questions:  For people, does it mean setting an intention?  Does it mean visualizing and making a new choice? Is this about the multiverse and quantum physics?  How much do we truly understand this?  Even with AI… How much do our ordinary mindset’s open up to how vast the processing of consciousness and technology can be?  We are in the midst of great change here on earth now. Do you feel it?  Big changes within human consciousness and all of life is at a tipping point. Where will this take us?

    I believe that all of this is fascinating.  I stay so curious about all the possibilities.  The smartest thing I know about myself is how much I “don’t know”.  Life is about living in the mystery and living in the moment if we want to live fully.

    At the same time,  I just don’t think humanity is at a point where we can force our thinking to taking us to the next level.  There are many levels of consciousness that need to align first.  We need to find a way to free ourselves from attachment to the past, and fear of the future.  I am not suggesting forgetting again, but integrating!  To move to the next timeline means gaining clarity and find effortless in the new moment as Eckart Tolle teaches.

    Instead, right now-I think we are living on a planet where there is deep duality still. There’s so much suffering, pain and trauma. It’s not yet easy to just flip the switch for most of us. Instead, I think this is the time to face ourselves, to accept who we are, and to move with grace. Yes, to imagining our “best” selves in the future, tapping into our wholesness.  But living in the moment is where it all is.

    I think it’s best to create an invitation in our mindset of the thinking about our “wholeness”.  The things we care about or long for most likely live in a parallel universe, but that universe is HERE.  Dealing with what we are creating, the responses to that and the all external environment.

    For many years, Light Workers have been working and holding a space for growth and jumping timelines. The next generation are learning and awakening exponentially. In so many ways, they are moving so much quicker than we did. What took us years, takes them weeks spiritually to feel and to understand. Many are born with spiritual gifts. A great example are the children with autism who are non-verbal.  You can learn about this at:  The Telepathy Tapes. But still, we need to bridge the way even more. We can’t bypass the challenges to jump ahead. The passing of the baton is the way through transformation, transcendence and consciousness awakening.

    How to Jump the Timeline

    If we want to be jumping timeline it takes mindfulness, authenticity, effort and also stillness. It’s an invitation and a step forward.

    Living Here is the way of Jumping Timeline. Be yourself. Choose love.  Self-Discover your deepest wisdom. Have the willingness to be open to the Unknown. Make the commitment.

    More than anything, realize it means feeling and knowing your shadow and your darkness.  Being brave enough to walk through the fire to the Light.  You can’t bypass your way into a better reality. However, you can make the move.  It’s up to you.

    Things are Happening

    Right now, so many changes both in the Light and Dark are here. Love has come to awaken all of us.  This is your chance to be Jumping Timelines, but what that means is making the best life for you right here, right now now, and seeing how that change ripples through the Universe.

    If this Sounds Interesting to You

    Let’s talk about where you are spiritually right now.  Let’s set up a 15 minute free phone consultation to see if I can help lead you to your best version of yourself.  If you want to feel that sense of empowerment to level up, I’d love to support you on your journey!  Or- just share your thoughts here!

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    Brennan Healer and Teacher

    703 509-1792








    How to Change Your Posture with Somato Emotional Release

    How to Change Your Posture with Somato Emotional Release

    Posture Somato Emotional Release

    Organizing Optimal Posture

    Structural Integration, with an emphasis on posture,  is based on the principle that the body is organized and held together in a coordinated, balanced manner.  Any distortions in that order and/or balance can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in this organization. When fascia becomes tight, scarred, or restricted due to poor posture, emotional stress, or injury, it can cause the body to lose its ability to move freely and efficiently.

    Creating a healthier and more fluid Posture can be better facilitated by recognising the emotional aspect of Structure. At the core of Somato Emotional Release hands-on manual work, we consider holding the intention of using of physical  touch to help a person to heal emotionally as well as physically. For many of us who have worked with clients for years, we recognize that the body stores emotional memories. The body often reflects our history and our choices.  However, this can change with gentle and nourishing skillful touch.

    Fortunately, some people are proactive and come in for help with their posture ahead of the game. These cases are often easier in terms of release and integration. Often though, discomfort or pain may be the leading reason someone seeks out help. Obviously, it’s always best to stay in front of the curve when possible. It’s the whole idea of treating simplity over complexity.

    The Best situation for a client is when the therapist is Certified through their schooling.  It ensures that they reach the top level of understanding of the anatomy, skills particular to a certain manual therapy,  but also that they have learned how to support the emotional process.  Because quite often people do have emotional releases when their posture is changing on a fascial level.

    Emotions for some people can be a very vulnerable thing to express. Perhaps in their childhood or current relationships, there is judgment or lack of understanding.   So it’s very helpful to find someone with specific training in dialoguing.  Bodyworkers are not counselors, but they can and certainly do help their clients process, and find their own healing responses when trained.

    Some things to look for in a Somato Emotional Release Therapist are:

    • A trusting and Safe Space
    • Neutrality
    • Certification ie.  Upledger
    • Body Centered Emotional Training
    • An Understanding of Posture
    • An Ability to Listen and Work with Fascia
    • The Ability to Meld with the Tissues
    • Experience

    If you are seeking out a Somato Emotional Release therapist to help free up and balance your posture, first call for an interview.  It’s important to feel a bond of trust first and foremost. Then,as this type of manual therapy can help treat misalignment of the posture as well as letting go of stress and emotional baggage,  ask questions upfront so that you can feel comfortable with your choice.

    Processing unresolved emotional trauma can truly change how you feel in your body!

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    703 509-1792








    When Nature & Nurture Shape Opportunities

    When Nature & Nurture Shape Opportunities

    Nature & Nurture

    Nature & Nurture Awaken the Inner Intelligence Within

    Let’s talk about Nature & Nurture. From a Craniosacral Therapy Perspective, an experienced Craniosacral Therapist knows that each individual has a working Inner Intelligence Living Within. This  Inner Intelligence  is a Deep Conscious Awareness. I see it as the essence of each person connected to.a Higher Source.  At least these are the best words which I can describe it.

    This Inner Intelligence is constantly working to support the health of our physical bodies, our emotional state, our thinking patterns, our relationships and even our connection to spirituality and what we call God. For example, we hardly don’t even have to think about getting out of bed in the morning, straightening our legs so that we get begin to walk through our day. It’s an effortless flow for most of us. Everything is aligned and we begin to move our lives through time and space here at home within our bodies.

    In any case, this Intelligence miraculously brings us to life. It allows us to interact with the world we know. It’s in a constant dance with Nature & Nurture.

    Biologically we have genes that get turned on. From the time of conception, the heredity influence unfolds into this unique song that makes us who we are. Our environments have their own unique sound, and blend with our systems to create new relationships and growth patterns. These two influences mutually work together to create our Life Experiences for us as individuals.  I would say in a larger sense as well.

    Such a dynamic pairing: Nature and Nurture.  However, there are times when we do get stuck in a glitch.  The Intelligence Within is always available, but our choices and life experiences can begin to isolate us or limit our potential.  Our genetics can get tripped off into a disease process, or our environment can become toxic or painful for us to live in through certain influences and choices. Triggers  could be anything from things like early abandonment, trauma, developmental support lacking and so on.  This history, as we live it,  is held in the posture and tissue of the body.  When we don’t feel connected and in sync with  Nature & Nurture, we don’t thrive.

    From a Craniosacral Therapist stance, the first thing we do when we work with a person is to connect with ourselves and to create a safe and healthy environment. This connects us with our own nature & nurture qualities and inner wisdom. Then we listen to the person who comes to see us fully and with intention to connect to their own inner intelligence.  My hope is that as a team, and while plugging into Source, the techniques and intelligence in my system will nourish the missing steps or pieces to re-awaken what is needed for wellness.

    By working with the Craniosacral System, we can listen and sense deeply into another. By melding and blending we encourage and give a little nudge to help release and to restore healthy communication and dialogue. The Nervous System especially feels this healing touch. Integration brings everything back together .People process, but by the end of a session, usually they find a deeper peace and sense of knowing themselves. The Craniosacral Rhythm is restored.  That’s because the Inner Intelligence is awakening and moving us to the next level of wellness.

    Nature & Nurture are at the foundation of who we are if we are to be healthy and thriving. None of us are meant to live alone. We all need support to keep our own resources reinvigorated and vital.  It’s the bond that pulls life together which makes us stronger and more vibrant.  Sometimes this is done internally, and sometimes we need to fill in the gap through our relationships.

    Learn to connect to Your Own Inner Intelligence. We are all able to do this.  Our Higher Selves, when we clear the way, will always keeps us on the Path which brings the best to our soul.  When we are able to receive and give through nature and nurture freely, we have more power to influence and co-create in health and wellbeing.

    Sharon Hartnett CST-d
    703 509-1792



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