Nourish with Kindness And Big Rewards Will Come

Nourish with Kindness And Big Rewards Will Come



It’s amazing what an act of kindness can do. It can spread like a skipping stone out into the wild. It can whisper loud enough to wake up a soul from the darkness.  Kindness is an act of love that warms the heart.

Being imperfect in so many ways, we humans lack the gift of kindness at times. As we grow up, we miss certain pieces that can dim our light. The generational wound touches so many places for each of us.  Until we heal.

With growth, hopefully we can attract people and new situations which can fill the gap, and remind us that we are indeed whole, and not the “lacking”.   At times, we may need additional help.

Kindness can be reflected through positive relationships.  One of those can be with a Craniosacral Therapist trained to hold space for you Inner Wisdom to blossom.  All the errors and faults that are believed can dissolve when one begins to discover the Essential Self.  Gentle touch and listening with kindness creates melding, but also a neutral witness to reawaken your inner light.

We all deserve to treat each other and to receive from each other love and kindness.  When you find this, you will glow.

Light and Love

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


Benefits of the Undefended Heart

Benefits of the Undefended Heart

Knowing Love in an Undefended Heart

How many people feel comfortable living deeply embedded in the love of their own hearts?  I am not talking about the intense passionate feeling we have for a partner.  Instead I am talking about an embodied sense of being True to Yourself.  Caring about yourself, and opening up to your Essential Self.

It takes courage to push away those layers of protection surrounding your heart. But aren’t you curious what is underneath everything you have been taught and believed?  Peeling away the onion is an honesty and acknowledgment check.  But it’s worth your while to self-realize love.  Feeling love deep inside spreading through everything you are is the best!

There are many ways to discover the love living inside you.  The easiest way is by building your confidence back up.  How do you do this?  By being real with yourself.  This is a two fold process.  One is by noticing and writing down the beliefs you hold that make you believe you are “less than” or “bad” . Any negative belief.  Question those beliefs and the validity of them.  Second is to Choose Love and physically move toward your heart.  Is it a smooth ride?  or are there obstacles in the way?  Bring mindfulness in and question.

You can take this journey yourself, or you can enlist friends or see a therapist.  Relationships though are key to opening up the love in your heart.  We are meant to work and play through life with others.  This include the easy and the hard times.

How an Undefended Heart can Benefit You:

1.  You feel better inside your body. Dopamine, oxytocin and seratonin take you into a state of pleasure.

2.  You feel more appreciation for life.

3.  It’s easier to be clear about your goals and how to accomplish them on a soul level.

4.  Life is easier to navigate when other things are difficult when you are centered in your heart.

5.  Developing meaningful friendships are easier when you feel kindness and love for yourself.  People are happier when they are helping each other with care.

6.  Love reduces stress and anxiety.  It brings in a sense of calm.

7.  Love promotes healing.

Love is the evolutionary tool available to all of humanity. It’s free, and available for each of us.  Take the leap… Move towards Love and see what it can bring you the deeper you go!

Sharon Hartnett CST-d

703 509-1792






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