As people age, the feet seem to get more and more neglected for many people. Except the women who treat themselves to pedicures often:) Yet think about how important our feet are. They move us about everywhere we go. If we have happy feet, it’s a lot easier to be happy people!
Foot care helps us to keep them healthy, and prevent pain and other foot issues.
Foot Care:
Beginning with hygiene, start by keeping your feet clean and dry. Towel them off well after a shower or bath, to prevent fungal infections. Also, by using a textured cloth, you can help promote good circulation and more efficient skin cell replacement.
Every now and then, after you finish with your cleansing routine, check your toe nails and skin, especially if you have diabetes. The feet can signal problems that can be seen by easy observation.
Soaks with a good scrub can be very comforting and refreshing to the feet. This can help to exfoliate.
Trim nails carefully. Ingrown toenails can be very uncomfortable and lead to infection.
Choose well sized footwear. I have seen women come into my office whose feet are shaped like high heel shoes and in very odd shapes. Honestly. This is horrible for the feet as well as the posture.
Don’t share shoes or go barefoot in public places, especially shower. Dirty.
Stretch each foot with rollers, on steps, or 1/2 cylinders to help in the arches. When we walk, we are meant to have flexible feet.
Wiggle your toes and exercise your feet. I have noticed many seniors who have lost most of their awareness of their ankles and feet and can hardly move them.
Foot massage feels great. It can improve how you feel dramatically.
Don’t wait to long to see a physician if you have foot pain. It’s always better to be as proactive as possible when it comes to health.
People who come in for a Craniosacral Therapy Session are often looking for corrections to their bodies such as with balance, healthy motion and dialogue. What they often leave with is a sense pain relief, more freedom in movement, and a sense of better grounding.
What makes a session helpful to clients is that they feel like their concerns are heard and that their therapist can speak the same language verbally, but also with their presence and hands.
In my experience, for the best results, the therapist is listening from moment to moment as to what the body is saying. As a client, I can really feel the difference when I am touched as to the quality of connection. So when I work, and teach other therapists, I offer this teaching as one of the most important guide posts to providing a valuable session.
Once this criteria is met, techniques come into play that can help the body to self-correct in the most gentle way. With Craniosacral Therapy, the touch is so light, that it feels like a whisper on the skin that nourishes and promotes efficiency and wellness. This is why it is such a wonderful therapy for ages from infancy to working with seniors. Almost all people can receive this type of work easily.
A trained Craniosacral Therapist will check the motion of how the cerebrospinal fluid is moving through the Craniosacral System (CSS). What he or she will feel are the flexion and extension phases that are constantly providing information to the therapist about any restrictions or dysfunctional patterns in the system itself, or with fascia and other parts of the body.
Once the pattern expressions are presented, the therapist listens, follows, and encourages gentle changes to help with symmetry, amplitude, rate and quality. This can have a great impact on how the CSS functions. When the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) can flow freely, it allows the nerves to function more optimally. Without getting into too much detail, the clients often feel more balanced, at peace, and more centered after a session.
I have been a Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for about 20 years. In the last 10 years, I have refocused much of my work into the field of Craniosacral Therapy, SomatoeEmotional Therapy, Brain Work and Visceral Manipulation because the effects are profound and yet the touch so tender and precise.
I have learned so much at the Upledger Institute because I value their contribution to the wellbeing of so many people across the globe. One man, Dr. John Upledger, explored into an unknown frontier and brought this science based medical work to hands on practitioners to bring health and joy back into individual lives. I have seen dramatic changes for people with chronic pain and energy issues, to people recovering well from TBI’s and concussions, back and and neck pain relief, fibromyalgia relief just to name a few conditions.
I don’t think that anyone can quite explain what a session is like. Yes, I could say that you come in fully clothed and you are touched this way or that. But hardly anyone expects how great they feel by the end of the session. This work goes beyond a gentle one hour treatment. Its reaches go deep into the cells along with the mind connection there. It simply is bliss. And the changes continue to happen for days, and often times longer.
As with most types of massage and bodywork, each client is unique. And each will have a different experience. One person may feel huge shifts the first time, and others- well it may take them some time to really relax. But most often they do, and people often discover new sources of tranquility, energy and a sense of Self.
So that is my take on Craniosacral Therapy at this point in my practice. I love the work. I love practicing it, and I love receiving it. It has helped me on so many levels: physically, emotionally, in my heart and with spirit. And I have been blessed to help others with it.
If you would like to learn more, or have some questions about Craniosacral Therapy, I do offer a free 15 telephone consult. I love to share this work, and hopefully I have educated and imparted an idea of how it can help you. I haven’t found one person yet who hasn’t found some benefit in CST.
About one year ago I quit the drive into Columbus, and opened up my Craniosacral Therapy Practice in Johnstown, Ohio.
My hope was that I could serve the local area with work that will relieve pain, support optimal movement and flexibility and help people de-stress. I have loved working out on the farm, surrounding by fresh air, the sounds of farm animals, and in the community where I live. My practice is growing and I really enjoying helping people. This weekend, I am holding a free Craniosacral Therapy open class to those who want to learn the techniques to work on themselves and their partners. It’s important for me to share the benefits of the work that I find to be so helpful.
If you live in Johnstown, New Albany or closely, stop in to try a session of Craniosacral Therapy. It is gentle and can be applied to any age group. It focuses on relieving tension within the head and along the spine. What this means for you is that when your central nervous system and fascia is freed up to work it’s best, you’ll feel so much better and most likely happier. Clients have found the work to be relaxing, and have been surprised to have their pain symptoms clear up with these light touch techniques. We have a warm, clean and comfortable place for you to enjoy the work.
If you have tried other therapeutic approaches that don’t work, this may be the best route for you.
For more information on Craniosacral Therapy Massage, check the website: You’ll learn that this work was developed by Dr. John Upledger, and has been taught to practitioners across the globe.
Have you ever gone in for a Massage and walked out feeling like your LMT was somewhere else?
This can happen in any profession. But when we go in for a massage, we like to feel like our bodies relax and our spirit comes alive, right?
Healing Comes from a Healthy Relationship. So take your time to find the best Massage Therapist for You!
Massage Therapist
5 Ways that You can find the right Massage Therapist for you are:
1.When you call for an appointment, check and make sure the therapist listens well. That can tell a lot about a person. The best therapists are mindful and have skill with healthy contact.
2. Ask your Therapist if they use a routine. Massage Therapists who do aren’t necessarily gearing the session towards you. You deserve to have your needs met, so ask for a tailored body massage.
3.Find a Massage Therapist who has experience. They may charge more than someone out of school, but their Presence, Their Hands, and Wisdom will show your body how to discover what it needs to heal and balance out. When a Massage Therapist is mindful through practice and experience, the work moves beyond basic techniques. Trust the connection and see what happens!
4.Conversation during the session can be very helpful- if it comes from the client and is about the client. However, massage time is not about the life of the Massage Therapist. It’s Ok to ask your therapist for a quiet space. It’s often in silence that the most important things can be heard and found.
5. Build a relationship with your Massage Therapist if you are finding healthy results. Often clients follow the best coupon or deal. But when you commit to your own health and share that with your Massage Therapist, the journey deepens. Deeper relationships build deeper experiences.
Getting to understand your body through manual touch can change your life. The body is the doorway into the whole human experience. Massage Therapy can help you understand this. Take the dive and free yourself from stress, tension and pain into something new.
SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is just what it means…
Somato means relating to the human body.
Emotional is characterized by intense feelings.
Release is freedom!
What is different about SomatoEmotional Release Work with Craniosacral Therapy that other therapies?
With Craniosacral Therapy, the therapist focuses on the myofascial tissues, but primarily on the Craniosacral Rhythm as a guide to help release restrictions in the body that maintain stress patterns. As we listen intently to the quality, symmetry, rate and amplitude of the rhythm, we ask the Inner Physician within to lead the way to self healing and self discovery. This often leads us into disorganized energy and tissues, and possibly into a layer of emotions. An experienced Craniosacral Therapist will then gently encourage its expression to release the body into more freedom and mobility. Many other types of possible therapy might be either massage or psychotherapy. SER in particular, while it is not psychotherapy, allows for the mind, body and spirit to reconnect and bring more balance and awareness on many levels.
Craniosacral Therapy Columbus
Craniosacral Therapy is a very gentle type of therapy that focuses on connection with the central nervous system. Often people who are feeling overactive internally will feel quiet and calm. Others who feel lethargic pick up energy as they come closer to equilibrium. SER, with it full spectrum experiencing, gives space for the unfolding of blocked patterns into expression and presence.
If you feel like your emotions are stopping you from relaxing and enjoying your life, or that the tension in your body is causing pain, SomatoEmotional Release work may be just the right thing for you.
If you have any questions, please call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153
I really like to stay with the basics when it comes to neck pain, and say that hands-on massage work is one of the best things to reduce it. So that is my first tip. Find a good Massage Therapist who has great recommendations. When your neck is bothering you, this is not a luxury, but rather an essential for your health and wellbeing. Being proactive is a lot less expensive than surgery, and it much easier.
I have found this great new gadget on the internet called Dr Riter’s Real Ease. I have no financial link to this item, but have tried it myself and with clients, and we all love it. It is so comfortable and relaxes the neck muscles. I know when I use it, my whole body starts to relax also. I found this on Amazon.
Neck Pain Relief
Believe it or not, often neck pain can result from a misaligned pelvis. A chiropractor can help you to restore better posture in conjunction with soft tissue work. A healthy pelvic girdle and spine support a healthy neck.
Stop bending over to look at your I phone and computer. Either prop up your technology or get a proper ergonomic chair and working station. Almost every client who walks into my office these days has forward head. That ends up being a lot of weight that is being carried incorrectly.
Research good pillows. There is nothing worst than waking up with a stiff and painful neck. Personally, I bought mine at Brookstone. They have a good selection, and it helps me to sleep well on my back. However there are many other brands. My chiropractor sold me one which was quite nice which I found on this page too.
While neck pain is a common ailment, it does not make it any easier when it hurts. If it stays persistent, even with heat//cold treatment, go see a physician. Neck issues should not be ignored. Be proactive in your health!