It’s interesting to me that clients who come in withCarpal Tunnel Syndromehave been told that the main issue is a pinched nerve in the wrist that causes pain, tingling and numbness. While this is true on one level as the median nerve is compressed, many massage therapists and bodyworkers have found that the shoulder and neck posture or tightness are also main contributors to this condition. A holistic approach is often needed if the problem does not go away on its own.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Some of the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrom is a gradual process of dysfunction. Repetitious movements can be a big contributor. The smartest thing to do for the easiest healing process is to face it straight on when experiencing the above symptoms at the onset. If you treat for it immediately by resting or stopping activities that aggravate it, it may go away on its own in a couple of weeks. Working with a PT and/or a Licensed Massage Therapist can also help alleviate pain and support the nervous system as well. By working with the shoulder girdle, scapula, neck and ribcage, arm and wrist- basically anywhere from where the spinal nerve leaves to it’s end facially, the client can often find a reduction in symptoms in a few weeks.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can take you out of work. Consider listening to your body when you notice any of the above imbalances. Being proactive is always easier than being reactive!
Does anyone know how to resolve TMJ and Clenching Problems?
I would really like to tell you that there is an easy fix for the pain in your jaw, but that isn’t always true. While some cases go away by themselves over time, others continue to get worst.
TMJ is a disorder that can cause stress and pain to the temporomandibular joint and surrounding soft tissue.
With more that 15% of adults living with fascial pain, earaches and ringing, jaw pain and headaches, it may behoove the person suffering from this condition to try various methods to get the help they need. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms while opening, closing or moving your mouth, or while sleeping or awakening in the morning, you may be in need of some support to restore and rebalance the positioning of the head, neck and mouth in relationship to healthy postural alignment throughout the body:
difficulty opening and closing the mouth.
jaw pain while yawning or chewing.
pain or ringing in the ear area.
hearing and/or feeling popping or clicking sounds.
tenderness around the teeth and gum areas.
teeth grinding
jaws get stuck or locked.
any swelling in the face
These are all common symptoms of what is know as TMD (Temporal Mandibular Disorders).
With a background focused mostly in Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy, I have found 5 things that seem to help clients improve and resolve this condition.:
Myofascial Structural Therapy to improve how the head rests over the body.
Craniosacral Therapy to improve movement within the sutures and to create balance in the cranium.
Stretching and Movement Exercises. Not only are neck exercises crucial for improving neck posture, but also the pelvis needs to be freed up and symmetry between the legs established in order to help self-correct TMD. Some great options would be yoga, Feldenkrais, Continuum, gyro tonics and free dancing.
See a dentist for a bite appliance. However, from a bodyworker perspective, I suggest one for the lower teeth rather than the top which is usually recommended. Wearing any type of appliance on the top that restricts movement of the maxilla only inhibits healthy movement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Meditation to reduce stress. The Central Nervous System Stress can play a big factor in mouth disorders by creating tension in the musculature. Letting go of stressful beliefs through inquiry (www.the or something like breathing exercises or a walk through nature can be very helpful.
Explore options with your pillow. If you sleep on your back, you don’t need one. However, if you sleep mostly on your side, there are some nice posturepedic options available.
SomatoEmotional Release helps clients to feel deeply into their bodies and let go of unhealthy energy patterns of stress.
Three things to avoid: Chewing gum and holding your cellphone in your neck. Stop slouching and find length in your spine while reading or sitting at a computer.
If you are in the local Columbus Ohio area, or would like a free 15 minute phone consultation, please feel contact me.
Deep Tissue Massage Reaches those places you didn’t even know hurt….
Deep Tissue Massage can release deep tension areas in the body certainly. And many clients who come in for a massage request it. Resolving those deep core issues can unleash the healing potential in your body on many levels.
As a Massage Therapist for over 18 years, I have learned that there are more than a few ways to access the deeper imbalances in the body. And it’s not always the way you think. Initially digging in is not always the best way to address pain in the long-run, in fact; in may be counter-productive. Personally, I have had some big muscles athletes come in and say that they want a lot of elbow work. Sure- I can do that and it does have an appropriate time and place. But if the tissues aren’t ready to receive that type of touch, the body can go into defense and fight the work. With the way that most of us work hard each day and and deal with stress in our personal lives, we deserve to have a session that complements our health goals. The best way to unwind those long-held tension patterns is to:
Start superficially to release the myofascial dysfunction there, and then layer deeper down.
Being Mindful will bring more awareness to your own body and how you hold stress and can release it.
Breathe and notice how your breath stops and/or flows. Where does it go and where does it stop?
Plan on a few sessions so that your therapist can meet you were you are for uniquely tailored sessions.
Dialogue with your therapist as to what is helping you to release. you will know what is working.
Let your therapist know if you are on any pain medicines so he/she doesn’t overwork your muscles.
Be curious if your Massage Therapist is present with you rather than doing a routine. You’ll be surprised that if you are mindful, you can feel the difference.
Have clarity about your boundaries. Some work may be uncomfortable, but let your therapist know if it is helping or making things worst. If you want more pressure, ask for it.
Ask for different types of massage work. There is a huge variety of modalities such as Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy, Thai Massage, Aromatherapy, Swedish and more. It will help you know which suits you best. Some can be light touch, but feel rather profound. Others may be physically deep but feel like there is no real contact. A good therapist will find a way to touch you the way your body needs to release tension, and yet make it comfortable enough that it feels good.
Educate yourself. Therapists vary in their approach and the tools they use. Interview them about their experience.
Deep tissue massage helps to relax muscles, increase oxygen and blood flow to your muscles. It helps the body to remove toxins and metabolic waste from sore and overused muscles allowing quicker recovery. Deep Tissue Massage feels incredible with it is done appropriately. There is nothing that feels better than when pain dissipates and pleasure take over. When our bodies feel healthy and in balance, life takes on a whole new look. Joy and a positive attitude take over in the absence of pain.
If you want to focus on realigning your posture with slower and deeper massage work, you are in for a treat. Feeling good and feeling alive!
It could be the aftermath effect of an accident, poor postural strain, a pinched nerve or the result of an illness. Whatever the reason for your pain and discomfort, what matters most is finding the best method that will work to help alleviate your symptoms.
There are some basic things that you can do at home:
Taking a warm epsom bath full of Magnesium Sulfate can help wonders.
Put two tennis balls in a sock and place them on the back of the neck while lying on the ground. Relax.
Place your hand on the back of your neck and press where it hurts. Stretch slowly and gently away in the areas that feels good. Overstreching could make it feel worst so listen to your body.
Ask your sports trainer to give you some strength building exercises. Very important for long-term recovery.
Breath and gently turn head in easy directions that are unusual. Various planes of motion benefit.
Use a Stillpoint Inducer from Upledger for a minute or so, thereafter increasing time each day to help diminish pain.
Buy a neck traction machine and use as needed.
Eat healthy foods and exercise. Stay away from processed food and perhaps check in with a functional physician or nutritionist to make sure you are using food as medicine. Changing your diet can help fight against arthritis.
Neck Pain Relief
Things that you can do outside of this are:
Find a good Physical Therapist who does manual work as well as giving you exercises.
Swedish Massage helps with Circulation and Lymphatic Flow.
Find a Structural Integration Therapist who works with posture and movement to help you getting better aligned.
Craniosacral Therapy helps to relieve dysfunction along the spine and cranium, often helping to relieve pain symptoms.
Chiorpractors vary in their methods as much as Massage Therapists. Ask questions and state what you want. Some can apply abrupt moves and others can manipulate much more gently.
Myofascial Massage works with the muscles and the fascia primarily. By lengthening the layers releasing trigger points and knots, clients often feel much better.
Sometime emotional issues needs to be expressed. Speak with a healer or counselor about what is going on in your life and work towards resolution.
Listening to your body and taking a holistic approach to health is your best option. If you are suffering from neck pain, take this opportunity to turn it around. There is no reason why you should neglect your self-care!
Everyone feels stressed out at least occasionally. Through all of life’s cycles, growth opportunities pop up presenting us with challenges that push against our boundaries. This can make us feel uncomfortable or stressed out. Fortunately, many of us have had positive influences that have taught us how to navigate through rather difficult times efficiently. But when we don’t know how to cope well any longer, then what? Is it possible to take these stresses and turn them around to make ourselves better?
We have to remember that if we change our perspectives about our difficulties, the rest of the energy supporting the stress will shift too.
Craniosacral Therapy relieves stress.
Remember that:
Overload is just about how we perceive a certain situation.
The way our bodies habitually respond to stress can be re-organized into a healthier response.
We are in charge of how we interact with the world in which we live.
Anything that you believe poses a threat to your way of being can cause stress. So how does your mind, body and spirit let go of any ideas of danger?
Being mindful of your own experience is a good place to begin. By bringing attention to both your internal and external environment, you will begin to see what ignites stress. Some of the physiological signs might be: slower digestion, heart rate rises, muscles contract, breathing quickens, and it may be difficult to sleep. While you are experiencing the thought and the energy behind the stress, be curious and observant. This is a good way to practice meditation.
Receiving massage and bodywork has been shown to reduce stress, including modalities such as Craniosacral Therapy, Trigger Point, Structural Integration and the light moving touch of Swedish as well. Feeling deeply into the body re-educates how we think and helps us re-route into a more relaxed and calm state of being.
Body centered psychotherapies can be very helpful as well. For example, Hakomi is based on peaceful methods of bringing awareness to your experience and trying on different perspectives. This can give you new ways to view life down to the cellular level. This therapy is different than typical talk therapy as the main focus is bringing attention to the body to open the doorway to your consciousness.
Physical Exercise pumps up your endorphins. Stress melts away. A good workout helps you to feel healthier and feel more alive.
Deep breathing can help slower the heart rate and decrease your blood pressure. A commitment to yoga practice will certainly give you opportunities to experience stress relief.
Aromatherapy with oils from Young Living Oils or Doterra can help you to relax in a nice bath or with a foot massage before you go to sleep. The intention of using the oils for health and good self-care can be very helpful if you are feeling anxious or imbalanced.
Finding a good chiropractor who works with stability as well as flexibility can do wonders in helping you feel better aligned. When the spine is healthy, life looks a lot more positive!
Byron Katie has come up with 4 questions that will help you change your life. Her worksheets are free online and you can view her on Youtube. Check out
Gentle movement exercises like Felderkrais or Continuum will awaken your deeper sense of centeredness.
Eckhart Tolle is known for bringing out focus “Into the Now”. His teachings can help one to let go of suffering and stress by recognizing our tendencies to live in the past and future rather than being Present.
Remember that If stress is interfering with your life’s purpose and health, it’s time to do something different that will help you resource your internal skills to help you move through life with more ease. There are practices you can do alone, in a class, or with the help of a professional. The more serious the issue with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD it is best to find the right professional with good experience and references.
Let your stress pass right through by taking good care of you.
Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI
(740) 966-5153
Facilitating with Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Structural Integration, Reiki, The Work, Brennan Healing and more. See for more information.
SER begins with an atmosphere of trust, respect, and gentle touch.
Often when I work with clients for a period of time, long-held negative beliefs and residual trauma energy can start to come to surface. This may be a small gentle reminder of an uncomfortable feeling, a tear running down a cheek or a deep anxiety or stress that has energetically been frozen within the cells. We call this an “energy cyst from a Craniosacral Therapy perspective. The energy from the historic trauma isolates itself as a compensation but it not entirely let go.
The Upledger Craniosacral approach to working with Somato-Emotional Release involves a very natural type of presence and touch into the Cranosacral system that supports the process of releasing old trauma’s such as: car accidents, PTSD, warfare, violence, divorce or any type of experience that feels overwhelming. If the cycle of feelings does not complete itself, it remains until given the opportunity to heal. By dialoguing with the Craniosacral System, the true intelligence within will lead the way to self-correct into health and wellbeing. Craniosacral Therapy is a professional therapeutic modality that balances, restore and brings greater awareness to clients.
Craniosacral Columbus
The old painful messages melt away and give way to the Present moment.
By taking the road of self-discovery with CST, new awareness will help you to make better choices in your life with more clarity and heart. Bringing the physical, feelings, beliefs and heart into coherence opens the door to health and wellbeing.
Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT, SI & Brennan Healing Science Practitioner