A Brand New Way of Thinking about Your Health

A Brand New Way of Thinking about Your Health

Proactive Health

Life Style is a Choice.  But it’s not always an easy choice. Most people are working so many hours that they feel stressed.  They don’t spend enough time outside, having fun, or exercising because they are tired.  In relationship to food,  much of our maketing is aimed at pushing us to make unhealthy choices.  For example, we hear eat vegetables and lean meat, but the grocery stores are filled with sodas and processed food with who knows what is inside.  We hear it’s important to make friends for healthy relationships.  What if you are an introverted person?  Or facing mental and emotional challenges and there are no resources available?  Our choices may seem to have limited answers.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Healer for about 30 years, I have worked with many people.  I listen.  Often people blame themselves for ending up not feeling well.  I have noticed this with women in particular. But honestly the society we live in  contributes to making the choosing confusing.  So many mixed up messages. 

I believe it’s important to first acknowledge where you are right now in your health journey.  Accept yourself as you are with some compassion by going to your heart. Next, take some time to consider the changes you want to make.  Being with your own Truth is a Powerful Beginning. Self Awareness helps us to make proactive choices in our own best interests.

The next and most important key in my opinion is to get to know yourself.  We are complex human beings. We have conscious thoughts and we also have patterns steeped in shadow.  It’s important to take the time to get a sense of your own sense of power and core abilitites.  That’s where you can start to make internal changes which are long-lasting.

Set your intention for proactive and positive health.  Once this is clear. take action:

1.  Set up health goals

2.  Meditate to awaken self awareness 

3.  Choose someone to help you find deeper clarity and a health sense of Self.  

4.  Become friendly with your own body.

5.  Find healthy activities which you enjoy, and do them!  Start small but stop make excuses.

6.  Prioritize your health because nobody else can do it better than you!

7.  Reach in to find your deeper resources, and then reach out to connect with others in your own comfort zone.

It’s best to be proactive about your health.  Also, it’s never too late. Ultimately only you can make the choices to return you back to your center and healthy embodiment.  

Breathe and be the best you can be.  That is enough!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


6797 N. High #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085









How to Relieve Tension Headaches?

How to Relieve Tension Headaches?

The Steady Ache of Tension Headaches

Find Relief:

  1. Stay Hydrated:  Dehydration can cause tension headaches.
  2. Get Rest:  Headaches can worsen without enough sleep.
  3. Meditate: It focuses and clears your mind.
  4. Scalp Massage helps to loosen the soft tissues on the head.
  5. Ice Your Tension Areas
  6. Cognitive Therapy can help you to Sort things out.
  7. Craniosacral Therapy-deep support for motion in the cranium.  This supports better motion and fluidity in the head.

If you are feeling that tightening pressure around your head, change what you are doing.  Tension headaches are usually patterns.  The good thing is that tension headache patterns can be broken.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, there have been times when I have worked with a person for 5 minutes and a 7 year old headache finally disappeared.  This isn’t always the case, but motion and nourishment can and often shift you right out of pain.  

Quite often, clients who come in once a month after initial sessions end up feeling pain free.  It’s all about the fluids, the softness and giving the head and neck the ability to stay connected to the body.

If you’d like to find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can work for you, contact:

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085


Find Somato Therapist Near Me

Find Somato Therapist Near Me

Somato Centered Therapy on the Table

The Concept of Somato centered bodywork, was incorporated into the therapeutic process of Craniosacral Therapy many years ago at the Upledger Institute.

SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a theraeputic process that employs and expands the principles of  Craniosacral Therapy through dialogue.

This particular type of somato communication can be done in silence, or when a person begins to process, verbal cues or responses may be offered for self-discovery work.  Mostly this is practiced when the Craniosacral Rythm is moving the client through a profound change.  However, it is not the job of a Craniosacral Therapist to counsel.  Instead, we are trained to support a person who in on the table, and who is being challenged or needs help moving through cellular memory developmental or trauma experiences.  We have been trained to be very gentle and to offer some techniques that take the client inward to help them find their own deep well of Inner Resources.

Each Craniosacral Therapist has their own unique skillset to help in dialogue work.  Personally, I have studied Hakomi for two years, 8 years at the Barbara Brennan School Of healing, and also studied at SPI to help my clients who have gone through trauma.

This body centered work is powerful and gentle with an organic and mindful approach to healing.  It feels very integrative to our clients, as well as self-empowering.

If you want to “find a craniosacral therapist near me”,  I offer free 10 minute phone calls to support your discovery process in finding the best CST for you!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D. Trauma Informed Work

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

Loving the Silence of the Heart

Loving the Silence of the Heart

Discover the Power of Silence

The absence of sound. Stillness. Quiet.  There is such a rich quality of life that is found when we stop talking. It’s a black velvet void. It’s peace of mind. Yet, silence can’t quite accurately be described in words.  Words are too limiting.  The best way I suppose, simply put, it’s an experience of nothingness.

To discover silence,  although nothing can take us directly there really.  There are guidepost points  that can make helpful suggestions.  Here is a list of 5 things I recommend.

1.  Mindfulness.  Mindfulness is practiced by each person indiviudally.  To begin though, it’s wise to bring the attention of awarness inward. Bring your open attention to the present moment in a “listening” mode.  With an intention of open awareness, the quiet has an entrance point to come to you.

2.  Go out into nature. Being outside gives us an aesthetic sense of the the beauty of life.  It also allows us to quiet down into silence to observe the natural order of life as well.  With the different moments, different seasons, we witness the cycles of life from birth to death. This can be a great learning experience. It can also bring forth spiritual transcendence experiences, along with joy and wonder.  Also, being out in nature can make us feel more safe in our emodiment because of the deep meanings we find in the silence of nature.

3. Breathing.  Breathing is at the core of keeping us alive. There is something so intrinsicly important about being connected to our breath.  The best way to help us reduce stress is to breathe naturally.  If you breathe shallow, breathe shallow.  Visa Versa, if you breathe deeply, breathe deeply.  Observe the experience of the breath without alterning.  However, if the breath change on it’s own accord, be with the change.  The breath takes us deep into the core of silence.  Trust in the breath!

4.  Stop talking for a certain amount of time each day.  Sciecne has actually shows that this can help nourish brain cells.

5.  Art.  Expressing ourselves through art can be a very quiet endeavor.  Finding our creative wave and allowing it to move through us,  quiets the mind, and bursts forth expressions of life’s experience.  The more immersed we are, the deeper rooted we can become in the engagement of the dance of silent exploration.

Silence is an experience of nourishment.  I think that when we stop the busyness and give ourselves some space to be, that the rest in silence is so vitally important to our health and wellbeing. Yet so often overlooked in our daily schedules.

Be kind to yourself.  Balance out your list of “to do” things with some empty quiet time.  You’ll feel better. You’ll feel more rested.  You may find yourself actually feeling more full in the emptiness.  When the mind quiets, the heart sings.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085


How to Change with Ease: Craniosacral Therapy

How to Change with Ease: Craniosacral Therapy

Change Opens Doors…

Do you want to change and get “Unstuck”?  If you do, that big scary thing is going to happen.  Life is going to shift and the ground is going to crumble. Nothing stays the same forever. Life is a constant “happening”.   Deep down, you know that!

Do you ever remember having the feeling that you were caught in a loop? Or maybe a spiral?  It’s that deja vu feeling that you have already lived the dynamic in which you are now repeating.  It gets so old at some point.

So often, we individuals, find ourselves resisting “change”. We fight it.  We yell.  We scream. We run. Anything to stay in the familiar. We protect the past, and refuse to be in the present.  What a crazy thing for us to do.  Right?

The challenge is that our brains are wired this way. We are animals, looking for safety and to meet our basic needs until they are fully met.  Our thoughts of trust and grounding need to be strong in order for us to trust and to let go of the conflict between “change” and “static”.

If you don’t have a compassionate and nurturing past, it makes it much harder to deal and interact from the present “Now”.  Yet it’s never too late to change course.  If you are tired of playing the same story over and over, question your thoughts.  Pray.  Meditate. Find a Therapist or a Friend to get new perspective.

Change is always here with us.  A friend, an opportunity, a gift.  We never get bored with change.  Yet most of us have to find a way to navigate through the ease of change to get to the other side.

About 20 years ago, I moved the focus of my work into Craniosacral Therapy (CST).  I found more than anything,  CST brought me back inward to help me discover the core of myself.  I learned to trust my body, and my other internal and external processes by calming my nervous system, and also by receiving nourishing touch and melding with healthy boundaries.

I have been working for close to 30+ years in the field of healing.  Never have I felt so focused and grounded, and at the same time free and open.  As the body receives new information the old unwinds and opens doors to a deeper connection to Self and to others.  Embraced change brings vulnerability, but it also blesses us with embodied power and love.

If you’d like to find out how Craniosacral Therapy can help you navigate through resistence and change,  look for a Somato Emotion Release Therapist near you.  www.upledger.com

Sharon Hartnett CST-d

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

How to Continue Feeling Your Best with Fibromyalgia Symptoms.

How to Continue Feeling Your Best with Fibromyalgia Symptoms.

Were you diagnosed with Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia pain is not a simple diagnosis.  It can reveal itself in different ways based on the uniqueness of each individual  person. What we do know is that fibromyalgia does feel like heightened pain. It can show up anywhere on the body. However, normally a physician can diagnose by pressing on certain tender points. There are nine familiar locations found from the top of the body on down.

Flares can be brought upon by stress, hormonal changes and lack of sleep.  Some people say weather changes can attribute to more pain as well. Whatever the cause, people with fibromyalgia suffer from body aches and fatigue.

Once you are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, what is next?

What is now understood is that the central nervous system (CSN) has beeen overstimulated. Of course anything that calms the CNS is helpful.  Check with your physician for any recommendations they suggest.  Of course, there are also integrative practices that can be helpful too.

1. Yoga

2. Tai Chi and Qigong

3. Very Gentle Stretching

4. Walking

5. Meditation

Also,  I’d be remiss if I did not bring up Craniosacral Therapy as a promising modality to help with fibromyagia.  The Upledger Institute has taught many therapists who work across the world to work with clients through soft and gentle listening and melding with the Craniosacral System.  Often my clients enjoy this manual therapy over massage because they don’t feel pain with the touch, nor do they feel sore afterwards.  Their brains feel calmer and their bodies relax.

If you’d like to find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help you, check out the Upledger website.  Find a Craniosacral Therapist, call and interview each practitioner until it feels like the best fit for you.  Let me know on my blog how it goes, because I like to hear how CST can help!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085




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