Surrendering Into Our Higher Selves

Surrendering Into Our Higher Selves

Surrendering To the Greatest Existence

(Which Exists and Doesn’t Exist)

Nothing could be better than being human. Surrendering. Do you feel that deep inside? A flame burns Within, and these makeshift bodies in which we live are candles of soft wax, living and breathing as skin. A sparkle of birth and an eagerness ebbing in and out of us like the ocean tide. Our fluids inside nourish and clear away the old, tasting of sea salt and blood. We are renewal itself. We are night and day, and we are indeed all the seasons.

We are constantly reaching internally through the tides of life and then testing the waters as we expand to the farthest distance of our comfort zone. We are a pulse. We are a particle. We are a wave in motion. We are experience Itself. We are Whole. We are pieces of the puzzle which all inter-connect to each other. We are one thing, and then we are another, ever-changing. We are still. We are active. We are organisms. We are stardust living an earthly life. A sparkler burns, with flickers of light landing in air, and we meld with the elements, transforming from one form to the other. We are souls living a very human existence. Deciding our level of surrendering.
This life as a human faces pain and suffering. Not one of us escapes such an encounter. So many of us look away, trying to pretend life is not as it is. We fight trust. We battle acceptance. We stop acknowledging the Truth which looks us in the eye. We build weapons, and start wars. We lie. We cheat. We steal. Sometimes we murder and we don’t look back. Calloused from the past and fear, we freeze in time. Numbness is the extreme state of loss. Complete forgetfulness. We lose our senses and know not why we came here. We dampen our glow. We try to fit in, even when it makes no sense. Cruelty and bullying. In our inconsequential smallness, we try to hurt each other. But mostly we hurt ourselves. Humanity is dimming. It’s lost its direction in so many ways. That first breath is withering. The air is dirty. The options have run out. Or so it seems.

The Light And Darkness. Yes, the tango seems to be slowing down. Movement comes to a halt, but underneath is the flickering longing to exist and to crawl. The need to grow. It’s so strong. It never dies. It can takes us through any challenge. It can place us high on a mountain top. It can have us walk through fire or miles of snow deep and bitter cold. It can be a mother’s embrace that nurses her baby back to health. It can be expressed in innumerable shades of human love and effervescence. The essence which lives inside this shell of a body is eternal. We are so much more than we have ever imagined. We are not isolated. Rather life gives us a rich unfurling chance at time and space. It gave us an opportunity to identify and to believe. Life is about expression and creativity.

We get to pretend that we are individuals, living independently and cut off. And then something whispers to us to wake up. What will we choose? The potential. We gain a rich understanding of self and relationship. We think that we have discovered truth and freedom. It feels real. It feels like we can touch reality. But what are we really doing here?

What is real? And who else could be the leaders, if not you and me, that make things happen for the best? Do we have any iota whether any of this is of our own doing? Or are we puppets on a string. Are we being played out. Or are we the the One? Wow that feels so overwhelmingly big to consider. Could it possibly be that we are more than our make believe limited human Self? Do we dare to imagine? Do all the possibilities of all of existence exist for us? Are there ways to navigate humanity in this day and age that lead us out of the possible extinction which knocks on our door every second by the darkness in which we swim?

I pause. I contemplate the feasibility that we can move into another direction than our past repetitions. What I do know, is that while I wonder if I can do it alone, the most important question really, is AM I Alone? I ask Existence to Show me more as I gratefully bow down to Greatness Before Me. When we consider how we are born, live and die alone as an individual person, are we really only about “me”? Or is there something larger, more grand in the scheme of life that is cheering us all on, wanting our evolution to be more than just empty space. Something that encourages unity over independence. I am not sure.

Something Created Us. Even if we are just a fragment of the Whole being brought through the human lungs. Maybe this adventure of being here on earth is an infusion of the Holy wanting to laugh in joy, and cry in the depths of sadness. Maybe the Oneness lives in us all, and also in the stars beyond with no expectation or outcome. What if we have the right to live as individuals, but also are awakened or not in a state of Harmony, Peace, and Compassion based on our soul’s yearning?. What if we are birthed to find a way to have it all? To feel that and to know that?

Today, I have learned to accept that I have no control. All there is for me in surrender. This body is aging. So much appreciation for it now. Placing my belly on the earth and feeling the solidity beneath. If I turn my head and look at the sky, I know that there is space forever beyond. I breathe in and breathe out. I feel myself. I gather my senses and say thank you. I try to live another day being the best person I can be. Even when the shadows envelope my sight. I keep thinking about the dance between me and the other. All the while feeling the mighty All singing in my veins. To live fully until I die into the Majesty. And wander into the Next.


Surrendering into ourselves in the Way…

I end. I begin.


Meanderings in the morning by Sharon Hartnett
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
6797 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio
The Importance of Feeling Understood.

The Importance of Feeling Understood.


What’s it like to be understood? Our names are a lable that identify us. I am not usually one who likes to be labeled. But there is something so vital about being witnessed, understood and heard that feels so important to our human nature. With Craniosacral Therapy, touch is also about melding and blending while listening to a person’s Central Nervous System. When the person is met, something alive and deeper awakens. It’s that place where we long to be recognized and finally are in a very sensory way understood.

Human beings are meant to be touched and understood. Craniosacral Therapy is such a great system to reflect this back. It’s so gentle and compassionate. One reason I switched my main focus into Craniosacral Therapy was because it brought so much more peace to my system.

I see this all the time with my clients as well. It may take one session to feel understood by others and ourselves. Or it may be many depending on the life circumstances. But it is oh so helpful in helping the body to deeply relax.

To find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, and SomatoEmotional Work, check out the Upledger Institute.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

Serving Columbus Ohio area


Discover a Grounded Energy Healer Right here in Columbus!

Discover a Grounded Energy Healer Right here in Columbus!

Energy Healer Sharon Hartnett Sharing….

I watched an energy healing on the Goop Lab recently. I was very glad to see someone professional actually talking about Energy Work in a positive way! People in Columbus, Ohio have been calling me as a result of this, and I am happy that they are open and excited about hands on energy healing now.

Yet I must admit-that most sessions don’t look quite like what happened with Julianne Hough.

First off, Julianne is obviously very health conscious and one of the best dancers in the world. It’s easy to see how attuned to her body she is.  Also, it is clear how her energy is aligned and connected to John Amaral.  He is the Healer who waved his hands over her with the result of spontaneous body movement.

This type of session is absolutely possible, but it really is a combination of different factors between the person doing the work and the client on the table which determines how the energy session shapes.

My training as an Energy Healer was 8 years at the renown Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  Also, I have been attuned to Reiki, and I know energy work naturally occurs with the Craniosacral Therapy (CST) I do.  Although, the CST is steeped more in  physical science with the physiological Craniosacral System and Central Nervous System.

During a session with me, my clients keep their clothes on. I listen to their energy field, and find out what is metabolizing well, and what is not.  I trust that the Light Inside will lead me to facilitate any auric field transformation that is ready to happen.  Most of this happens in the 4 dimensions: physical, auric field, hara and in the Core Star.

Some clients feel energy flow, connections happening on the more structured level of the energy field. Other may start to connect their hearts more deeply or perhaps even have spiritual experience. The experience really depends on what is unique to each person’s path.

Since the show, I have read doctors calling this work melarchy and such.  But I am not sure that they have ever really opened up and given energy work a chance.  When a person closes off to the more subtle aspects of existence, how can they find the truth?  When a certain group of people believe that their way is the only “right” way, how can they experience something new?

So many people are coming to Integrative Therapies.  Mostly because the Western Medical Model is lacking in many ways.  Yes- I have been helped tremendously at times from surgeons.  But so much more is missing.  Most of us have experienced this, and go searching for something more.

I don’t believe that we, as healers, heal.  Nor do I believe that physicians heal.  But any person can touch another in a certain way with energy intention, and help that person find his/her way back to Wholeness inside. When people do healing work, it is more than trying to “fix” the physical.  We are helping our clients to come back into their own Self-Empowerment to bring healthier choices back to them.  There is joy in life, and healing awakens this from within.

My job is to help you discover your own Inner Healing Resources to change your fate toward Optimal Health.  I hope that one day more physicians will open their minds to working more side by side in the energy healing field.  Afterall, what is most important is that people find what they are looking for.

With Energy Work, many of my clients often feel much more calm, clear and healthier.  They address their di-sease process physically, emotionally, in a heart centered way, and also spiritually on many occasions.

Connection is so integral to our growth and healing journey.  Energy Healing can be very supportive in this.  If you are interested in finding out more,  I offer a free one time 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Brennan Pracititioner

703 509-1792

Creating a Space for Nothing…

Creating a Space for Nothing…

Meditation is Bliss! Life is so busy these days. It’s rare to naturally find the time to relax and enjoy doing nothing. Yet it is important for each of us to have a safe and quiet space to let our guard down and just “Be”. It does take intention to give this gift to ourselves.Have you ever sat in the silence of a moment? The preciousness is sacred and often quite peaceful~Meditation is a practice that teaches focus on awareness. It brings more clarity, along with an expanding open mind~Mindfulness allows one to explore both what is happening inside and outside with a fullness that feels ripe and complete. It helps to bridge the two through healthy integration~

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




























Most people believe meditation is all about stopping thoughts that seem to be looping through our minds. In fact, it is more about training the mind to bring conscious attention to exactly what does spring forth in the moment from the well of our thoughts and deeper. It is about finding an appreciation for all of creation, making it easier and easier to be in acceptance to what IS.










Meditation can be done on a walk through nature. It can be done sitting in a jail cell. It is an awakening tool that can be done anywhere and anytime for free. Putting in the time will bring rewards much greater than anything else you can do. You might find that with a little curiosity and mindful awareness that you will go deeper and feel more alive than ever before.










Meditation can be done in any religion. It can be done with no belief at all. Each person has a capacity to discover oneself. The pathway is available for all who commit to walk the path. Take the time to care for yourself. Find a quiet place in your home, outside, where’ve you feel comfortable the most. That way you can relax when you first begin. Then let the practice of meditation take flight.










Craniosacral Therapy can help you too with this process. It is a type of bodywork that includes meditation with guidance. It supports integration of the mind, body &soul. If you are interested in journey together, call Sharon Hartnett CST-D for a free phone consultation at 740 966-5153 in Columbus, Ohio.






























Feel Young as You Get Older with the Cobra Pose

Feel Young as You Get Older with the Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose for those Shortened Soft Tissues-

As we get older, often we lose the natural curvature of our spine. Gravity pulls us downward and often we end up out of alignment anteriorly and posteriorly as well. Our doctors often recommend exercise which is a great beginning. Massage, Craniosacral Therapy,  and other forms of Bodywork can be very helpful too. But there is something you can do to feel young that is easy to do right at home in just about 5-10 minutes a day that will help you quite a bit.  

How about spending a little time with the Cobra Pose to self-correct your posture and open up your energy flow!

Begin Cobra by lying down on your stomach with the legs extended. Place your hands fairly close to your body parallel and slowly lift your body off the ground. Continue to lift higher, but only in comfort with a light stretch.Hold the stretch as long as you feel release for up to 30 seconds. If anything feels like it is too much, move back to the ground and relax and try again when you feel rested. 

Yoga Massage in Columbus Ohio


Many of my clients come in with painful necks and lower backs.Those two areas especially seem to shorten in many people and end up being the weakest link in posture.  Part of that can due to a shortened psoas muscle but usually include anterior fascia being too short from the feet to the top of the head.  

If you take the time to do the Cobra Pose routinely, you will begin to see great change in how you stand and feel each day.  This is accomplished by lengthening the front of your body with the stretch and relaxing all the above back muscles. This pose is counter to many of the activities we do each day which jet us forward.  The Cobra Pose allows us to move into a backward curved space which restores better balance.

In Yoga,  often the class leads us into pushing the stretch.  I’d like to invite people who are in discomfort not to go all the way, but to simply go into the stretch gently, listen to your body to what feels good and stay there.  I have found that when the body is not overtaxed, the defense mechanisms relax and more tissue will relax and spread throughout the whole body.

As with all physical activity, it is helpful to check with your physician what is good for you to do, especially while dealing with spinal issues.

As we age, we don’t have to limit our movements.  We have a choice to move freely but we need to take advantage of our Cobra  range of motion.  Want to feel young?  Then live young!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

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