How to Develop a Good Plan for Stress Management

How to Develop a Good Plan for Stress Management

Stress Management

Who needs stress?

Well, stress can be beneficial.  It can help your performance in any part of your life if it is used in a positive way. However, chronic stress is a different matter. Long-term stress can be a major contributor to numerous health problems.

Fortunately, there are some tools that you can learn to help you stay healthy in your mind and body connection. Addressing stress as soon as possible can significantly shift your mindset. An intentional practice of committing to self-care can help avoid or minimize anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases and chronic pain.

If you haven’t already come up with a plan for stress managment, here are a few ideas:

  1. Mindfulness, prayer and meditation can help reduce cortisol levels and bring one to center. This is a practice of becoming fully aware in the moment through experience and observation.  Curiousity also helps set the stage for discovering inner peace.
  2. Holistic and Complementary practices like Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Acupuncture have shown to be very helpful with stress management.
  3. Breathing Exercises can shift you more into a calm state.  One that I recommend is breathing in to a slow count of 4, exhale to 6 and pause. In your practice continue to lengthen the pause at the end of the exhale. Also, practice diaphragmatic breathing, imagining your breath filling the whole ribcage as it expands and contracts. Allow the breath to move all the way to the pelvic floor.
  4. Check with your physician about the Role of Nutrition:  omega 3, magnesium and certaine B vitamins support brain health, and help to regulate emotions.
  5. Sleep.  It’s so important to get enough rest.  When you sleep well your brain is able to clear through the glymphatic system.  This can help you to feel much better restored, and to heal.  A good sleep routine is imperative to good health.

Being in a Healing Practice for close to 30 years, I have seen so many people with chronic stress.I want you to know that it’s possible to step away from that. However, it does mean making a choice to change your life.  Your power comes in the form of doing things that bring you back to your balanced and healthy Self.

If you have any questions, how I can help you as a Craniosacral Therapist, I offer a free 15 phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D


Serving the Columbus Ohio Area







    How To Find Joy by Choosing the Higher Self

    How To Find Joy by Choosing the Higher Self

    Higher Self

    What is the Higher Self?


    One could describe the higher self as the deeper, timeless essence of who you are — a part of you that exists beyond the layers of ego, personality, and conditioned thought. It’s like the true center of your being, always in harmony with the universe and imbued with wisdom, love, and clarity. To understand it, think of it as the still, quiet voice within that knows and sees beyond your ordinary perceptions.  This is what Google says anyway. And believe it or not, I agree this is a great description!

    In today’s world, there is a lot of suffering and pain. It’s part of he human condition.  It passed down along the lineage and through our cultures and religion.  We get so distracted with the stories from the past, it’s hard to imagine a life of compassion, great wisdom and greatness.  But it’s time to start feeling joy.  Right?

    In today’s world, many people think it’s up to us alone to deal with our problems.  Be accountable.  Figure it out.  You can do it. Right?  While this is all true, along the journey of life, sometimes we do need help from others, and also from that place inside of us that transcends time and space.  Inside of us is the whole universe, and when we align with the Higher Self, it will open us up and awaken all the possibilities.  If you are looking for clarity, the Higher Self is the best place to inquire.

    There is a good book I recommend by Susan Thesanga called, “The Undefended Self“.  I read this years ago.  And what she says in that book is powerful knowledge even today.

    Sometimes, we need to cut through all the patterns of the past and commit to the Higher Path.  Even though it’s hard to let go of the past at times,  beginning to look inward for these wisdom resources will change everything for you.  Begin with mindfulness and prayer.  Listen to the responses that life brings back.  Open up this communication to the Higher Self, and the “old” will dissolve and thee “new” can begin.  Embrace the change and find your Inner Warrior.   Be courageous.  Be strong.  But there is you in making this choice, and there are your allies too.  Remember:). Jump into your Best Timeline.  

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Brennan Healer and more!


    703 5091792





    What’s the Best Way to Let Go of Stress?

    What’s the Best Way to Let Go of Stress?

    Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

    Releasing Stress and Restoring Inner Peace

    Craniosacral Therapy works by supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself by releasing stress. It’s not only about relieving physical discomfort but also about releasing tension from emotional stress. Many clients feel like they’ve let go of long-held emotions or mental clutter after a session, leaving them feeling lighter, more grounded, and refreshed.

    Every day life can be soooooo stressful.  I want you to know that a Craniosacral treatment is so deeply relaxing. It’s not massage. It’s totally different. I used to be a Masssage Therapist many years ago. I can’t skip over how great having the muscles rubbed is great. However, my clients have often remarked with CST that they let go of stress better than with anything else they have tried. The work is so gentle, and the body naturally welcomes the touch.  To be be heard, to feel acknowledgement and touched with presence and deep contact is reassuring and peaceful

    On a basic technical level:


    How Craniosacral Therapy Works to reduce stress::

    Craniosacral Therapy works with the cerebrospinal fluid.  This fluid circulates and spreads through the brain and around the spine. It brings nourishment, clears and protects the Central Nervous System. This releases stress. When the Craniosacral System is balanced, people feel super relaxed. They smile again.  A relaxed system gives one a sense of calm and centeredness.

    It’s important to me as Craniosacral Therapist to educate, and promote this work.  I have found it to be one of the best ways to let go of stress and feel good in your body.

    If you have any questions, send them over.

    Sharon Hartnett

    703 509-1792

    The Columbus Ohio Area

    How to Change Your Posture with Somato Emotional Release

    How to Change Your Posture with Somato Emotional Release

    Posture Somato Emotional Release

    Organizing Optimal Posture

    Structural Integration, with an emphasis on posture,  is based on the principle that the body is organized and held together in a coordinated, balanced manner.  Any distortions in that order and/or balance can lead to physical and emotional discomfort. Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in this organization. When fascia becomes tight, scarred, or restricted due to poor posture, emotional stress, or injury, it can cause the body to lose its ability to move freely and efficiently.

    Creating a healthier and more fluid Posture can be better facilitated by recognising the emotional aspect of Structure. At the core of Somato Emotional Release hands-on manual work, we consider holding the intention of using of physical  touch to help a person to heal emotionally as well as physically. For many of us who have worked with clients for years, we recognize that the body stores emotional memories. The body often reflects our history and our choices.  However, this can change with gentle and nourishing skillful touch.

    Fortunately, some people are proactive and come in for help with their posture ahead of the game. These cases are often easier in terms of release and integration. Often though, discomfort or pain may be the leading reason someone seeks out help. Obviously, it’s always best to stay in front of the curve when possible. It’s the whole idea of treating simplity over complexity.

    The Best situation for a client is when the therapist is Certified through their schooling.  It ensures that they reach the top level of understanding of the anatomy, skills particular to a certain manual therapy,  but also that they have learned how to support the emotional process.  Because quite often people do have emotional releases when their posture is changing on a fascial level.

    Emotions for some people can be a very vulnerable thing to express. Perhaps in their childhood or current relationships, there is judgment or lack of understanding.   So it’s very helpful to find someone with specific training in dialoguing.  Bodyworkers are not counselors, but they can and certainly do help their clients process, and find their own healing responses when trained.

    Some things to look for in a Somato Emotional Release Therapist are:

    • A trusting and Safe Space
    • Neutrality
    • Certification ie.  Upledger
    • Body Centered Emotional Training
    • An Understanding of Posture
    • An Ability to Listen and Work with Fascia
    • The Ability to Meld with the Tissues
    • Experience

    If you are seeking out a Somato Emotional Release therapist to help free up and balance your posture, first call for an interview.  It’s important to feel a bond of trust first and foremost. Then,as this type of manual therapy can help treat misalignment of the posture as well as letting go of stress and emotional baggage,  ask questions upfront so that you can feel comfortable with your choice.

    Processing unresolved emotional trauma can truly change how you feel in your body!

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    703 509-1792







    How to Open to the Possibilities

    Opening through curiosity

    Possibilities Are Always Present.

    Call in the Possibilities!

    Remember a time that you felt stuck?  Perhaps right now it feels like some doors are shut  No options available?  No matter how much you try, you’re still in the same place.

    When we look outside of ourselves for answers, the ultimate resolution never starts there. Rather, change is an inside job to self-realize possibilities in any given situation. The sooner we realize that we have no control over other people or events, the freerer we become internally. We learn that the power of possibilities can be born from within us.  It’s a mindset. Something that calls for us to practice so that we see new opportunities outside as well. We can be the intentional change we want to be.

    True freedom to discover  comes from understanding that possibilities live in the Unknown. It can take courage to explore possibilities over the “norm”  It does take a quiet mind and a mindful intention to stay in curiositiy with the “Self”, and with our other relationships. When we question with an open mind, it gives us space for the mystery to unfold.  It allows time for the chess pieces to move, and new magical experiences to arise.  It’s in these gaps of silence and curiosity, that insights come from a place which hold eternal wisdom.

    These days, so much of the time we invest in “knowing”.  I’d suggesty an alternative. Try instead to rest in the play of “not knowing” if you want to shift or transform into your most “Whole” feeling Self. Allow the mystery to fulfill you.

    Life is about receiving meaning and understanding.  In order to allow the possibilties to move through us, it’s a choice to invite and partipate in all that we DON’T Know.

    Being a Craniosacral Therapist, all my sessions move in this way. Magic happens. I live in the mystery of the Deeper Essential Wisdom that is always here, waiting to express its voice.  It helps my clients to free themselves when they remember and awaken to this Deeper Truth. Because I get to observe this experience, it reminds me every day of the possibilities that are always swimming around for me, for you, and for anyone if we are willing to leave the familiar and explore.

    The Possibilities of Change. You may feel stuck at times, but you are not.  New possibilties are always less than a breath away.

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    Certified Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute

    703 509-1792


    What is Something New You Learned about Yourself Lately?

    What is Something New You Learned about Yourself Lately?


    Awakening Yourself

    To Awaken to yourself is the most powerful thing you can do. Feeling confident about your life, and the choices you make shape everything. Unburdening yourself from limitations is freeing.

    Often people who come in for Craniosacral Therapy can feel stressed, a bit lost, anxious, or in pain. Something feels off, and the person may not understand why they feel the way they do. Maybe there are pieces under the level of consciousness- stored in the cellular memory. Working through the mind body connection can be quite powerful.

    Craniosacral can help ground you more firmly into your life.

    Working with a Craniosacral Therapist can shift everything.  Some of the ways this can happen in a session are:

    1.  Presence:  The holding of neutral space creates trust and safety.

    2.  Respecting boundaries helps define you and your comfort level.

    3.  Craniosacral Therapy taps into the Craniosacral System which nourishes and keeps the Nervous System Healthier and in balance.

    4.   Certified Techniques and Skill level can release and help integrate old wounding and trauma. This makes space for potential awakening to knowing oneself more deeply.  it can bring more meaning to life.

    5.  An Experienced Craniosacral Therapist supports the Awakening Process by training with open dialogue which is centered on Self-Discovery.  Ask about SomatoEmotional Release Work.

    Craniosacral Therapy takes an Osteopathic approach to manual therapy.  It focuses on trusting your body to find the internal discovery and healing processes within.

    If you feel you have tried so many things but nothing helps, giving Craniosacral Therapy a change may help shift you into a Light Awakening.  It’s so gentle, yet profound.

    One of the best things that you can learn about yourself is Self-Empowerment through curiosity, and sensing into your own body and sense of Self.

    What have you learned about yourself and what can help you move forward as you continue to open up?

    Sharon Hartnett CST-D

    SomatoEmotional Release Therapy Certified through Upledger

    703 509-1792

    Columbus, Ohio Area.






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