How to Develop a Good Plan for Stress Management
Who needs stress?
Well, stress can be beneficial. It can help your performance in any part of your life if it is used in a positive way. However, chronic stress is a different matter. Long-term stress can be a major contributor to numerous health problems.
Fortunately, there are some tools that you can learn to help you stay healthy in your mind and body connection. Addressing stress as soon as possible can significantly shift your mindset. An intentional practice of committing to self-care can help avoid or minimize anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases and chronic pain.
If you haven’t already come up with a plan for stress managment, here are a few ideas:
- Mindfulness, prayer and meditation can help reduce cortisol levels and bring one to center. This is a practice of becoming fully aware in the moment through experience and observation. Curiousity also helps set the stage for discovering inner peace.
- Holistic and Complementary practices like Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Acupuncture have shown to be very helpful with stress management.
- Breathing Exercises can shift you more into a calm state. One that I recommend is breathing in to a slow count of 4, exhale to 6 and pause. In your practice continue to lengthen the pause at the end of the exhale. Also, practice diaphragmatic breathing, imagining your breath filling the whole ribcage as it expands and contracts. Allow the breath to move all the way to the pelvic floor.
- Check with your physician about the Role of Nutrition: omega 3, magnesium and certaine B vitamins support brain health, and help to regulate emotions.
- Sleep. It’s so important to get enough rest. When you sleep well your brain is able to clear through the glymphatic system. This can help you to feel much better restored, and to heal. A good sleep routine is imperative to good health.
Being in a Healing Practice for close to 30 years, I have seen so many people with chronic stress.I want you to know that it’s possible to step away from that. However, it does mean making a choice to change your life. Your power comes in the form of doing things that bring you back to your balanced and healthy Self.
If you have any questions, how I can help you as a Craniosacral Therapist, I offer a free 15 phone consultation.
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
Serving the Columbus Ohio Area