Today I was reading a blog that I found very interesting speaking about the way our children learn. The primary point was that the author wants to help children to stop becoming information storage containers and to start become more creative and innovative. I loved hearing that. While he focused on this segment of our population where it all begins, I broadened the idea in my head to a “Stress Revolution” for everyone. What would it be like if one, then two, then three until the whole world could let go of our stressful thinking…. all the things that we have learned that are conflictual and painful?
My thought is that it is first necessary for adults to want to begin to see that where they identify their belief systems that are not necessarily reality, but rather only a shade of the truth. Then they must question and examine their thinking as well as the actions and consequences of their decisions if a healing awakening is to occur. When we begin to see the suffering in our own lives and how it affects our relationships, it will then be possible to be courageous enough to let go of our erroneous beliefs and give our next generations a more clear and hopeful future. A moto that I have believed for some time , “Let Peace begins with Me” comes to mind as I write this.
A World without Stress…. Peace
Hmmmm. Could you imagine a world where we didn’t adhere to anything that brings about suffering? A place where we can turn around our environment, our communities, politics and spiritual practices?
I know it sounds like Utopia. But is it really impossible to live in a world where our children work in cooperation, peace and unity with still being able to maintain their individualism and spark? A place where one religion is not wrong and another right? A place where governments truly listen to the people and represent the good of the total?
I am not sure that this will happen in my generation, but the spread of something wonderful is happening. There are people who are learning to disengage from suffering, and bringing this new consciousness to others. One of my teachers is Byron Katie at, . But there are many others. Through meditations, prayer, inquiry- many people are awakening and expanding the consciousness of peace.
If you are suffering or are at war with anything in your life…now is the time to change not only your inner landscapes, but also become an active participant in the Stress Revolution.
Set a clear intention for peace…
Seek others who want peace..
Work on your own personal relationships…
Come together in questioning and opening to something new.
Be creative in finding new action to change the world.
Dr. Andrew Weil has been a huge influence in bringing attention to Integrative Medicine in the US.
Recently I was reading the October 2014 Natural Awakening magazine, and he was asked, “What influence can the public have in supporting a shift” ?
Personally, I have been sitting with this question myself for quite a while. The allopathic part of medicine is so helpful and supportive in some ways, but sorely missing in regards to the connection to humanity as whole beings. It feels like one goes to a physician and is slotted a 15 minute appointment, and on to the next patient. Insurance companies don’t compensate doctors for listening to a complete history for an hour. Not to mention- have you noticed how medications are handed out a lot easier than a prescription for massage or acupuncture. They are covered by insurance easier, that’s for sure. I am not pointing my finger at physicians, as they are having to fit into something that only partially works. What I am suggesting is that the system needs to be restructured.
For me, it is nice to hear a medical doctor interested in changing the healthcare system. However, change is not going to have to be only coming from people like him. It’s up to us as patients, but more fundamentally as full human beings to create this shift.
Dr. Weil wrote, “Our dysfunction healthcare system is generating rivers of money flowing into very few pockets. Those are the pockets of big pharmaceutical companies, medical devices manufactures and big insurers;interests that control legislators. So, I don’t think any real change is going to come from the government.”
Integrative Medicine
If you would like to see changes, I’d invite you to research alternative and integrative therapies. Help make connections between these fields and western medicine. We need rainbow bridges to help bring the best qualities of all the various health protocols together. This requires a grassroots movement. I don’t always agree with all of Dr. Weil’s assessments on all things, but he does have a clear vision in bringing this about. We need to all put away the need for there only being one method to heal…instead let’s come together to create a new system that addresses holism and quality of life.
Right now, we have more people living longer, less doctors to meet their needs. Let’s work together and write to our government, but more than that… get involved and support the wellness programs that help you feel healthier and happier. Find out more about physicians who believe in integrative and functional medicine. You deserve that!
Are you one of those people that always seems to be unhappy about something?
You plan something and work hard, but the end result never seems to be what you hoped for.
Living in the cycle of disappointment isn’t the easiest road. Every time your creative force is put into action, it gets caught up in the dream. The thoughts, the energy in your actions- is actively set into motion through your beliefs and the effort you put in to build upon them.
The excitement is palpable. You can breath it, smell it, touch it if you dare. You have a new reason to get up and live for. You find meaning in life. Why not go after the “dream”?
Yet does your final product ever end up looking how you planned?
Have you ever taken time to notice what is permanent and what is not? As you look into the world in which you live, find one thing that remains the same forever. Is that possible? Have you yet realized that change is always happening here on earth.
The moment you reach out your hand and try to grasp something, the form or the object has already transformed into something new. Observation in itself brings change to that which is being observed. That is the way here on earth as perceived by human beings. When you look carefully, each supposed structure has its own unfolding, and its own relationship to everything else. And until we realize that we are all the center of the universe- living and pulsing, interconnected and empty in the void as One Being, we will experience the cycles of life and death and all that goes with it. Each point a living organism reaching, connecting, withdrawing, nothingness… going through its different cycles like a spiral.
In these cycles of creativity, for something to be real and to last eternally all expectations need to be dropped. The dream needs to be broken. It’s necessary to rip yourself apart from the necessity to be adhered to something that is only meant to be a momentary human experience. It’s not reality of all things. How often does one witness, the whole situation? Indeed,your dreams are only fragments of the truth.
Suffering is when we try to cling onto something that will never stay the same and in fact is only an illusion. The only way to break the cycle of disappointment is to acknowledge what is in the moment as something whole and complete. Explore the moment fully with the senses and your feeling body. Mindfulness is a good entry way into this state of being. Slow down and find the gratitude that does live inside of you for what is showing up here on earth. Awakening is a process of shattering the dream and finding the truth of what is real.
Next time you find yourself feeling disappointment, use a whole new fresh approach to your life. Count your blessings even if this only the first act of your personal paradigm shift. Find even the smallest speck of light and re-connect from there. Bring it into you and outside of you. Bathe in the light. Spread the light. Be generous. Give to the places where you least want to give. Stop holding back. Open your arms and spread them wide. Be vulnerable. Open up. Embrace the Universe for what it is… as vulnerable as that may feel. Feelings of sadness and grief may show up. You may end up feeling angry or upset.
But my friends, this is how suffering ends…
Disappointment can only rule your life is you cling to it. It dissolves as we unleash the beliefs we hold about ourselves and others, and let go of our future expectation.
There is so much to look for forward in today. But it will never quite be what you imagined. Thank God for the mystery!
Letting go of your Dreams to Live in the Truth.
Thoughts for the day…
Sharon Hartnett LMT and Brennan Healing Science® Practitioner
Change means actually allowing habits to be broken. Are you up for the challenge?
Progress requires a price to pay, and you have have the power to change your thinking to volunteer for freedom. Your evolution is counting on your commitment.
Press the Blue Button for Change!
The majority of us face different places where we are stuck in our lives… yet the possibilities or awareness of positive change, indeed, is already resting in the Unknown, waiting to blossom and awaken the depths of your soul. But have you lost your connection to the creative process? Has joy and vitality escaped you recently? Are you ready to commit to breaking habits that have been holding you back?
Whether your creative amnesia falls under the categories of your personal inner landscape, business successes, health or even just learning how to relax and find quiet, those who feel stuck have become too accustomed to a certain sense of functioning whether it is healthy or not. We live in a world that we have created based on certain choices from a cellular level to the global consciousness in which we have grown and hopefully evolved somewhat. And being human, that often means limited beliefs. So- fortunate are we to be living in the matrix of our own reality which is always ready to expand and be taken to the next level, with each experience. Change is just a shift away.
Feeling stuck is an indication of stagnation. It can show up physically, emotionally, in our belief systems, our heart connections or spiritually. Indeed, it may take some time to even discover that we are have lost fluidity until discomfort or pain reminds us that something is out of balance. But rest assured, that we can find a way to wake up in order to be more proactive in bringing ourselves back into the unity.
So how does one heal areas in life where there feels to be no movement?
The first thing is to become mindful of what is working in your life and what isn’t. In order to do this, it is important to be curious whether your thoughts are limiting you. Write down your stressful beliefs and begin to question the truths and the lies you tell yourself and others. You may not believe that you lie, but strategies and information has been taught to you that is not true. You have learned to believe these untruths. It is only in asking while experiencing discomfort that you can open to a new point of view. Connection to the whole is key.
Bring awareness to sensations in your body that can offer vital information that can lead you back to your true essence. Listen to these subtle vibrations and trust their message. Ask your body to complete and cycles that are blocked from completion. Move with the rhythms of your body from the micro level to the large extended possible lengths.
Be attentive to the thought that everything is temporary. Allow yourself to look at nature and remember the cycles of God’s creation here on earth. When nature’s form is through, it is finished and transforms into something new. One only needs to look at the butterfly to experience transformation. However, this change shows up everywhere and in everything. Birth and death may seem like reality, but something deeper than that is at play. Something that is whole and complete.
Ask for help. I know this sounds easy, but often people don’t like to ask. If your body hurts, find a massage therapist or gym coach, if you are feeling emotionally stuck- find a psychotherapist, if you feel lonely-reach out to family and friends, if you feel disconnected to God- begin to meditate and pray. Remember at least one moment when everything felt like love and wholeness and begin to let go of everything that stands in the way of that connection. Ask for the Higher Self to guide you through your difficulties.
Many people say it is the Will that takes you across the barriers. But the will itself is just another thought with some burst of energy behind it. If you want to change, it is necessary to be vulnerable and to feel deeply. Our defenses or strategies keep us stuck, and those need to be surrendered for real change.
If you want to experience progress in your life… self-discovery is essential. It all begins with you and your commitment to Self. When you can direct your positive intention inward and open up to miracles, life will show you want you have been longing for. Stay on track… and with others. We are all in this together.
Choose Freedom by acknowledging the truth in all things.
If you are unhappy with the way things look, take time to change your thinking. That can change your life!
When you feel lost or afraid… when you feel disconnected, do the opposite of your thinking. Instead of being alone, get involved with others. Talk to your friends and family. Work with a therapist or a healer.
Look at life with fresh eyes and find the gold nugget in the sand.
We are not meant to be alone, and when you find the best people to keep in your life, they will lift you up and help you awaken.
The by-product of Stress may be affecting you in ways that you don’t even know.
Long-term chronic stress can contribute to experiences such as: digestive problems, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, headaches and decreased immune function.
If you are finding yourself in ongoing stress, it’s time to take charge of your life with some new choices. Believe it or not- you have the ability to shift your thinking and to re-orient how your respond to life’s challenges.
Some relaxation techniques that are easy to do:
Yoga-This mixture of exercise, mindfulness and poses can quiet the mind and enhance the body’s vitality.
Visualization- When you find yourself reaching your limit, think about positive serene places that feel emotionally supportive and nurturing to you. Some examples may be your pet, a beach, or a meditative retreat. Changing your thinking can help you break the patterns of stress.
Massage and Bodywork- Nothing feels better than having someone knead, and treat tight muscles and to unwind the fascial restrictive patterns of stress. When the body lengthens and feels more fluidity, so does the mind. Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration are especially helping in alleviating stress from the body and emotionally.
Tensing and Relaxing Muscles Alternately
Meditation-Allowing the thoughts to arise and flow can be very quieting for the mind body connection.
Music can be very therapeutic and help shift a person into relaxation easily.
Slowing down with Intention and becoming mindful of the moment can help us to feel calmer and more peaceful.
Exercise- The body’s communication system during a workout is more sharp and active. Question Your Thinking with Byron Katie’s 4 questions:
Spiritual Work and transformation
Change Your Stress Habits
Reducing stress can:
Reduce activity of stress hormones
Lower blood pressure
Increase blood flow
Decrease tension and pain levels
Regulate the nervous system more efficiently
Promote better health
Relieve Depression Symptoms
Take time to re-focus your life. You deserve the best!