Ease Into Grace with Mindful Connection: Being in the Heart


Working today, I thought about how there are so many people who are suffering who could use some Grace.  Some people find help and relief. However, some don’t know how to find and connect with the healthy resources they need in order to get well. Perhaps they don’t have the financial means. Mostly what I run into though are the many women who don’t feel acknowledged in the healthcare system for chronic pain. Many tell me that they feel dismissed and unheard.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I enjoy having the 75 minutes my sessions offer to help people.  It’s a therapy which addresses the whole person with grace.  When we connect, meld and bring spaciousness into awareness, the body can miraculously heal itself.  The Craniosacral Therapy relaxes the body, and enhances the nervous systems body to regulate.  Often, it’s a very deep and profound experience.

Today, in life, remember that there are people who are truly having a hard day.  Maybe a hard life.  I bring that a little deeper into my heart.  How can you bring some grace into the relationship and the Moment?

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792



Back Pain Relief: Feel Better in Your Body

Back Pain Relief: Feel Better in Your Body

Back Pain

Have you ever had a massage, then gotten up off the table and still had back pain? That’s because it’s often the case that the front absominal area needs to be addressed too. The soft belly in the front!

Massage is focused on muscles. Yet- let’s not forget that there are also organs inside which are extremely important as well.  Learning anatomy and how the organs move is essential to releasing all the tension in this cavity. Sometimes the intestines or the kidneys (or other organs) can be stuck,  causing less than optimal functioning and contributing to back pain.  Relieving tension in the belly almost always helps the back and promote better functioning all around.  

Visceral Manipulation, as taught by the Barral Institute has remedied belly and back issues for many of my clients.  Listening and supporting proprioceptive communication amonst the viscera turns the body back into support mode.  Motion and healthy relationship between the organs nurtures better health.  

Visceral Manipulation is not massage, but rather a form of bodywork. There are massage therapists, PT’s, nurses, doctors and other manual therapists who use these techniques.  Osteopath Jean-Pierre created this work to move these tools out into the world to help deepen and share the benefits.  Check out the Barral Institute for more information.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D has been incorporating Visceral Work into her Craniosacral Work for many years.  She has taken the first four levels and the listening classes through the Institute.

For more questions, please feel free to call Sharon at (703 509-1792)

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio

5564 Mink St.  Johnston, Ohio



Visceral Manipulation

Healing: The Most Powerful Force Is Found in Nature

Healing: The Most Powerful Force Is Found in Nature

Healing Arises From a Place Deeper Than the Physical Body.

Healing.  When we walk outside on a beautiful day,  it’s easy to feel the harmony of life in nature.  There is a flow, an order, and also innate structure which allows life to happen.

There exists a summation of all the individual parts that enhance the whole.  The changes of the seasons, the new beginnings and endings all give us an idea of the depth of life beyond what we can even imagine.  Life makes sense, yet there is still the Unknown.

The mystery. When life goes off course, miracles do happen. Quite often something which is needed gets brought into the equation to make it all work.  Yet it not usually the case that we can MAKE healing happen.  Rather it’s like an ingredient that is gathered in and offered.  It’s the right combination.  It’s the melding into unity that gives rise to strength and recovery.

With Craniosacral Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation, it is usually the listening, blending, and the gentle touch that suggests a new possibility.  The invisible intelligence within connects down to the cellular level, the tissues, the organs and a whole system.  I feel this with all of the people who rest on my table. Often it feels like bringing in change and a new way that opens the door for turning on shifts, growth and integration.

For clients, in between sessions, I often recommend taking off the shoes and walking through a park and feeling the earth’s grounding as life unfolds.  Observe the sky which goes beyond the clouds and through space.  Imagine all the things to which we are all connected. Some known, but most not.  

Healing, is more than the body.  It’s the life force and intelligence that is experienced throughout all of nature.

Listen to your body.  Notice how you belong, and how all things fit into the pulse of life.  

Sharon Hartnett CST-D at Lighten Up Therapies
703 509-1792
Worthington and Johnstown Locations


Easy Problem Solving In the Moment

Easy Problem Solving In the Moment

Problem Solving is an Intention.

Every day problems arise. They can all add up and feel totally overwhelming.  Low grade stress can actually help. Especially when we have a lot on our plates.  It helps us to become motivated to “Do”.  Our body takes us into first gear.

On the other hand, when we are intentionally organized, we slow down and focus on what is right here, right now.  The simplicity of this can bring effortlessness into any stressful situation.  Quiet internal rest helps our mind and bodies to relax and make space to be better responsive to life and problems.

When we don’t use this structural equation of the dance between  these two components of action and restful moments, it can become too much.  We need balance between the doing and the “Being” to find peaceful resolution.  It’s a combination of “Being” and taking “Action”.  Mixing the both to be one is optimal.


Problem Solving

Here is a great map to help us move through life more easily.  There is flow, but there is clear direction. Clarity makes life so much easier.

The idea is to be mindful when action is needed. This includes being restful and allowing internal spaciousness. In this place of expansion, new ideas can come in. When we apply them to our clear structure, things get done.  It’s the mix between balance point and motion.

Craniosacral Therapy can be very useful when we are streesed, overwhelmed and/or confused.  It helps a person to settle into the body.  It promotes healing, balance and motion.  It calms the mind and brings most people back into the “Now”.  This is the clearest place from which we can be living in.  

Intentional problem solving is best done when it is not based in fear nor reactionary.  Craniosacral Therapy in my practice has shown me how much a person’s stress system can calm down.  My clients start anew with a fresh new attitude after sessions.

We are all in charge of our choices.  And that’s what we have to live.  “Yes” or “No”, live life in balance and with purpose if you are interested in the easiest way to develop and use problem solving skills.  Find the calm inner strength inside of you and live from there!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


The Quality of Touching Fascia and the Craniosacral System.

Craniosacral Therapy

Touching the Facia and Craniosacral System from an Artistic Craniosacral Perspective.

I love this floral picture of the various layers in color.  It reminds me of how when I am listening to the Craniosacral System inside the human body, that the fascia is so closely related to everything. Visually one can see these bright vibrant colors in this picture individually, but we can also notice the melding and adding into the interconnection of the whole in beauty.

That’s how it feels when a Craniosacral Therapist is listening with our hands.  We feel the many layers of conscious cells, tissues, organs and sytems which are alive and communicating. There is a deliciousness to understanding in a deeper context how the body is organized and flowing through our gentle manual touch. Swimmingly, there  is so much information moving through the super highways of the fascia.  The sensitive in our hands are feeling the fascia acting as the medium of interconnection and dynamic motion.  To me, it feels like the Craniosacral System is at the bottom of the well which informs the rest of the body how to move through life.  The fascia is the orchestra playing out the song.

As Craniosacral Therapists, we can’t isolate the work we do.  We tune in, and listen.  Pieces arise and move toward the whole. We meld, and blend, just like this gorgeous artwork.  Patterns and Essence Intelligence lead the way to healing and growth.  Something profound happens when we connect with the cerebral spinal fluid and its rhythm, so that the nervous system finds peace and it’s own sense of inner agency.

Craniosacral Therapy affects us in a way that awakens the Higher Self and Inner Wisdom. It provides a bridge to sourcing ourselves and finding meaning and understanding in our lives.  After years, of receiving and offering this work, I find it to be a road to the “Taste of Bliss”.  Yet, we all discover what is meant for us through each interaction we make, when and at the time that it right for us.  With enough mindful work, we discover that the wonder of the body is always here.  Most often Craniosacral Therapy slows us down, and activates that which moves from dormant to vibrance  and resonance. It helps us to be freed to live in the moment.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085

703 509-1792



Build a Quality Life Worth Living

Build a Quality Life Worth Living

Choosing Quality

Pain usually gets a bad wrap.  However, have you ever considered that Pain is the body’s ally when it comes to telling you something needs to change?  

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I often touch a person with light or medium pressure, and they’ll surprisingly tell me that they were not aware of a pain in a certain part of their body.  When I used to do deeper Structural Integration Work, people would make faces as they realized how much hurt they were living with inside on a daily basis. The body is quite wise and can usually manage simple healing well. However, what I am talking about is the embedded chronic isolated pain some of us experience, and not ever knowing how to move it through its natural cycle of completion. 

When we get stuck in pain, the body shouts “pay attention”. Yet we may not know how to heal.  Often parents or friends after time will say,  “get over it” or they lack sympathy because they don’t understand the suffering that can accompany chronic pain.  However, we didn’t necessarily ever learn or know how to deal the pain. Instead-we did our best and eventually learned to ignore these precious signals in our body telling our brain something is missing.  But the sensations are still buried there, even when we go numb. The wound festers.

Somatic Emotional Release Work helps us to understand that there are pathways to feeling better.  Working with people for close to 30 years, All the time, I see people rising to find their well of deep resources to heal. Their own mindfullnes and body awareness allows them to travel deep within and to gently lean into the soft pain and release it. In very basic terms, changing our mindset to how we approach healing our pain and feeling it can transform it completely.

Being human, we meet pain many times in our lifetimes. But that doesn’t mean that we have to continue to carry it with us forever.  Whether it emotional or a physical disturbance, meet your pain and find an easier way to move through life.  Many people who look toward body centered work find deep release and feel better in their bodies.

You are Worth Living a Quality Life

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



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