Experiencing The Power of the Witness in Craniosacral

Experiencing The Power of the Witness in Craniosacral


One of my teachers from the Upledger Institute Posted something about Witnessing, written by Dr. John Upledger. It made me take some time to reflect on the how powerful this Craniosacral Therapy is simply by offering each person on the table a witness. When we stay by the side of our clients, we bring our presence, our listening, and a person who can witness what may have been hidden in the dark for so long.

The body holds cellular memory, and when the Craniosacral System is touched, it realizes when it is being held in a sacred space with care.  It understands that it is being understood in a fresh perspective.  The body responds, and so do emotions and beliefs that arise as a result.

How many secrets need to come to light? And what would it feel like to trust someone who can touch us in a way that we can express all that has been hidden?

Craniosacral Therapists do this by staying neutral.

If you have more question, please call Sharon Hartnett at 703 509-1792


Explain How Is Craniosacral Therapy Different than Energy Work?

Explain How Is Craniosacral Therapy Different than Energy Work?

Craniosacral compared to Energy Work

Craniosacral Therapy has been around for a long-time, and while people across the globe have been receiving it, CST is not as widespread as I would hope.  So, I love that when potential clients call, they are so excited to learn. This work is terrific and I do my best to let people know that!  I have also studied Energy Work for a long time.  That has probably been undestood for even longer.  I’ll address that too.

Mostly, people have heard about Craniosacral Therapy from a friend, colleage or family member who has experienced great results with this soft touch therapy.  Often they are referred to the Upledger Institute.   With urging they give me a call full of questions.  I give a basic informative talk and  offer a free 10 minute phone consulation to help them to understand how Craniosacral Therapy work and can help them!

One of the main questions is “Is this energy work”?  It’s important for me to make this easy to understand because there is a big Difference.  Yet there are also some similarities.  First of all, Craniosacral Therapy is focused on the Craniosacral System.  This is a system where craniosacral fluid is created in the vetricles of the brain, circulated there and around the spine and is then reabsorbed back into the venous system.  So it is an actual physiological process.  This fluid nourishes, helps protect and clears the Central Nervous System (CNS).  When there are restrictions in the CNS, this fluid can release tension and help it to optimally support healthy functioning.  This is important because the CNS connects to basically everything in the body.  It is the Superhighway of communication for all the things that our body does.  Craniosacral Therapy also works with the fascia which is a three dimension web of connective tissue.   Working with fascia is quite transformative for posture and the whole body as well.

Energy Work is based on working with the vibrations of differet levels of consciousness.  Energy runs through all things. It’s universal.  When we kiss our children, we are running energy through our systems and then touching the other.  Sometimes that energy causes a response in the other person.  When an athlete football player runs across a football field, he/she is using his/her body’s energy to do so.  Lasers use energy and are now in our medical system in so many ways.  Each energy has it’s own unique way that it manifests.  It can be used for healing and awakening too.

In the last 15 years, I have focused much of my pracice on Craniosacral Therapy as taught at the Upledger Institute.  Before that I studied at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing of 8 years. I taught there as well, and Supervise students still.  So I know a lot about both of these modalities.  What is in common is that everything is made out energy.  Whether someone believes in hands on energy healing or not, science shows us that relational interaction does create change between two organic beings. Faith healing and even intention does affect others.  Same thing with prayers and medidation.  So when a Craniosacral Therapist is working, of course energy is going to be running through both the systems of the therapist and the client- just as with any two people connecting and melding.  If a Craniosacral Therapist has an interest with working with energy too, this can be incorporated into the session.  But the intention between these two fields of healing are different: one of the Craniosacral System, and the other on working with energy.

Craniosacral Therapy is based in science, and was brought to many people through the work and education of Dr. John Upledger.  The best energy work system that I know was taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, created by Dr. Barbara Brennan.  While Reiki is more well know- it is a much more basic energy model. These two modalities of CST and energy work go hand in hand, but the focus is very different.

I hope that I have answered any questions you may have had on this topic.  If you are interested in finding out more, I do offer a free 10 minute phone consult at 703 509-1792


Sharon Hartnett CST-D








Craniosacral Columbus

Craniosacral Columbus

Craniosacral Columbus

During the last 20 years, I have thrown myself into Craniosacral Columbus work.  Why? Because I have seen so many positive results for my clients without having to dig in. I don’t have to create pain for the gentle release of pain to happen.  It’s much easier for my clients.

For many years, I focused on deep connective tissue work. I thought that by leaning my body weight in that I could get great results. Often I did. But that type of work can be quite uncomfortable. So, I decided to go for the more light touch work that worked with the body rather than pushing through,  to see if I could get as impressive results for pain relief and integration.  I do!

When a Craniosacral Therapist listens, your body tells us where there are restrictions throught the rhytym of the functioning of the cerebral spinal fluid, and also the fascia.  This “inner guidance” directs us where to go and how to support the Central Nervous (Brain & Spine Connection) system to function at its best.

The more I practiced Craniosacral Columbus therapy, I began to see my clients go deeper inside, releasing tensions and often stuck emotions. Their bodies relaxed. Their stressed disappeared. Many times, I have had clients falls deep into sleep after not being able to sleep for weeks. The fascia began to melt so easily, excess energy released, and people woke up with no pain, feeling clearer and happier.

This was an easy decision.  If I could help clients… people in pain from car accidents, those dealing with concussions, and neck and back pain, those with high anxiety-  the  picture was clear. I found my way to serve.

If you would like to find out more about Craniosacral Columbus therapy work,  contact Sharon Hartnett CST-D for information.  She is an accomplished Certified Diplomate CST therapist who has reached the highest certification through the Upledger Institute.  She has close to 30  years of experience in bodywork, massage, Hakomi and other healing techniques.

Craniosacral Columbus

Located in Johnstown, right outside of New Albany on a beautiful horse farm.  On Fridays, bringing Craniosacral Therapy at its highest level to Worthington, Ohio!

If you haven’t found stress relief or for your body pains, please call for a free 15 minute consultation at 703 509-1792!  Looking forward to meeting and serving.

Warmly,  Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


#craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy Worthington Ohio

Craniosacral Therapy Worthington Ohio

Open for Craniosacral Therapy Worthington

Sharon Hartnett CST-D (Craniosacral Therapist Diplomate through the Upledger Institute.)

703 509-1792

My new hours for this location: 6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio are Tuesdays and Fridays.

I am so excited to be going into the city two times per week to serve my clients. Recently, a great opportunity arose where one of my friends who has a beautiful office, let me know that she is willing to share with me. So for all my clients driving out to Johnstown- this is your opportunity to schedule a time closer by, with less driving. For those of you who are currently looking for a Craniosacral Therapist in the Worthington area, here is your chance! Craniosacral Therapy Worthington- here we come!

To Celebrate:  I am offering a discounted rate for new clients at $125.00 for an hour during the month of October.

Craniosacral Therapist

Craniosacral Therapist

A bit about Craniosacral Therapy Worthington…

Craniosacral Therapy is great for most everyone.  This work is so gentle and yet profound. The focus is on working with the rhythm of the craniosacral system to look for and release restrictions that negatively impact the Central Nervous System. What I find the best results with are: trauma-releasing emotional blocks, back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, migraines, concussions and basically for decreasing stress. But I also have clients who enjoy experiencing more balance, vitality and overall better health after a few sessions.

I also offer myofascial therapy for structural issues.  I have been working with fascia for close to 30 years.

For more information, check out www.upledger.com

Check out my website at: www.craniosacraltherapistcolumbus.com

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, LMT, SI, Hakomi, BHSP

703 509-1792

Chronic Pain Getting You Down?

Chronic Pain throws a jolt into life, doesn’t it?

One of the most difficult things about chronic pain is that there is no break.  The body continually sends signals to the brain that say “OW”, and there is no rest on a physical level. If your chronic pain is lasting days, weeks or even months, you need some help. And if your chronic pain is coming from an illness level, it’s important that you seek medical help. In addition to that, naturopathic and/or functional medicine can also be very helpful in supporting an overall maintenance or health recovery.

What I would like to talk about is twofold.  The myofascial component of pain, and also how the mind reacts to pain.

  • Fascia-If there is inflammation in the body, it often affects the fascia as pain or dysfunction of some sort.  In the reverse, if the fascial body is tight, disorganized or unhealthy, it can also cause pain patterns. Because fascia interacts with all the living things in your body, it is important to address any myofascial issues that contribute to your chronic pain.  The problem is that most people have never even heard of fascia. So they go on medications and travel the traditional route looking for answers. Sometimes- the answers are there. Sometimes not. Mostly, in my practice I receive clients who have found no resolutions anywhere.  So what do we do?  We begin a dialogue between my hands and the person’s fascia.  The body tells me where to go.  Whether there are tight sheets, torques, pulls, resistance or whatever- we work there until the soft tissues start to melt and re-vigorate.  I look for more hydration, flexibility, motion and general health in the fascia.  When this happens, compression and dysfunctional patterns disappear, leaving more flow and energy to help self-correct the physical body.  The body eventually begins to feel more space and alignment, and voila- you can breathe again.
  • The Mind- It plays a huge part in how we respond to physical pain. It is true, that as human beings, we can suffer with physical pain.  But there are other things that can make pain worst. And usually, believe it or not- when we ignore our pain- the pattern usually gets worst.  Ignoring our bodies does not create better health. One thing that is helpful to do to relax pain patterns is to do a breathing meditation, Breathing with awareness helps to bring motion back into the body.  Motion is vitality. On top of that benefit, when we start to notice our thoughts, and beliefs, we become more empowered in understanding how our mind is organized. When we experience our bodies, with gentle awareness, pain often softens and can actually subside. As we question our unhealthy thinking, the mind expands, and so does the space inside of us.  I know,  that sometimes it is easier to resist the pain- but that really doesn’t help long-term.  Take some time each day to find the silence in the moment, the places in your body that are feeling good, or ask for loving kindness to fill you up.  The mind’s relationship to pain is important.  If you want to feel better, it is crucial that you start to explore other conscious choices.

I have worked with people on the table for close to 30 years. Chronic Pain is not the easiest thing to shift.  But with a holistic approach, I have seen people get better, and heal.  Looking at the foods you eat, your exercise schedule, how you think and act, along with your meditation practice can truly help.  Finding a person to journey with you and support you through modalities like SomatoEmotional Release can be life changing.

Remember,  that chronic pain can be a lonely place.  Don’t leave yourself in that position.  Get some help because your life is important.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SomatoeEmotional Release, SI, BHSP, Hakomi

703 509-1792


Serving The Columbus Area


How to Find an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

Looking for an Upledger trained Craniosacral Therapist Columbus Ohio?

Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

To begin with, education and experience are key when you are looking for a Craniosacral Therapist Columbus.  Why?  Because your time and health are important, and so is how you spend your money. My hope is that you find the best Craniosacral Therapist Columbus to take you on a journey of healing into wellbeing.

Upledger Certified

I took my first class from the Upledger Institute in 2002.  Since then I have been drawn to learning everything I can in regards to Craniosacral Therapy.  And I am so grateful that Dr. John Upledger moved from Michigan to Florida one day many years ago to open up the Upledger Institute.  

At that time, he decided to take his medical background and shared an innovate approach for hands on work that could be used by Massage Therapists, physicians, dentists,  bodyworkers of all types of people, including lay people. The amount of therapists who attend classes at the school continues to grow, and expand around the globe.  

My opinion of why this is such quality manual work is founded in the integrity of The Upledger Institute and its Certification process.  It takes a huge commitment and love for Craniosacral Therapy work to excel and create the best healthy dynamics for the body to heal. Craniosacral Practitioners are just students until they quality through certification.  It’s a rigorous process to learn the in depth techniques, anatomy and skills to become a Craniosacral Therapist Columbus.People who could once not find any helpful treatment heal. They grow and begin to look forward to life in a whole new way.

The techniques are also very gentle.Sometimes clients wonder at first if such a soft touch can do anything.  Sometimes, with new clients, they don’t feel very much at the beginning.  Because they are not tuned in to listening and feeling the subtle changes that occur.  But the more time they give to receiving treatment, they always notice that they are feeling better.  They may not be able to say that one stroke which may be found in a deep tissue massage was the shift, but they know that when they wake up everyday that their body feels better, and that their outlook is clearer and more upbeat. I can tell you why I think gentle work generates so much great change:

  1. The touch is light, so that the body does not fight against the touch.
  2. The Upledger Craniosacral Therapist is trained to listen to your Inner Wisdom, and allow that to run the session.
  3. Trust-  while Craniosacral Therapy can support SomatoEmotional Work, an experienced Therapist will never tell you what to do, what to think or how to feel.  We are trained to support your process to be organic and heard from a neutral place.
  4. For those of us who train up to the Diplomate Level, we are tested thoroughly on our knowledge and our practice.  We have learned our anatomy, how to deepen our presence, and how to be available with techniques for our clients.  Our tool box is at your disposal.
  5. There is something magical on so many levels between the gentle interchange between an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist and client.  There are no words, just a loving and healing conversation that expands and heals.

I could go on an on.  But if you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, and would like to find out more, please call me for a free 10 minute phone consultation.  I would love to hear from you and see if we are a good match.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, LMT, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Graduate, SPI Level 1

703 509 1792



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