Having Trouble Sleeping since Menopause?

Having Trouble Sleeping since Menopause?

I don’t know about you, but once I hit menopause, I couldn’t sleep deeply anymore.  In fact, sometimes I would just lie there for hours and hours, lucky to get 2 hours of sleep. I’d be so tired during the day.  I’d look up menopause on fb pages, and most people were taking a lot of drugs. That did not seem like the best option for me.  Although, I did try melatonin and a few other over the counter remedies.  Most worked a little, but not really that great.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I had of course worked with many people people who were going through difficult menopause symptoms:  anxiety, lack of sleep, mood changes, hot flashes, night sweats and the rest.  I knew I was helping my clients.  They would share how much the work helped.  But I did not expect that “I” would not get another decent night’s sleep again.  I never thought this would happen to me.  I had always been the one happily anticipated no more periods.  But it did.

So I decided to go the Self-Care Route.  And you know what?  It really helped.  Maybe after so many years of helping others, I realized that it was time for me and other women who are going through the “Change” to focus inward, and really get things integrated.  So I decided to take my own advice and find a local Craniosacral Therapist whom I could trust, whom had great techniques and who knew how to dialogue with my body.  I did find the perfect match.

It’s made me realize, that with all of my experience as a Craniosacral Therapist, trained through the Upledger Institute, I truly relate to all that a woman goes through during menopause.  And I can hold a very sacret and sweet spot for women who are facing the many challenges that this change of life brings.  I have moved through this, and I resonate with the way through now.

If you are looking for some help, I will say,   getting back to a peaceful restful place is something that can take time and commitment.  One has to have trust and be willing to move down deep into what is interruping the process of getting into a sleep state and staying there. If your physician has checked you out and everything else is showing up fine, we can delve into whatever your body, and mind are revealing during the sessions, allowing your Inner Wisdom to take you into balance.  Craniosacral Therapy is deeply relaxing and when stresss leaves, integration and peace ensue.

I have had many clients say that they are sleeping better, and in a general sense feeling much better refreshed in the mornings.If you would like to find out more, please call me for a 15 free phone consulations.


Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




Explain How Is Craniosacral Therapy Different than Energy Work?

Explain How Is Craniosacral Therapy Different than Energy Work?

Craniosacral compared to Energy Work

Craniosacral Therapy has been around for a long-time, and while people across the globe have been receiving it, CST is not as widespread as I would hope.  So, I love that when potential clients call, they are so excited to learn. This work is terrific and I do my best to let people know that!  I have also studied Energy Work for a long time.  That has probably been undestood for even longer.  I’ll address that too.

Mostly, people have heard about Craniosacral Therapy from a friend, colleage or family member who has experienced great results with this soft touch therapy.  Often they are referred to the Upledger Institute.   With urging they give me a call full of questions.  I give a basic informative talk and  offer a free 10 minute phone consulation to help them to understand how Craniosacral Therapy work and can help them!

One of the main questions is “Is this energy work”?  It’s important for me to make this easy to understand because there is a big Difference.  Yet there are also some similarities.  First of all, Craniosacral Therapy is focused on the Craniosacral System.  This is a system where craniosacral fluid is created in the vetricles of the brain, circulated there and around the spine and is then reabsorbed back into the venous system.  So it is an actual physiological process.  This fluid nourishes, helps protect and clears the Central Nervous System (CNS).  When there are restrictions in the CNS, this fluid can release tension and help it to optimally support healthy functioning.  This is important because the CNS connects to basically everything in the body.  It is the Superhighway of communication for all the things that our body does.  Craniosacral Therapy also works with the fascia which is a three dimension web of connective tissue.   Working with fascia is quite transformative for posture and the whole body as well.

Energy Work is based on working with the vibrations of differet levels of consciousness.  Energy runs through all things. It’s universal.  When we kiss our children, we are running energy through our systems and then touching the other.  Sometimes that energy causes a response in the other person.  When an athlete football player runs across a football field, he/she is using his/her body’s energy to do so.  Lasers use energy and are now in our medical system in so many ways.  Each energy has it’s own unique way that it manifests.  It can be used for healing and awakening too.

In the last 15 years, I have focused much of my pracice on Craniosacral Therapy as taught at the Upledger Institute.  Before that I studied at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing of 8 years. I taught there as well, and Supervise students still.  So I know a lot about both of these modalities.  What is in common is that everything is made out energy.  Whether someone believes in hands on energy healing or not, science shows us that relational interaction does create change between two organic beings. Faith healing and even intention does affect others.  Same thing with prayers and medidation.  So when a Craniosacral Therapist is working, of course energy is going to be running through both the systems of the therapist and the client- just as with any two people connecting and melding.  If a Craniosacral Therapist has an interest with working with energy too, this can be incorporated into the session.  But the intention between these two fields of healing are different: one of the Craniosacral System, and the other on working with energy.

Craniosacral Therapy is based in science, and was brought to many people through the work and education of Dr. John Upledger.  The best energy work system that I know was taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, created by Dr. Barbara Brennan.  While Reiki is more well know- it is a much more basic energy model. These two modalities of CST and energy work go hand in hand, but the focus is very different.

I hope that I have answered any questions you may have had on this topic.  If you are interested in finding out more, I do offer a free 10 minute phone consult at 703 509-1792


Sharon Hartnett CST-D








Barbara Brennan School of Healing…

Barbara Brennan School of Healing…

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing

I just got home from a fabulous visit at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  It was a powerful experience for me, presenting to the students for two nights, and helping with a workshop on Sound Healing.  There is something so potent and transformative at this school.  I could feel that all the students, teachers, and admistrators shared a special bond, and created a powerful community that enlivened and nourished the soul and the Sacred Human Heart.

I remember when I first arrived there as a student 25 years ago.  I had read Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light”.  That book made me realize that there are other realities different than the one I was experiencing  those many years ago.  I could see that there was a mystery, and an Unfolding Presence of Self and the Divine that could be palpated not only in the physcial, but the auric field, hara and the Core Start.  Once I read that book, I knew that I had to go.  Every thing aligned, and off I went.

There I met a wonderful community of gifted healers.  We all were there to deepen into our humanity, but also to develop our healership.  We learned energy techniques, and inter-relationship skills like, “listening”, “contact” and “Witness, Experience, and Asker” to bring us in the moment.  We opened up to our Higher Sense Perception. People were often amazed that they could begin to see energy, to feel it and connect with it to help others awaken the human energy field.   This all evolved over the 4 year course.  It helped prepare the foundation for those of us who wanted to create positive change in the world.  For this I am thankful.

Anyway, to have now gone back and to revisit the magical experience of being with a community that is so dedicated to service and to help the students learn some of the things I have over the last 20 years was a blessing. I felt like I had come full circle standing there, sharing with the group.

I am writing this blog, because I’d like the world to know that there is a place here on earth where people come together to be authentic, that is powerful in transformation, and that is cented on the Sacred Human Heart.  It is a place where people can connect at a very deep level, and be seen, heard and acknowledged.  It’s a confidence booster, and a place tht allows One to know how to Be in his/her own unique way.

If you have any questions about the school, please feel free to give me a ring.  I’d love to talk to you about it.

Sharon Hartnett

703 509-1792






Craniosacral Near Me

Craniosacral Near Me

Craniosacral Near Me

Are you looking for a Craniosacral Therapist with a lot of experience and who is Certified at the Highest Level through the Upledger Institute?

Then you have come to the right spot. I have been in this business for close to 30 years.  It’s one of the best jobs in the world.  Over and over again, I see great results in helping people to release chronic pain, heal from concussions and even to feel better emotionally.  Knowing that I get to be part of the healing process is very meaningful.  Helping people to change is for the better great!  It makes waking up everyday so much better.

If you want to make sure that you are finding a qualified Craniosacral Therapist, please check out The Upledger Institute for a CST near you!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792






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