How Does Energy Healing Work?
Take a Step into Energy Healing
Learn and Experience Barbara Brennans Energy Healing Hands of Light…
Barbara Brennan’s Energy Healing is a holistic approach to healing that works on the premise that the human body has an energy field, often referred to as the “aura,” which interacts with the physical, emotional, mental, relationship and spiritual aspects of a person. Brennan, a former NASA physicist, developed a healing modality that integrates energy work with a deep understanding of the human energy system. Her approach is a combination of intuitive, hands-on healing techniques and a spiritual understanding of energy dynamics.
Here’s a breakdown of how Barbara Brennan’s 4 Dimensional Energy Healing works:
1. Energy Field and Chakras
- The Aura: According to Barbara Brennan, the human energy field is composed of several layers or “auric fields” surrounding the physical body. These layers correspond to different aspects of a person’s being (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical).
- Chakras: These are energy centers located along the spine, each associated with different aspects of health and well-being (for example, the heart chakra relates to emotional health, while the throat chakra is related to communication). Working with energy healing helps metabolize and balance the chakeras.
2. Perception of Energy
- Healers trained in Brennan’s method use clairvoyant or intuitive perception to detect disturbances in the energy field. This might include areas of blockage, depletion, or congestion in the aura or chakras that can manifest as physical or emotional issues.
- They also use touch to sense the energy in the body and auric field, working to re-balance and re-align the energy flow.
3. Healing Process
- Clear and Restore Energy Flow: Brennan Healing involves identifying areas of imbalance or stuck energy and then helping to clear or release these blockages. The practitioner may use various hand movements, gestures, or non-invasive techniques to help the client’s energy field re-balance itself.
- Cleansing and Strengthening: In addition to clearing blockages, Brennan Healing also focuses on strengthening the aura and energy centers, ensuring that the person’s energy field is vibrant, resilient, and healthy. This can be done through visualization, hands-on healing, or the use of different frequencies of energy.
- Healing Emotional and Mental Patterns: Barbara Brennan emphasized that energy blockages often relate to deep emotional or psychological patterns. Healing the energy system, therefore, can lead to emotional or mental transformation, helping clients release old emotional wounds or thought patterns that contribute to dis-ease.
4. Reconnection with the Higher Self
- Part of Brennan’s approach involves helping the client reconnect to their higher self or spiritual essence. She believed that our energy field is deeply connected to our soul and that true healing involves both physical recovery and spiritual growth.
- Clients may also be guided to align more fully with their own personal truths and life purpose, contributing to emotional and spiritual healing.
5. Transformation through Self-Awareness
- Brennan’s method is not just about external healing but also encourages self-awareness and personal transformation. The healing process can lead to greater self-empowerment and self-love. It is a way to create harmony within oneself and the world around you.
Key Elements of Barbara Brennan’s Energy Healing:
- Aura and Chakras: The energy field is at the heart of the healing process, with emphasis on the layers and the energy centers that govern the body and mind.
- Hands-On Techniques: The healer uses their hands and intuition to clear, balance, and strengthen the energy field.
- Emotional Healing: Many of the issues addressed through Brennan’s energy work are rooted in unresolved emotions or mental patterns.
- Spiritual Connection: The work is deeply spiritual, aiming not just to heal the body but also to bring about spiritual alignment and growth.
- Self-Empowerment: The healing process encourages clients to actively engage in their own healing journey and align with their higher purpose.
- Hara-Alignment: Healing from the Tan Tien, to the Soul Seat, and through the ID point.
- Core Star Healing: Connection to the Divine Spark which is You.
Barbara Brennan’s healing work is often practiced through Brennan Healing Science, a specific system that she developed and taught in her books, including Hands of Light and Light Emerging. Healing is a dynamic process that can involve both physical touch and energy manipulation, but it is also an intuitive and spiritual process designed to bring about holistic well-being.
It’s worth noting that healing outcomes depend on the individual’s openness to the process and the depth of their emotional, mental, and spiritual work.
Sharon Hartnett CST-D and Energy Healer graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 2003. Afterwards, she continued her studies into Advanced Work and then to Supervise Barbara Brennan students as a BIP. Later, she ended up teaching at the school.
If you are located in the Columbus, Ohio area, and are interested in an energy healing session, Sharon is offering a free 15 minute phone consultation at 703 509-1792.