Choose to Love Change

Choose to Love Change


You Can Change Your World

Are you willing to Change? In today’s world there seems to be a deep division.One of trying to go back and holding onto something from the past. Or perhaps a fear about a “different”  future. On the other side of the split,  people embrace change. Life is vital and dynamic. Which one feels healthier and more beneficial to you?

As a Craniosacral Therapist, most people who come see me are stuck either in the past or anxious about the future. Often I listen to their stories about “overwelm“.   I feel.  Simply because we all have a stories and attachments to things we care or fear about..  Mostly, what I notice as a therapist, is that the underlying anxiety or stres is not current.  It’s an attachment to something else in another timeframe.

My job is to listen and meld in the moment with my clients by connecting to their Craniosacral Rhythm.I primarily focus on the Craniosacral System’s nourishing qualities. There is something so precious about the exchange of experience by being in “the moment” with another. In the body, it’s easy to feel that in life, there is always blending and change. Blood and other fluids are flowing. The Nervous System is sending information. Dialgoue is ubiquitious in the internal workings of the.mind, body and spirit connection.

My constant observation is that if we want to heal, we do need to open up to change.  Letting go of all ideas, and blossoming into the New. Static holding in a compressed state is very limiting. The soul wants to grow and find joy in life when it discovers freedom.  Staying the same or caught in the net of the past only creates suffering.

What I feel in every person I touch is their Inner Light.  That light is always buzzing and alive. Human Beings are moving through time and space in a unique journey. In the moment, we can align with what is real and  current, or we can live in the past and get trapped in habits and stories. Fortunately,the Intelligence that lives inside all of us deepens as we step into change, embracing, rather than resisting.

Craniosacral Therapy is a body centered type of manual therapy which is gentle, and supportive. By tapping into the Inner Wisdom, of each individual, something stirs and awakens into the Greater Whole. The nervous system seems to balance, and most people say that they can better regulate and navigate more easily through life after doing Craniosacral Therapy.

I’d like to ask you, if you hold onto anything good or bad from the past- how does that serve you?

Being Present is where freedom and compassion live.  Change is inevitable.  Unfolding is natural and organic.  It’s your choice!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


How to Understand Yourself Better

How to Understand Yourself Better

Do I Understand Me?

I think it’s an ongoing process to understand ourselves. We are so pre-conditioned. As children, we are taught values and personal morals. We identify who we are quite often by how others see us and define us.

This begins with the mirroring of our physical self. Our skin, our eye color, the shape of our waiste and our hips, our height and our weight. People reflect their opinions of us from early on. Perhaps they remark that we are beautiful or plain. Maybe our features look like they are of a certain culture. Also, on another level, people might tell us what we need or what we don’t need. They might say to us what is right and what is wrong, and what to believe. Our families especially even often shape what or who we believe God to BE. We often agree because this is part of belonging.

At some point though, as life greets us, some of these identify points begin to crumble. The ups and the downs of life will show us a new way. This is actually good news. When we step outside our origin story, we get to wake up to who we really are. It’s an unfolding story of authenticity if we so choose. It’s an adventure that often requires courage, an open mind, and a choice to move into the mystery.

When we break the bonds of loyalty to the image of who we are suppose to be, we break apart, and we blossom through our essence.  This is usually not an easy path- but it is a path of richer connection. It is one well worthwhile. To understand ourselves, we break apart and then re-build healthier relationships with ourselves and with others.  We grow, heal, and we learn, attaining new depths of understanding.

The funny thing that often makes me smile  though is that because of our dynamic nature, we are constantly changing from one moment to the next.  Who I am when I started writing here is a different person than right now. So when we think we have grasped a sense of Self, like fluid, we transform into someone else.This makes life so interesting.

One Question that keeps us in the Present is, “Who AM I Now”?  I don’t usually advise, but this is advice to keep this question ongoing.  It helps us to stay clear and present.

What a gift it is to move through time and space always in flux, even when we resist.  What a gift it is to know ourselves through investigation and experience.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I have been privileged to witness many people transform and transcend their current struggles. It’s beautiful to observe the diving down into the deepness and the rise back up into the light.  The dance between the shadows and clarity is meaningful and precious. Eventually finding balance brings in clarity and groundedness.

I’d have to say that discovering ourselves and understanding  brings about a sense of empowerment and embodiment.  What do you believe?

I leave this post with,  “How well do you know yourself?”

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792








Moving Into the Light: How to Lift the Shadows

Moving Into the Light: How to Lift the Shadows

Your Sacred Light Opportunity

We are all mixtures of light and dark.  Sometimes others will try and fool you.  They present themselves as holy, as illuminated and high and mighty.  That’s ego.

The Truth is that we are all made from the same Source, the Creator. The story of origin lives and dies everywhere all the time.  We are all ordinary in our sameness.  We are all extraordinary light creations in our unique experiences. We are all small. We are all great. Every soul possibility that lives with me, lives within you. That is the substance of God.  It is the love of God that sustains us whether we remember or don’t.

I used to wonder when I was younger, why am I alive?  What is my purpose here?  How did I get here?  By my 30’s, I felt such a deep dark hole near my heart.  I missed something in this lifetime, and yet I didn’t know what it was.  By now, in this stage of my life, I know it was the Light within.  But I have to decide to take the path of truth and love many times over to wake up.  We are all interconnected.  We all do better when we unite.

Anyway, for me, this hole has been my teacher. The spirit which lives within me has chosen to be a  spiritual seeker. I move toward the “whole “open heartedly.  I am an opener of doors. Yet I also  know that to constantly seek can present its own stuck dilemma loop.  Therefore, I aslo love to choose gratitude as well. I tend to rejoice more in the moment.

Personally, I am a Pisces, so I am overly sensitive, creative and very emotional.  This thing called life has been so easy in some ways, but internally not so much.  I live inner struggles all the time by trying to understand how to fit into humanity and its polarities, and to feel, and understand how limiting my beliefs and others can be.

I recognize that in our own way, each of us suffers.  We all feel pain.  Nobody wins the prize for who has it worst.  However, what we decide to do with all that we have been given-that’s what matters.  That’s what give meaning to our lifes.  That’s where we get to join into the school of human evolution.

We have two choices in life really.  A “Yes” or a “No” to what life has to offer us.  Being human, we identify as being individuals.  These are the rules we live by.  I am me.  You are you.  We are taught from and early age, our names, and some type of social order to which we belong.  Our tribe so to speak.  Yet, at some point, do we want to step out?  What does he take to move away from the familiar?

Each tribe has its own resonance.  It’s own ways of doing things.  We belong until we don’t anymore.  It is inherent in all of us that we will  have opportunities to grow. Awareness is moving in and out as waves of new consciousness , intending to wake us up to something bigger than our individual selves. Alas though, we can resist change too.

These tiny brains that we are given soak up everything which is being mirrored to us.  Our identify is formed by all the outer influences and how we dance with them based on our soul configuration and personality. Because we each live different lives we each end up experiencing, accepting and also confronting expriences which are Light Opportunities for us to grow and shift into the Greater Whole.

The 3 Main Core Challenges:

1.  Choose Love or Move Away From It

2.  Take Responsiblity for our Choices and Actions or Deny Life as It IS.  Also included here is to Blame in order to avoid oneself.

3.  Choosing to live authentically or to pretend to be what others want and tell you to be.

For us humans, it’s not so easy to love all the time. Conflict is inherent in indivualism at this point of our evolution.  Some times we are just plain mean spirited.  Often we can see ourselves and others trying to hurt each other. Underneath all of us are woundings that have never been fully met nor understood.  So we repeatedly act out our lower selves. We are living in an illusion of our own making.  Our social media imposes fake reality all the time. With AI emerging, even more so in the future.  Still, we can choose love and light at moment.  It’s available.

Often, it seems so hard to take responsibility for our hurtful and cruel choices.  At a young age, most of of learn to slip the blame somewhere else.  It gives us an instanteous relief.  However, in our youth and until we learn, we don’t realize that the lies we tell ourselves hurts our health, wellbeing and our soul self.  Pointing a finger creates nasty karma when we don’t sense and feel into the consequences of our own negative actions.  Choice point moments are to accept Yourself as you are. You are Light.

One of the most painful things is to live by the standards of others. Although we train for this starting at a young age. We all do.  Eventually though, as we mature, we are intended to break out and find God in our own individuality. I truly believe that is why we are all here. We have these Light Opportunities to transform and transcend beyond what we ever imageined we are capable of. Change can be found in the smallest acts or grandiose.  However evolution enters into your life, you get to choose to hold onto a past that is over.  Or- you can choose to be in your truth and express the true authentic you.  No matter what the cost.  There is profound beauty in being yourself.

This world is a low dark place on many spots.  At the same time, the Brightest, Most Beautiful Compassionate Light is EVERYWHERE.  Sometimes it will be more apparent. Sometimes we have to listen through our senses intently to catch sight.  The best place to begin to look is Within.  Learn to Trust Yourself and to be kind.

In conclusion, God is not “Out There”.  God is in everything.  That includes you too.  Perhaps people have labeled you as “bad”, “not worthy”, or “not wanted.”  But that was them.  Live in your own lane, and follow your heart.  Your reason will align with compassion, kindness and generosity to Self and others that way.

I’ll give you a little hint.  What I have discovered is that the path is going to continue your whole life.  We are not all awakened all at once. No matter what color skin, which religion, or type of job we take. We come here to journey in these skins together.  So take the opporunities one at a time. Learn from your mistakes and glory in the gifts of nature. Everything is here for your taking and understanding.  And when it’s enough, you’ll remember that you are embodied, whole and complete. The seeking stops.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792




7 Ideas How to Discover Your Inner Light

7 Ideas How to Discover Your Inner Light

It’s time to shine Your Inner Light

There are Inner Light  moments in every person’s life that bring an “Ah ha” experience.  Personal Transformation is a gift that is brought to each of us whether we feel ready or not.  Inner Light is always present, waiting until we can accept our True Selves.

When these new awarenesses come to us, we have a choice.  Do we like the familiarity of where we are now in our lives, or are we ready to expand and grow in wisdom and in heart?  If you feel ready to embark into fulfilling your real potential, read on.  These are 7 ideas which can help you navigate your journey:

  • The Hero’s Journey is not for the feint of heart.  Yet it is available for you by committing to know your Authentic Self, and your purpose to be here.  Usually something spurs you into change.  It is often a deep life challenge. In any case, it will take courage and an intention to be self-aware and self-accountable for what you believe, how you feel, and how you act.  Acknowledging this is the beginning.
  • Fear may be waiting at your door.  The sooner that you realize that fear is not the enemy, the doubts will melt away. Fear is a physiological experience in the body.  It is set for survival.  When you start down this path, you will be breaking through old boundaries to move deeper and farther. Allow your fear to guide you into trusting your Higher Self.
  • Teachers will appear.  A teacher can be anything really. It can be a person, a tree, your dog, or even spiritual beings.  Life is full of teachers.  However, there will be guidance that will light the path ahead if you pay attention.
  • Where I went to school and eventually taught, at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing  the next step which was taught was dropping down into the belly of the beast.  What this meant to me was discovering my shadows and my deepest fears and regrets.  Often it is a serious event in your life that feels difficult.  For people, this is natural time to build strength and spiritual context to help us navigate in life and live through positive intention. You and all human beings must face things that we don’t want to face in order to grow.  Can you see this as an opportunity?
  • When you connect to your Core Essence, everything you need will appear.  This doesn’t mean to make life easier, but it does give you the internal resources to transform and become more deeply enlightened.
  • Next, the wave of integration comes and enlivens your cells and your sense of Being.  Your Inner Light shines brighter.
  • Finally you will feel full and connected in ways you never imagined.  Life will become more easy to navigate as you feel more embodied and anchored into your Being.

Right now the earth and all human beings are being called to raise to the next level of enlightenment.  Each of us is unique, but the journey is similar in its construction.  I write this so that you realize that you are not alone when the mystery knocks on your door.  I want to remind your journey is your own, yet will make a huge impact on the rest of us as you strengthen the lines of interconnection of life.

Prayers to all of us and those who who do not choose to move toward the Inner Light. But what a great opportunity for us as people to experience life with transformation and transcendence.  Peace be with you.

Book Recommendation for your journey:  Hands of Light

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

I Don’t Know How to Feel

I Don’t Know How to Feel

Do You Know How to Feel?

From where I am listening, Billie Eilish is taking music to the next level.  Her songs are helping the younger generation to know how to feel. However, it’s not just Gen Z and Gen Alpha, but truly anyone can appreciate the talent she brings forth through her music.  I am in my 60’s, and her albums call me inward.  I am amazed at her mindfulness,  talent and the messages in her music.

Most recently, I have been listening  to her songs a lot. “What I Was Made For” is just one of the many songs that has touched me. An artist, she creates a story about self- discovery.  She takes us through a journey of healing over and over again through her delicate, gentle, and soft storytelling voice.  My guess is that so many people are awakening to feeling through her sound.

I think about the work I do with Craniosacral Therapy. So much of it is about Healing.  Listening to the music inside of each person, there is a symphony waiting to happen.  An expression.  A Happening.  We only need to tune in and blend into the wave and the rhythm. Although it is a very physical process, it’s similar in that it is a mindful dance with life.  Billie is fortunate, in that she delivers on a huge scale exploring how to feel.  Open minds are fortunate in having life teaching through voice in such a courageous and talented way.

I admire the vulnerability in stating the collective human challenge right now in , “I don’t know how to feel”.  So much of the violence which is happening in the world today is because beliefs get in the way of our protected emotions.  We really are at a stage where it is worth the risk to open up more and be our own artists.

I hope that Billie and more young people catch this groove and continue to expose and be transparent and honest.  We need this in the world today.  As a soon to be grandmother, I enjoy seeing the world change, and the people in it.  Let’s move forward for freedom of individuality, but also in love and acceptance for ourselves and for others.

Break the cycle.  Be open to Learn How to Feel!  Open the door.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

How to Change with Ease: Craniosacral Therapy

How to Change with Ease: Craniosacral Therapy

Change Opens Doors…

Do you want to change and get “Unstuck”?  If you do, that big scary thing is going to happen.  Life is going to shift and the ground is going to crumble. Nothing stays the same forever. Life is a constant “happening”.   Deep down, you know that!

Do you ever remember having the feeling that you were caught in a loop? Or maybe a spiral?  It’s that deja vu feeling that you have already lived the dynamic in which you are now repeating.  It gets so old at some point.

So often, we individuals, find ourselves resisting “change”. We fight it.  We yell.  We scream. We run. Anything to stay in the familiar. We protect the past, and refuse to be in the present.  What a crazy thing for us to do.  Right?

The challenge is that our brains are wired this way. We are animals, looking for safety and to meet our basic needs until they are fully met.  Our thoughts of trust and grounding need to be strong in order for us to trust and to let go of the conflict between “change” and “static”.

If you don’t have a compassionate and nurturing past, it makes it much harder to deal and interact from the present “Now”.  Yet it’s never too late to change course.  If you are tired of playing the same story over and over, question your thoughts.  Pray.  Meditate. Find a Therapist or a Friend to get new perspective.

Change is always here with us.  A friend, an opportunity, a gift.  We never get bored with change.  Yet most of us have to find a way to navigate through the ease of change to get to the other side.

About 20 years ago, I moved the focus of my work into Craniosacral Therapy (CST).  I found more than anything,  CST brought me back inward to help me discover the core of myself.  I learned to trust my body, and my other internal and external processes by calming my nervous system, and also by receiving nourishing touch and melding with healthy boundaries.

I have been working for close to 30+ years in the field of healing.  Never have I felt so focused and grounded, and at the same time free and open.  As the body receives new information the old unwinds and opens doors to a deeper connection to Self and to others.  Embraced change brings vulnerability, but it also blesses us with embodied power and love.

If you’d like to find out how Craniosacral Therapy can help you navigate through resistence and change,  look for a Somato Emotion Release Therapist near you.

Sharon Hartnett CST-d

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

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