How To Find Joy by Choosing the Higher Self

How To Find Joy by Choosing the Higher Self

Higher Self

What is the Higher Self?


One could describe the higher self as the deeper, timeless essence of who you are — a part of you that exists beyond the layers of ego, personality, and conditioned thought. It’s like the true center of your being, always in harmony with the universe and imbued with wisdom, love, and clarity. To understand it, think of it as the still, quiet voice within that knows and sees beyond your ordinary perceptions.  This is what Google says anyway. And believe it or not, I agree this is a great description!

In today’s world, there is a lot of suffering and pain. It’s part of he human condition.  It passed down along the lineage and through our cultures and religion.  We get so distracted with the stories from the past, it’s hard to imagine a life of compassion, great wisdom and greatness.  But it’s time to start feeling joy.  Right?

In today’s world, many people think it’s up to us alone to deal with our problems.  Be accountable.  Figure it out.  You can do it. Right?  While this is all true, along the journey of life, sometimes we do need help from others, and also from that place inside of us that transcends time and space.  Inside of us is the whole universe, and when we align with the Higher Self, it will open us up and awaken all the possibilities.  If you are looking for clarity, the Higher Self is the best place to inquire.

There is a good book I recommend by Susan Thesanga called, “The Undefended Self“.  I read this years ago.  And what she says in that book is powerful knowledge even today.

Sometimes, we need to cut through all the patterns of the past and commit to the Higher Path.  Even though it’s hard to let go of the past at times,  beginning to look inward for these wisdom resources will change everything for you.  Begin with mindfulness and prayer.  Listen to the responses that life brings back.  Open up this communication to the Higher Self, and the “old” will dissolve and thee “new” can begin.  Embrace the change and find your Inner Warrior.   Be courageous.  Be strong.  But there is you in making this choice, and there are your allies too.  Remember:). Jump into your Best Timeline.  

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Brennan Healer and more!


703 5091792





Unlocking Your Next Timeline: How to Shift Your Best Life Path 

Unlocking Your Next Timeline: How to Shift Your Best Life Path 

What is Jumping a Timeline?

How did this idea of a Jumping Timeline arise? This shift of consciousness is part of the Great Awakening. I have been in the world of Energy Healing for about 30 years.  I came from a 4 dimensional Healing Model based on Barbara Brennan’s work in “Hands of Light” and also studied and taught at her school.  Things have changed greatly in the last 30 years.  Minds have opened.  Reality has shifted dramatically.

At that time in the 1990’s, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing was a vital “transformer” of consciousness. Barbara brought many of the eastern principles to the West to open the portal for the change of consciousness. Time was spent on healingn oneself, and our relationships as well. Thousands of people across the globe went to her school to learn and to open up.  Even now- being part of that Energy Capsule brings a great perspective of looking at healing in the physical, the auric field, the haric field and in the Core Start (Divine Indivuated You).

More recently though, I heard so much about “Jumping Timelines” and I noticed it showing up so much in spiritual discussions and in books.  Well also on Tic  Toc with the teaching of Bashar. Lots of younger people seem convinced that we can jump timelines by just imagining our best selves. Kind of like looking at a book with many chapters. With each chapter as one possible version of how things can be. When you skip to the other, reality shifts. This means your reality is fluid and can shift, creating new possibilities. This paradigm reminds me a bit of Joe Dispenza’s work of transformation into a new personality and a new life.

Personally, I am still grappling, not with the understanding from my POV, but that of what do these other people mean? Are they personally experiencing timeline shifts?  What does that look like for these individuals?

Questions:  For people, does it mean setting an intention?  Does it mean visualizing and making a new choice? Is this about the multiverse and quantum physics?  How much do we truly understand this?  Even with AI… How much do our ordinary mindset’s open up to how vast the processing of consciousness and technology can be?  We are in the midst of great change here on earth now. Do you feel it?  Big changes within human consciousness and all of life is at a tipping point. Where will this take us?

I believe that all of this is fascinating.  I stay so curious about all the possibilities.  The smartest thing I know about myself is how much I “don’t know”.  Life is about living in the mystery and living in the moment if we want to live fully.

At the same time,  I just don’t think humanity is at a point where we can force our thinking to taking us to the next level.  There are many levels of consciousness that need to align first.  We need to find a way to free ourselves from attachment to the past, and fear of the future.  I am not suggesting forgetting again, but integrating!  To move to the next timeline means gaining clarity and find effortless in the new moment as Eckart Tolle teaches.

Instead, right now-I think we are living on a planet where there is deep duality still. There’s so much suffering, pain and trauma. It’s not yet easy to just flip the switch for most of us. Instead, I think this is the time to face ourselves, to accept who we are, and to move with grace. Yes, to imagining our “best” selves in the future, tapping into our wholesness.  But living in the moment is where it all is.

I think it’s best to create an invitation in our mindset of the thinking about our “wholeness”.  The things we care about or long for most likely live in a parallel universe, but that universe is HERE.  Dealing with what we are creating, the responses to that and the all external environment.

For many years, Light Workers have been working and holding a space for growth and jumping timelines. The next generation are learning and awakening exponentially. In so many ways, they are moving so much quicker than we did. What took us years, takes them weeks spiritually to feel and to understand. Many are born with spiritual gifts. A great example are the children with autism who are non-verbal.  You can learn about this at:  The Telepathy Tapes. But still, we need to bridge the way even more. We can’t bypass the challenges to jump ahead. The passing of the baton is the way through transformation, transcendence and consciousness awakening.

How to Jump the Timeline

If we want to be jumping timeline it takes mindfulness, authenticity, effort and also stillness. It’s an invitation and a step forward.

Living Here is the way of Jumping Timeline. Be yourself. Choose love.  Self-Discover your deepest wisdom. Have the willingness to be open to the Unknown. Make the commitment.

More than anything, realize it means feeling and knowing your shadow and your darkness.  Being brave enough to walk through the fire to the Light.  You can’t bypass your way into a better reality. However, you can make the move.  It’s up to you.

Things are Happening

Right now, so many changes both in the Light and Dark are here. Love has come to awaken all of us.  This is your chance to be Jumping Timelines, but what that means is making the best life for you right here, right now now, and seeing how that change ripples through the Universe.

If this Sounds Interesting to You

Let’s talk about where you are spiritually right now.  Let’s set up a 15 minute free phone consultation to see if I can help lead you to your best version of yourself.  If you want to feel that sense of empowerment to level up, I’d love to support you on your journey!  Or- just share your thoughts here!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

Brennan Healer and Teacher

703 509-1792







How to Find Yourself in the Healing Process

How to Find Yourself in the Healing Process


The Healing Process is built on many moments of Life.

The Truth: Moments Unfolding with Change is Authentic Healing. Things do change instanteously and miraculously, but often in life relationships and time, one experience leads into another. The same thing occurs with the healing process.


For people hoping to Heal

Slow it Down With Grace

I get that you want things to happen quickly, and that’s totally normal.  You may also want to feel a deep shift in the first session.We live in a world where everything feels like it’s supposed to happen now. Or maybe you have been feeling uncomfortable or in pain for a long time. I get that can be difficult.  However, when it comes to life and healing, the truth is, the “process” is where all the real growth and change happens. Healing isn’t like flipping a switch, it’s like planting a seed. You can’t rush a seed to grow into a tree—it takes time, care, and patience.

In the process, you’re learning, adjusting, and becoming stronger. It’s not always easy, and it can feel frustrating, but the struggle is actually what builds resilience. Think of it like lifting weights—at first, you can’t handle much, but little by little, your strength increases. That’s how emotional growth works too. It’s in the moments that feel slow, or even stagnant, that you’re really building the foundation for long-term change.

So while you may want results now, the process is what makes those results sustainable. If you skip steps or try to rush it, you might end up back where you started, without having truly learned what you needed to. The key is to trust that the process, though uncomfortable at times, is actually your path to the very thing you’re craving—whether it’s peace, strength, clarity. It’s all happening in the journey, not just at the destination.

I share this with you because unrealistic expectations can actually stop the healing. In order to avoid disappointment, realize that the Healer is within You and it will happen as you are truly ready. A therapist or healer can help meet those places inside that desire change. They can nudge and hold a healing space for that change to happen. But most importantly your Higher Self must be tapped into for those places that feel stuck and may need to feel reassured in many different ways and on different levels.

The Journey of Healing is an ongoing process. Perhaps what you need will be resolved in one session. But it’s important for you to realize that the more complex the issues, more likely your healing team will need to re-evaluate on an ongoing basis.

One thing is certain though. Healing is an investment into yourself. You are worth it, and miracles can happen. Still be patient with yourself and the process. The flow will take you into the most unexpected and special places.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D



What is Something New You Learned about Yourself Lately?

What is Something New You Learned about Yourself Lately?


Awakening Yourself

To Awaken to yourself is the most powerful thing you can do. Feeling confident about your life, and the choices you make shape everything. Unburdening yourself from limitations is freeing.

Often people who come in for Craniosacral Therapy can feel stressed, a bit lost, anxious, or in pain. Something feels off, and the person may not understand why they feel the way they do. Maybe there are pieces under the level of consciousness- stored in the cellular memory. Working through the mind body connection can be quite powerful.

Craniosacral can help ground you more firmly into your life.

Working with a Craniosacral Therapist can shift everything.  Some of the ways this can happen in a session are:

1.  Presence:  The holding of neutral space creates trust and safety.

2.  Respecting boundaries helps define you and your comfort level.

3.  Craniosacral Therapy taps into the Craniosacral System which nourishes and keeps the Nervous System Healthier and in balance.

4.   Certified Techniques and Skill level can release and help integrate old wounding and trauma. This makes space for potential awakening to knowing oneself more deeply.  it can bring more meaning to life.

5.  An Experienced Craniosacral Therapist supports the Awakening Process by training with open dialogue which is centered on Self-Discovery.  Ask about SomatoEmotional Release Work.

Craniosacral Therapy takes an Osteopathic approach to manual therapy.  It focuses on trusting your body to find the internal discovery and healing processes within.

If you feel you have tried so many things but nothing helps, giving Craniosacral Therapy a change may help shift you into a Light Awakening.  It’s so gentle, yet profound.

One of the best things that you can learn about yourself is Self-Empowerment through curiosity, and sensing into your own body and sense of Self.

What have you learned about yourself and what can help you move forward as you continue to open up?

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

SomatoEmotional Release Therapy Certified through Upledger

703 509-1792

Columbus, Ohio Area.






Remembering Your Life Purpose: Craniosacral Therapy

Find Your Life Purpose

Looking for a way to find a meaningful purpose in your life?  Before you can set your intention and organize, you have to figure out your passion!  Here are three things to consider which can help you deepen into clarity:

1.  Ask yourself what brought you joy when your were little?  Not necessarily your best talents, but instead-the things that brought a smile to your face.  On a soul level, right from the start we know what lights us up.  Until maybe someone perhaps tried to steer you off course based on their point of view. Take some time to meditate and remember who You are.  You were born with an internal roadmap for self-discovery and purpose. Now you need to discard anything that stops you from knowing your true Self.

2.  Craniosacral Therapy can help. Often in life, we get distracted with all the other paths put before us. We are told many stories, and pulled in so many directions. Sometimes, we forget what matters most to us. Reconnect to Yourself.

If you want to get grounded and feel more embodied, one helpful option is receiving Craniosacral Therapy. Many clients who come into my practice are stressed. Often I see people who are neurodivergent thinkers. Some are feeling lost, living with constant anxiety, and feeling stuck in learned limited belief systems which can rev up the nervous system. In vulnerable times, another “listening” support system can facilitate change and healing.

Craniosacral Therapy is very helpful in bringing health and balance to the mind, body and spirit connection.  For people feeling anxious and overwhelmed, they usually end up feeling much calmer after a session. For those who are stuck or noticing “ftozen blocks, this work can help mobilize and bring more flow into life.

Craniosacral Therapy is a safe and nurturing manual therapy.  In the higher levels of training, we are trained to support trauma release and integration of detrimental cellular memory.  We create sacred space for your body to inform us what is needed in the moment to move onward with more harmony and clarity. Knowing yourself naturally awakens your purpose and calling.

3.  Gather resources and take action.  How you decide to live in your passion is up to you.  It doesn’t have to look like anyone else. Your uniqueness and special creativity is meant for you to fly. It’s all about getting aligned with your energy to build the life that brings meaning and purpose to your soul.  Life is too short to live any other way.

Through life, we go through many different transitions. Being mildful and in healthy relationships brings ease as we move from one experience into another..Especially when your relationship to yourself is strong, clear and unfolding in a way that awakens your true longing. 

You came here to share your gifts with great purpose!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


Choose to Love Change

Choose to Love Change


You Can Change Your World

Are you willing to Change? In today’s world there seems to be a deep division.One of trying to go back and holding onto something from the past. Or perhaps a fear about a “different”  future. On the other side of the split,  people embrace change. Life is vital and dynamic. Which one feels healthier and more beneficial to you?

As a Craniosacral Therapist, most people who come see me are stuck either in the past or anxious about the future. Often I listen to their stories about “overwelm“.   I feel.  Simply because we all have a stories and attachments to things we care or fear about..  Mostly, what I notice as a therapist, is that the underlying anxiety or stres is not current.  It’s an attachment to something else in another timeframe.

My job is to listen and meld in the moment with my clients by connecting to their Craniosacral Rhythm.I primarily focus on the Craniosacral System’s nourishing qualities. There is something so precious about the exchange of experience by being in “the moment” with another. In the body, it’s easy to feel that in life, there is always blending and change. Blood and other fluids are flowing. The Nervous System is sending information. Dialgoue is ubiquitious in the internal workings of the.mind, body and spirit connection.

My constant observation is that if we want to heal, we do need to open up to change.  Letting go of all ideas, and blossoming into the New. Static holding in a compressed state is very limiting. The soul wants to grow and find joy in life when it discovers freedom.  Staying the same or caught in the net of the past only creates suffering.

What I feel in every person I touch is their Inner Light.  That light is always buzzing and alive. Human Beings are moving through time and space in a unique journey. In the moment, we can align with what is real and  current, or we can live in the past and get trapped in habits and stories. Fortunately,the Intelligence that lives inside all of us deepens as we step into change, embracing, rather than resisting.

Craniosacral Therapy is a body centered type of manual therapy which is gentle, and supportive. By tapping into the Inner Wisdom, of each individual, something stirs and awakens into the Greater Whole. The nervous system seems to balance, and most people say that they can better regulate and navigate more easily through life after doing Craniosacral Therapy.

I’d like to ask you, if you hold onto anything good or bad from the past- how does that serve you?

Being Present is where freedom and compassion live.  Change is inevitable.  Unfolding is natural and organic.  It’s your choice!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


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